Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 836 Winter Safe Island

Ao Lingshuang said: "This is natural, and I have already made preparations. During the period of your departure, we exchanged resources with other monks and obtained a directional teleportation order for the Winter Safety Island. A month ago, we had already sent one person Went to the Winter Safety Island to collect information."

"However, it is not easy to collect directional teleportation orders sent directly through the ancient teleportation array. In the past month, we have not collected any. Then we will start to collect directional teleportation orders to the hurricane safety island with all our strength. Once found, If the transmission conditions are suitable, you can go there first and we will follow."

Ye Lin shook his head slightly when he heard this.

"Don't go to such trouble. Just leave three people on the hurricane safety island to guard the other allies who will arrive later. The rest of the people will be teleported to the winter safety island with me. The more people who can collect information, the better. The efficiency of one person is too slow. ”

Ao Lingshuang smiled bitterly when she heard this.

"My husband doesn't know. This directional teleportation order with simple activation conditions is extremely difficult to obtain. Sometimes you may not be able to exchange for the three middle-grade Taoist tools..."

Before Ao Lingshuang could finish speaking, Ye Lin saw a flash of light in his hand, and a large pile of simple teleportation orders appeared. Looking carefully, they all read "Winter Safety Island Directional Teleportation Order, activation conditions, Ancient teleportation array area.”

Ao Lingshuang's beautiful eyes couldn't help but widen, her mouth opened slightly, and she was speechless for a moment.

There are at least a dozen pieces in this pile, and their value is only higher than forty or fifty top-grade middle-grade Taoist tools. The most important thing is that the directional transmission order is hard to come by. In many cases, it is enough to have enough middle-grade Taoist tools in your hand. You may not be able to get a teleportation order.

"How come there are so many...and they are all exactly the same."

Qin Jin'er stood up on the side.

"Now our husband is worth a lot. He has obtained thousands of different teleportation orders from the last opportunity. There are hundreds of directional teleportation orders to the hurricane safety island. Not only that, he has also obtained three arbitrary teleportation orders. , any teleportation order is activated once every five hundred Immortal Essence Stones, and as long as it passes through the ancient teleportation array, it can be teleported to any other ancient teleportation array."

Ao Lingshuang opened her mouth even wider, her chest heaved continuously, and her breathing became rapid. She even suspected that she had heard wrongly...

Ye Lin, who was a little anxious, also stood up.

"Anyway, the teleportation order is enough. You can go and give instructions to the others. We will set off immediately."

After reacting, Ao Lingshuang nodded repeatedly like a chicken pecking at rice, stood up quickly, and after a cup of tea, she had already made preparations, summoned more than a dozen allies, and Ye Lin took the Xiaolan and rushed towards the ancient teleportation array. .

Not long after, the ancient teleportation array shone brightly into the sky. When Ye Lin opened his eyes again, he saw that the sky and the earth were the same color, filled with white snow.


The cold wind howled.

A layer of white frost quickly formed on Ye Lin's hair and eyebrows.

"Is this the Winter Safety Island? Where do the monks live?"

Because Ye Lin arrived at the hurricane safety island for the first time to release his spiritual consciousness, it attracted the attention of the powerful god-turned-god-god Sword Immortal. With the lessons learned from the past, Ye Lin did not dare to release his spiritual consciousness at will to explore the surrounding situation on the safe island.

Ao Lingshuang took out a roll of maps.

"This is a map of the Winter Safety Island. The settlement is on this ice sheet."

Ye Lin glanced at the map and nodded slightly.

Ao Lingshuang seemed to know that Ye Lin would come to the Winter Safety Island to look for Fairy Qingyao as soon as possible, so she was very well prepared.

Ye Lin randomly summoned Xiao Lan who turned into the size of a house. Everyone sat on Xiao Lan's back and sped towards a towering ice field in the east as shown on the map.

Not long after, Ye Lin saw blood-colored igloos on the ice field. Some igloos covered a huge area, were magnificent, and had all kinds of pavilions and pavilions, like palaces where emperors lived. Some were just a igloo made of ice. The round huts look extremely shabby compared to these palace-like igloos.

When Ye Lin arrived above the ice field, a look of disappointment appeared on his face.

He did not feel the breath of his senior sister, who was not on the winter safety island.

But he felt the breath of five or six allies.

Ye Lin overlooked the igloos one after another, and finally locked on to several igloos on the edge of the ice sheet.

"They are over there, let's go down."

Xiaolan carried Ye Lin and his party down quickly. Soon, Ye Lin and his party appeared in front of a small snow-white igloo and knocked on the door.

Not long after, a graceful female monk in palace attire opened the door of the igloo. When she saw Ye Lin, Qin Jin'er, Ao Lingshuang and more than a dozen allies, she showed a look of surprise.

"Why are you all here..."

This woman is the monk Ao Lingshuang sent from the Hurricane Safety Island to the Winter Safety Island. Ye Lin has some impressions of this person. She is a royal monk of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty. According to blood relationship, this girl is Qin Jin'er's sister. He also wants to call her "Emperor Sister", her name is Qin Xiao'e.

However, Qin Jin'er and Ye Lin had high status in the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, so she naturally did not dare to call herself the imperial sister. She was also very respectful to Ye Lin and Qin Jin'er on weekdays.

Ye Lin asked directly without talking nonsense.

"Have you obtained the latest information about my senior sister Fairy Qingyao?"

Qin Xiao'e shook her head in embarrassment.

"Not yet. Fairy Qingyao was hunted down more than a month ago. After she escaped into the starry sky outside the territory, there is no news."

Ye Lin asked again.

"What about the information about True Lord Evil Dragon and Long Tianyang?"

Qin Xiao'e also smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Evil Dragon True Lord and Long Tianyang both disappeared into the starry sky together with Fairy Qingyao. There is currently no latest information."

"Moreover... our resources have been very tight this month, and the intelligence collection work has not been very smooth. Maybe their intelligence has been transmitted back, but we have not been able to know it."

Ye Lin nodded. At first, their base camp was at the hurricane safety island. He teleported to the winter safety island alone and took away not many resources. No wonder she was not good at gathering intelligence.

He said to Ao Lingshuang beside him: "Let's let go of the people who collect intelligence first. This time we won't use mid-grade Taoist tools to exchange for intelligence, but will use various directional transmission orders. As long as we can provide real and useful intelligence, we will give three yuan "Directed transmission order, the specific type of transmission order can be freely chosen by the intelligence provider."

"We want intelligence to come to our doorsteps proactively."

Ao Lingshuang's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard this.

"Directed teleportation orders are hard to come by, and they are very attractive to the monks. In this way, our intelligence collection will be much easier. As long as Fairy Qingyao, Long Tianyang, and True Lord Evil Dragon appear in the eyes of other monks, we You should find out soon.”

Ye Lin nodded. He waved his sleeves and robes, and dozens of monks transformed into spiritual insects appeared in front of Ye Lin. These people were all specially trained intelligence collectors.

"You all also disperse together and be sure to find the exact location of Senior Sister as soon as possible!"


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