Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 833 One Hundred Million Treasure Chests

Then, all the little bugs surrounded the Toad Shopkeeper and said in unison.

"I want a low-grade life treasure chest!"

"I want a medium-grade life treasure chest..."

"Give me a high-grade life treasure chest!"

The Toad Shopkeeper was beaming with joy, while the Dragon Snake Shopkeeper was jealous with red eyes. He hugged Ye Lin's thigh and continued to persuade Ye Lin to buy his fortune treasure chest, but Ye Lin ignored him.

Even though these two shopkeepers were extremely powerful, they seemed to be restricted and could not attack customers or force sales. Otherwise, they could just subdue the people who entered the store and suck away their life and fortune, and there was no need to sell treasure chests at all.

The Toad Shopkeeper opened his mouth and swallowed tens of thousands of life silk threads into his stomach. Then he stretched out his toad claws and waved: "This is the treasure chest of all customers. Considering your size, the treasure chests have added space power and shrunk synchronously. The treasures opened can be restored to normal size as long as they are taken out of the treasure chest."

As he spoke, a spiritual light flashed, and a miniature treasure chest appeared in front of each spirit insect.

Ye Lin found that the low-grade treasure chest looked like rough stone, the medium-grade treasure chest was made of spiritual wood, and the high-grade treasure chest was made of crystal clear jade.

No matter which kind of treasure chest it was, it gave Ye Lin an ancient and mysterious feeling that could not be penetrated by his spiritual consciousness.

The Toad Shopkeeper glanced at the ring on Ye Lin's finger.

"It seems to be an extraordinary space treasure, but you have to pay attention that all treasure chests can only be opened in the Xingyue Pavilion. If you leave the Xingyue Pavilion, the treasure chest will be empty."

This sentence dispelled Ye Lin's idea of ​​putting the spirit insect and the treasure chest into the ancient ring space.

Ye Lin said: "Open it right here!"

There was a series of "click-click" sounds, and all the shrunken treasure chests were opened. Suddenly, different colors of light bloomed in various treasure chests.

The spirit insects began to share their gains from opening the treasure chests.

"What the hell, there is only a pile of rotten wood in my treasure chest, not even spiritual wood... it turns into debris when touched."

"I am even more unlucky, my treasure chest is actually empty!"

"Hehe, what's the big deal, there is actually a pile of dog shit in my treasure chest, I just tasted it and it was really dog ​​shit, it tastes good, I'll take it back and let my dung beetle son taste it, maybe there will be another opportunity."

"Hahaha, you are all weak, I opened a hundred immortal yuan stones and a low-grade Taoist weapon in my treasure chest... but it is a medium-grade treasure chest..."

"Master, there is a teleportation order in my treasure chest..."

"I also opened a teleportation order, but there is only one teleportation order."

"In my high-grade treasure chest The guaranteed mid-grade Taoist weapon turned out to be rotten and almost falling apart. Toad Shopkeeper, your business is too dishonest. You are deceiving consumers! "

"Master, my treasure chest is full of high-quality refining materials. Hahahaha, I just opened a low-grade treasure chest, but it turned out to be refining materials that can be used to refine high-grade Taoist weapons."

"Master, my treasure chest has also been shipped. A set of mid-grade Taoist sword formations came out of the low-grade treasure chest!"

"Master, I really want to buy another treasure chest and open it. I have a hunch that the next treasure chest will definitely make a fortune. Master, let me try."

"Master, I want to try again too. I still have a lot of life left."

Ye Lin glanced over and knew what the spirit insects had gained.

In general, high-quality treasure chests are indeed more reliable, but the degree of reliability is very limited. Most of them are seriously at a loss, and a small part can open priceless rare treasures.

Ninety-nine out of a hundred low-quality treasure chests are filled with garbage, and about one thousand low-quality treasure chests can open a directional transmission order, and three thousand low-quality treasure chests can open a box of various Qi-refining materials that can be used to refine high-quality Taoist tools.

Seeing that the eyes of the spirit insects were very hot and they were very eager to continue to consume their lifespans to buy treasure chests, Ye Lin didn't waste any words and directly waved his hand to put all the treasure chests and spirit insects into the ancient ring space.

Sure enough, when the spirit insects left the Xingyue Pavilion and returned to the ancient ring space, they immediately regained their consciousness.

The next moment, more than ten thousand densely packed spirit insects of various kinds appeared in the Xingyue Pavilion.

This time, Ye Lin directly changed his strategy.

"Everyone just buy low-quality treasure chests!"


Through the last test of opening treasure chests, Ye Lin found that although the rewards for opening higher-quality treasure chests were better, it was still not worthwhile compared to the ten or one hundred Jiazi of lifespans consumed by the spirit insects.

Instead of buying high-quality treasure chests, it is better to spend only one sixty years of life to buy low-quality treasure chests and try your luck. According to the previous probability, every thousand low-quality treasure chests can open a directional transmission order, and every three thousand treasure chests can open materials for refining high-quality Taoist tools, and Ye Lin has hundreds of millions of spirit insects.

Each spirit insect consumes sixty years of life, which is completely painless for the spirit insects, but can get a huge return. As for the lifespan consumed by the spirit insects, Ye Lin plans to give them pills that increase lifespan and make up for it all.

Moreover, these treasure chests can just open various spiritual medicines and materials, and even directly open pills that increase lifespan. In this way, Ye Lin can achieve free things, 100 million spirit insects, and 100 million low-quality treasure chests for free.

Soon, more than 100,000 miniature treasure chests were placed in front of the densely packed spirit insects, and a crackling sound was heard...

"Wow, what is this, master, come quickly, I opened a top-grade Taoist weapon!"

"There is a bottle of Dajiazidan in my treasure chest!"

"Master, I found the refining materials..."

Ye Lin was delighted, and with a wave of his hand, a yellow-brown high-grade Taoist flying sword in the treasure chest flew out of the treasure chest, and its body quickly enlarged to three inches long and fell into his palm.

I didn't expect that a low-grade treasure chest could actually open a high-grade Taoist weapon!

Ye Lin looked carefully and saw that the sword of this yellow-brown high-grade Taoist flying sword was engraved with two ancient characters, named "Dusk". The style was extremely simple, and there were fine cracks on the edge, which made Ye Lin frown slightly.

"It's another Taoist weapon that has been decayed by time. Fortunately, the small weapon now has the ability to repair. It should be able to release powerful power after consuming some refining materials to repair it."

As he said, Ye Lin waved his hand and put all the spirit insects and the treasure chest into the ancient ring. With another wave of his sleeves, millions of spirit insects densely filled the Xingyue Pavilion.

The Toad Shopkeeper was so excited that he danced with joy, and the poor Dragon Snake Shopkeeper was so angry that he kept hitting his head against the wall.

In this way, Ye Lin continued to summon spirit insects, and each spirit insect opened a low-grade treasure chest and returned to the ancient ring space. As he opened more and more treasure chests, the harvest became more and more abundant.

About an hour later, Ye Lin and his party drove the Wind God Boat to leave Xingyue Pavilion...

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