Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 834 Horrible Harvest

Passing through the space tornado, Ye Lin and his party quickly rushed to an ancient teleportation array located in the east of this small world.

Xiao Qiang held a scarlet long sword in his left hand and an ice-blue scimitar in his right hand. He carried a sword box with 27 flying swords on his back, and his smile was almost to his ears.

"Hahaha, I, Xiao Qiang, have a day to have two top-grade Taoist weapons as weapons!"

That's right!

The weapons in Xiao Qiang's left and right hands are both powerful top-grade Taoist weapons. The flying sword on the left is called "Red Rainbow Sword" and the one on the right is called "Ice Soul Sword". Although the two weapons have been affected by the decay of time, their power has dropped greatly and their toughness has also decreased a lot, but they are still genuine top-grade Taoist weapons.

As long as Xiao Qi is given a certain amount of time, he can completely repair these two top-grade Taoist weapons.

As for where these two top-grade Taoist weapons came from, they were naturally obtained from the longevity treasure box opened in Xingyue Pavilion before.

Ye Lin had more than 100 million spirit insects, and opened more than 100 million low-grade treasure chests in total, consuming more than 6 billion years of life in total, so the harvest was naturally quite rich.

Even if the probability of opening a high-grade Taoist artifact from a low-grade life treasure chest is only one in a few million, more than 100 million spirit insects can open dozens of high-grade Taoist artifacts.

The only drawback is that Xingyue Pavilion is very pitfall. All the high-grade Taoist artifacts opened from the low-grade life treasure chests have been decayed by time, and the degree of decay is different. The worst high-grade Taoist artifact robe has several big holes in it, and it is estimated that it will collapse if it is hit by a powerful person who has reached the Great Perfection of the Out-of-Body Realm.

Even the best-preserved ones have greatly reduced their power and are difficult to fight against the intact high-grade Taoist artifacts such as the Ten Directions Ghost King Prayer Beads and the Nine Tribulations Dragon Balls.

Even so, Ye Lin is still very satisfied.

He obtained a total of 47 decayed high-grade Taoist artifacts from Xingyue Pavilion, of which 21 can still be barely used, and the remaining 26 are unusable and need urgent repair.

Repairing a top-grade Taoist weapon is much easier than refining one. Xiaoqi estimates that it will take the entire weapon refining factory two to three years to refine a top-grade Taoist weapon from scratch, while it only takes a few months to repair one.

Unfortunately, Xiaoqi has no spare time now. He is still making the top-grade Taoist weapon Hanxue Sword for Qin Jiner, and he must take advantage of this opportunity to improve his weapon refining attainments.

The Hanxue Sword itself has an excellent sword embryo, so it takes less than two or three years to make it. At present, most of it has been completed. It will probably be completed in a few months. By then, Xiaoqi can start to repair these more than 40 top-grade Taoist weapons. After the repair, Xiaoqi's weapon refining attainments will definitely be greatly improved. In the future, it will be many times easier to refine top-grade Taoist weapons from scratch.

At first, the Toad Shopkeeper of Xingyue Pavilion was happy to see Ye Lin constantly summoning spirit insects to buy life treasure boxes, but later he couldn't smile anymore.

Especially when Ye Lin proposed to do it again, and let all the spirit insects come out to get more than 100 million treasure chests for free, the Toad Shopkeeper said three words to Ye Lin with a sweaty smile - sold out.

Ye Lin actually bought out all the low-grade treasure chests in Xingyue Pavilion at once.

This made Ye Lin a little disappointed, and Ye Lin asked when he would have more goods.

The Toad Shopkeeper replied that it would be ten thousand years later, and Ye Lin regretfully gave up.

After all, opening a low-grade treasure chest is very cheap for him, but the benefits are great. The first time all the staff opened the treasure chest, they could get more than 40 high-grade Taoist tools. If it is repeated five times, wouldn’t he be able to get more than 200 decayed high-grade Taoist tools at once?

In this way, he left Xingyue Pavilion with the warm farewell of the Toad Shopkeeper and the wailing and pleading of the Dragon Snake Shopkeeper.

In addition to the harvest of top-grade Taoist artifacts, Ye Lin obtained thousands of various teleportation orders, hundreds of heaven-level skills and spells, 5,000 decayed middle-grade Taoist artifacts, 1,000 intact middle-grade Taoist artifacts, and 100,000 low-grade Taoist artifacts.

The most important thing is that he also obtained the natural materials and treasures used to refine a large number of Taoist artifacts.

Before, Ye Lin was still worried about how to collect all the natural materials and treasures for refining various top-grade Taoist artifacts. Unexpectedly, he collected 80% to 90% from the Xingyue Pavilion. The remaining 10% or 20% Ye Lin planned to return to the safe island to trade with other cultivators.

In addition to these main treasures, there are also some messy treasures, such as various elixirs, spirit stones, demon spirit bodies, and even demon god will bodies, keys to open the secret treasures of the Galaxy Secret Realm, ruins maps... and other treasures.

From Ye Lin's perspective, this trip to the Xingyue Pavilion was opportunistic and exploited the loopholes in the rules of the Xingyue Pavilion, so he gained huge benefits.

But from the perspective of Xingyue Pavilion, there is no such thing as taking advantage of loopholes. They collect lifespans and sell goods, making only profits and no losses. Ye Lin's side has paid a total of more than 6 billion years of lifespan. Just thinking about it is terrifying.

It is also because of this that Xingyue Pavilion will not restrict insect cultivators and beast masters from letting spirit insects and spirit beasts buy treasure chests. They deliberately left a loophole and waited for customers to exploit it. When customers exploit the loophole, they can get a huge amount of lifespan and luck benefits.

Moreover, letting spirit beasts and spirit insects exploit loopholes to buy treasure chests seems to have extremely low risks, but in fact it is not. Ye Lin relies on the strong control of the insect emperor bloodline and the ancient ring to make the spirit insects sober up and forcibly suppress their gambling nature. Ordinary beast masters and insect cultivators do not have this condition. If things go wrong, the spirit insects and beasts will not obey directly. If the master does not allow the treasure chest to be bought, the spirit insects and spirit beasts will be affected by the gambling nature and can only bite the master directly.

Now, Ye Lin has a lot of teleportation orders, but he found that all directional teleportation orders have conditional restrictions, either to collect enough demon spirit bodies, or to be used in special environments and special places. Some of these conditions are easy to achieve, while others are extremely difficult to achieve.

Since there is an ancient teleportation array in this small world of yellow sand, Ye Lin and Qin Jin'er plan to teleport directly from the ancient teleportation array to the Hurricane Safety Island.

To be on the safe side, in the Xingyue Pavilion, only the spirit insects bought treasure chests, and Ye Lin and Qin Jin'er did not buy any treasure chests.

More than an hour later, Ye Lin and his party drove the Fengshenzhou slowly out of a huge tornado in the small world of yellow sand. As they entered the ancient teleportation array area, the storm gradually disappeared.

Qin Jin'er put away the Fengshenzhou, and Ye Lin put all the spirit insects into the ancient ring space. The two looked at each other, held hands, and crushed the directional teleportation talisman of the Hurricane Safety Island at the same time.

As two white lights flashed through the sky and the earth, when Ye Lin opened his eyes again, he had left the small world full of yellow sand and returned to the familiar Hurricane Safety Island.

Qin Jiner stood beside him.

Ye Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally back."

At this time, it had been almost half a year since Ye Lin went to Jiufengjian Mountain to meet Qin Jiner, and it had also been almost half a year since the Xinghe Secret Treasure was opened.

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