Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 837 Winter Palace

With so many people scattered together to inquire about information, Ye Lin naturally no longer needs to go into battle in person. Now there is no difference between him and him.

What he has to do now is to wait for news from his senior sister.

Ye Lin looked at the core area of ​​the ice field.

From previous high-altitude views, we know that the igloos closer to the core area are larger and have better conditions.

Next, he will most likely have to live on the Winter Safety Island for a while. Now that so many people are following him, it is necessary to have an ice sheet of large enough scale.

Ao Lingshuang handed over a jade slip.

"The palaces in the Winter Icefield are divided into five. The largest palace, the Winter Emperor Palace, has been occupied by the god-transforming monk Evil Dragon True Lord. Even though Evil Dragon True Lord left, no one came to challenge him. The remaining four palaces are all on the Galaxy List. The famous monks on the list occupy it, and all of them have attained the level of Out-of-body Dzogchen. Is your husband going to seize one of the four palaces, or look for other smaller igloos?"

Ye Lin said lightly after hearing this.

"Since I am destined to fight to the death with True Lord Evil Dragon, of course I have to occupy his palace first. Others dare not challenge his authority, but I have to do it!"

With that said, Ye Lin strode towards the center of the plain, the most majestic, tallest and largest ice palace in the area.

Hearing this, Ao Lingshuang's complexion changed slightly. She was shocked that Ye Lin wanted to openly challenge the authority of the gods, and she was even a little frightened.

The god-transformation monk is the most terrifying existence in any mortal world. Any action may change the pattern of various races. In the Continent of Ten Thousand Nations, he is almost a legendary existence.

As for Ye Lin, his current cultivation level is still in the middle stage of out-of-body cultivation. Compared with the existence of the transformed god, it is truly heaven and earth.

If an ordinary monk made such a decision, Ao Lingshuang would probably think that he was crazy or seeking death. But when Ye Lin made such a decision, her pretty face turned slightly pale and she did not say a word to persuade Ye Lin to give up such a decision. A dangerous move, but instead tried his best to cooperate with Ye Lin and explain the information about True Lord Evil Dragon to Ye Lin in detail.

The reason why she is like this.

Firstly, she believed that Ye Lin would never act recklessly. Since he decided to fight to the death with the Avatar, he must have something to rely on.

Secondly, True Lord Evil Dragon is now chasing Fairy Qingyao, and Fairy Qingyao has a transcendent status in Ye Lin's heart. If he tells Ye Lin to try to avoid True Lord Evil Dragon's sharp edges, Ye Lin will definitely be unhappy. This is A big taboo for being a Ye Lin Taoist monk.

Qin Jin'er seemed to have expected it, and followed Ye Lin with a calm expression.

In Qin Jin'er's view, although Ye Lin has a large number of Taoist companions, no matter which Taoist monk is chased by a monk in the transformation stage, he will not hesitate to fight to the death. It is Ye Lin's responsibility to protect the people around him. in principle.

Ye Lin's arrival attracted the attention of many monks. Not long after, more than ten monks followed him. They followed from a distance and closely observed Ye Lin's every move. Presumably many of them lived on the winter safety island. Information dealers, and other monks are simply curious about what Ye Lin is going to do.

"The leading male monk looks a bit familiar... I remembered it. He is the monk surnamed Ye who is ranked twenty-fifth on the Galaxy Ranking. Half a year ago, he relied on two amazingly powerful high-grade Taoist tools to defeat the Wild Sea Realm in one fell swoop. His Royal Highness Silver Dragon, according to intelligence, his full name is Ye Lin, and he is said to come from an unknown third-class mortal realm called Wanguo Continent!”

Ye Lin did not reveal his full name or true face when he fought with His Highness Yinlong. The reason why these people knew it was because other hostile monks from the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent sold Ye Lin's information to intelligence dealers.

"Follow up quickly. Ye Lin hasn't shown up for a long time. Now that he has arrived at the Winter Safety Island, he will most likely get an igloo to stay in. If he really fights other out-of-body Dzogchen monks, what will happen? What a show!”

"Nowadays, many monks have doubts about Ye Lin's strength. Many people think that Ye Lin is not qualified to be ranked 25th on the Galaxy List. His previous battle with His Highness the Silver Dragon was completely opportunistic. He happened to have two items to restrain the Silver Dragon. If His Highness's high-grade Taoist weapon encounters other out-of-body Dzogchen monks, he will definitely fail miserably."

"How come I still heard from the monks from the world of Huangquan that Ye Lin also defeated the Lord Huangquan. The rosary of the Ghost King of the Ten Directions in his hand is the best proof..."

"I also heard that if the monk from Huangquan World hadn't provided the information, Ye Lin's ranking would have fallen off the list. In short, his true strength is still a mystery."

"He is really heading towards the core area of ​​the ice field. Which of the four Winter Palaces will he choose to challenge? These four palaces are all occupied by powerful monks ranked more than ten on the Galaxy List."

"What happened? He didn't stay in any of the Winter Palaces for a long time. Instead, he headed towards the Winter Palace. That's the palace occupied by True Lord Evil Dragon. He must be crazy!"

"Have you lost your mind? This person probably just went to visit True Lord Evil Dragon. It is impossible to challenge him. True Lord Evil Dragon has been away from the Winter Safe Island for several months. Who have you seen challenge him?"

"That's right. Even if True Lord Evil Dragon is not here, his influence is still there. Even if a monk who is in the early stages of leaving his body is left to guard the palace, no one would dare to offend him."

There were more and more monks following Ye Lin, and there were more and more voices discussing him. Ye Lin turned a deaf ear to this. These people were a little annoying, but on the safety island, Ye Lin had nothing to do with them.

About half an hour later, Ye Lin and others arrived in front of the Winter Palace. They saw that the Winter Palace in the center of the ice field was extremely majestic. The gate was carved with dragons and phoenixes, and there were countless pavilions and pavilions in the palace. It was impossible to see at a glance. The end.

Boom, boom, boom!

Ye Lin knocked on the door of the Winter Palace.

Soon after, the blue jade door of the imperial palace, which was more than ten feet high, suddenly opened, and a handsome and tall male monk wearing gorgeous clothes with real dragon patterns embroidered on his robes walked out of the door.

This person's cultivation level is impressively beyond the realm of Dzogchen.

When the monk in dragon robe saw Ye Lin, he was slightly startled, and then showed a sneer.

"Who did I think it was? It turned out to be you. I wonder why your friend came here today!"

Even ordinary intelligence dealers know Ye Lin's information, and as Long Tianyang's side, he naturally knows more. According to Long Tianyang, Ye Lin possesses a treasure and is the mortal enemy of the Ten Thousand Dragon Immortal Dynasty in the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent.

And he is the proud prince of the Ten Thousand Dragons Immortal Dynasty in the small spiritual world.

Ye Lin said calmly.

"I ask you two questions. The first question is, do you know the current specific location of True Lord Evil Dragon?"

The dragon-robed monk smiled.

"Of course I know, but why should I tell you? That's all. I know that Fairy Qingyao is your Taoist companion. Now Senior Zhenjun is afraid that he has successfully captured your Taoist companion. Your Taoist companion is extremely beautiful, Zhenjun I really like it. As for what you can do after you capture it, I don’t think I need to say anything more.”

Ye Lin's expression remained unchanged and he was not panicked at all.

"Second question, the sovereignty token of this imperial palace is in your control."

Hearing this, the dragon-robed monk burst out laughing.

"In my hands, so what. You are just a monk in the middle of the out-of-body experience. You can only show off your authority in front of those idiots. In front of the True Lord, you are nothing more than an ant. Do you dare to seize the True Lord's palace?"

Ye Lin showed a smile.

"Ye has his sights set on this imperial palace!"


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