Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 809 Two Top-Grade Daoist Weapons

They had never seen Ye Lin take action after leaving the out-of-body stage, but from the fact that Ao Lingshuang, Qin Jin'er, and Feng Jiutian obeyed him, they could tell that Ye Lin must be very powerful.

But even so, Ye Lin still doesn't think he has the strength to challenge the existence of out-of-body Dzogchen head-on.

Moreover, His Highness Silver Dragon is not a newly minted out-of-body Dzogchen monk. He is a top-notch out-of-body Dzogchen existence in the small spiritual world. If placed on the Continent of Ten Thousand Kingdoms, he might have already caught up with the major eternal immortal dynasties. The strongest foundation.

Ao Lingshuang said.

"There is no need to worry, Mr. Ye... He is very strong! Far beyond our imagination. Even if we cannot defeat this out-of-body Dzogchen Silver Dragon, there is no problem in verbally admitting defeat and returning safely."

In fact, Ao Lingshuang didn't know much more about Ye Lin than the ordinary monks who entered the secret realm of the galaxy together. When he first saw His Highness Yinlong coming to challenge him, his plan was to abandon the attic and wait until the out-of-body experience. The Perfect Dragon Clan monks found a better place to live and took it back.

But Ye Lin asked for the sovereignty order of this wooden building, saying that he could just take action, so that Ao Lingshuang could rest assured.

Ao Lingshuang was naturally worried and was about to persuade Ye Lin not to show off. She had prepared many excuses in her heart, but at this moment, Ye Lin took out two treasures and immediately changed her mind.

Those are two high-grade Taoist artifacts!

One is a silver-white whisk, and the other is a string of rosary beads hanging with the heads of ten ferocious evil spirits.

Ye Lin smiled.

"The owners of these two Taoist tools are both out-of-body Dzogchen beings who are not weaker than this silver dragon. They happen to be in the hands of your men. Let alone one silver dragon, even two or three, they can be obtained through practice. Go to this pavilion.”

Ao Lingshuang was so shocked at first that her mouth opened wide. When she heard the words "your man", her pretty face turned red and she nodded heavily.

"Then...husband, please be more careful."

Ye Lin also nodded.

"rest assured."

After such a long period of hard training, the two developed feelings and were no longer just friends.

Hearing what Ao Lingshuang said, the other monks were slightly relieved, but they were still a little worried. Ye Lin was only in the middle stage of out-of-body cultivation, and the gap between him and the great perfection state of out-of-body cultivation was really big.

In the empty starry sky, Ye Lin floated in the sky, motionless like a sculpture.

Dozens of miles away in front of him, His Highness the Silver Dragon, who had long silver-white hair and silver-white dragon horns, was staring at him with extremely cold eyes. He stretched out his hands, crackling, and countless electric lights gathered in his hands, like Two little suns lit up, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his face showed a look of intoxication.

"It feels so good to have my mana back."

Suddenly his expression became extremely ferocious, and he roared crazily at Ye Lin.

"Human boy, you are just in the middle of being out of body, who gave you the courage to challenge me! Die!"

Before he finished speaking, he waved his hands, and lightning beads carrying a destructive aura shot towards Ye Lin, followed closely by the overwhelming thunder pythons as thick as giant trees!

His Highness Yinlong obviously had no intention of leaving Ye Lin a way to survive. He went all out at the beginning and struck with thunder. Such a violent attack was enough to instantly kill most of the monks in the middle stage of the out-of-body experience.

A distance of tens of miles can be reached in an instant.

Ye Lin showed no signs of panic at all. His face was indifferent. Two spiritual lights flashed across his face. A whisk appeared in his left hand and a string of rosary beads appeared in his right hand.

The silk threads of the whisk stretched out instantly, and in the blink of an eye, three humanoid bodies were formed, which were a hundred feet tall.

A man with white beard and hair, wearing a Taoist robe, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, is the Heavenly Demon Emperor of the Heavenly Demon Nebula.

A person is shrouded in a rich gray-white death aura, and the sinister aura around his body forms a tornado that is constantly sweeping across him. It is the Ghost Lord of Huangquan.

There was a man wearing white clothes, with silver-white dragon horns on his head, and a handsome face, just like His Highness Silver Dragon!

The three of them took action at the same time.

The old Taoist made a secret with one hand, and the terrifying black demonic energy burst out from his body, covering his whole body. In the blink of an eye, he condensed into a three-hundred-foot-tall demon god holding a demonic sword. It was slashed out and exploded the moment it collided with the thunder beads.

Huangquan Ghost Lord roared loudly, and a tornado formed around a stream of Yin evil energy swept out, getting bigger and bigger. In the Yin evil energy, one could faintly see ferocious and painful grimaces, one by one with long hair. White bones with sharp claws, these tornadoes were entangled with the thunder pythons. From time to time, the thunder pythons turned into lightning and dissipated, and some evil tornadoes were scattered by the thunder pythons.

His Highness the Fake Silver Dragon followed suit. He grasped it with both hands, and countless thunder powers gathered in his palms. Then he waved forward, and lightning beads and thunder pythons formed one after another, roaring towards His Highness the True Silver Dragon. And go.

Ye Lin, the top-grade Taoist artifact, didn't know the name of this whisk, nor did the old Taoist Heavenly Demon Emperor. He got it from a crack in space. Xiaoqi gave him a name, Tongxuan Whisk.

The so-called supernatural power refers to the mysterious power that can reproduce and imitate any existence!

Ye Lin is currently in the secret realm of the Galaxy. Among the existences of out-of-body perfection that he has seen, the three of them are the strongest. Their strength should be a level higher than that of the extremely powerful golden Taoist who escorted Ye Lin to the Gate of the Galaxy. Therefore, he became Ye Lin's first choice for imitation.

Without using the life span to increase the power of the Tongxuan whisk, the strength of the target being replicated is naturally far greater than the replica. If the fake Silver Dragon and the real Silver Dragon fight alone, they will be killed soon, but this is not a big deal.

Because Ye Lin can replicate three at once, the situation is not one-sided when three are against one.

In the void, explosions continued, and bursts of explosive wind spread around.

Ye Lin and Silver Dragon fought initially, and their strengths were evenly matched. The three people replicated by the Tongxuan whisk worked together to resist the attack of Silver Dragon. Ye Lin just held the whisk and watched the Silver Dragon fight with the three replicas calmly from behind.

In the distance, Silver Dragon saw this scene and was shocked at first, and then a greedy look flashed in his eyes.

"It's actually a top-grade Taoist artifact of excellent quality and such strange power. How could such a treasure appear in the hands of a mere mid-stage human cultivator!"

"No matter what, I must try my best to kill this man here today and take that top-grade Taoist artifact whisk for my use. In this way, my strength can be increased again, and I will have more support for the competition in the core area!"

"Originally, I just planned to come here to seize a pavilion suitable for dragon cultivators to live in, and take a beautiful concubine by the way. I didn't expect there would be an unexpected surprise!"

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