Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 808 His Majesty the Silver Dragon

Ye Lin, outside the small building where Ao Lingshuang lives.

A group of first-born monks with various dragon horns and menacing appearance came to the door of the pavilion.

The leader was a handsome, tall young male monk with a pair of silver dragon horns on his head. From time to time, arcs of electricity flashed and jumped on the silver dragon horns.

"Are you sure there are a lot of dragon monks living in this pavilion?"

"Your Highness, we have passed three pieces of information. Not only are there many dragon monks living here, but the owner of the pavilion is a female white dragon in the late stage of leaving her body. She seems to come from an unknown second- or third-class mortal world."

The silver dragon-horned monk's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he stretched out his long tongue and licked his lips.

"A white dragon? It's quite rare among the dragon clan. Knock on the door. I hope it's a sensible girl!"

As this group of dragon monks arrived, a large number of monks watching the excitement gathered outside the pavilion one after another, including many monks who specialized in collecting information and selling it to others.

Someone whispered.

"The monks in this building are now being targeted by His Highness the Silver Dragon. This is an out-of-body Dzogchen Dragon monk. His strength ranks among the top twenty monks in our entire Galaxy Secret Realm."

"There are not many pavilions suitable for Dragon Clan monks to live in. Although this one is not on the main road, it is barely enough for His Highness Silver Dragon to stay for a while and then consider grabbing a better pavilion."

"Fellow Taoists, the Silver Dragon Highness you are talking about is a master in that small spiritual world. I have never heard of it."

"Boy, you must be ignorant. His Highness Silver Dragon comes from the Wild Sea Realm. He is known as the most talented person in the Wild Sea Realm. His master successfully ascended to the spirit world a hundred years ago. In the Wild Sea Realm, 99% is ocean, and only 1% is ocean. The land area, so the water demons are all over the world, and the water demon clan is respected by the dragon clan. I don’t need to say more about the strength and talent of His Highness Silver Dragon. "

"Now there is something good to watch. I wonder if the dragon girl in that small world will see His Highness the Silver Dragon... Haha, dragon nature is inherently kinky, you know."

Boom, boom, boom!

"Open the door, open the door! His Highness Silver Dragon is here, why don't you come out quickly to greet him!"

"If you are wise, hurry up and greet His Highness Yinlong. Otherwise, His Highness Yinlong will directly challenge you and you will bear the consequences!"

In the late stage of leaving the body, a dragon monk with flaming red dragon horns stepped forward and slapped the wooden door of the attic wildly. After a while, he saw a beautiful monk with a cold temperament wearing a white dress and jade white dragon horns, and a A young male monk wearing a light blue robe opened the door.

The moment His Highness Yinlong saw the beautiful woman, his eyes lit up, but when he saw the woman standing very close to the human monk next to her, her movements and expressions were quite intimate, her brows couldn't help but frown.

Although it is impossible to release spiritual consciousness to explore the cultivation level here, the monks can roughly judge the cultivation level of the people around them by relying on spiritual perception. The cultivation level of the female monk from the dragon tribe should be in the late stage of out-of-body experience, and she has a close relationship with her. The male monk from the human race was only in the middle stage of out-of-body cultivation.

These two people are naturally Ye Lin and Ao Lingshuang, who are busy comprehending the "Dragon Yuan Xuan Gong". However, since today is the challenge day of the safety island, someone comes to look for trouble, so the two of them can no longer practice in peace.

Except for the two of them, everyone else went out to help Ye Lin explore information.

Ao Lingshuang took half a step back consciously, indicating that she was dominated by Ye Lin. Ye Lin frowned slightly as he looked at the group of dragon monks in front of him, playing with a token in his hand, which was the sovereignty order of the attic.

Since the challenger is an out-of-body Dzogchen monk, Ao Lingshuang is not sure of defeating him. Ye Lin naturally has to take action. Otherwise, once the right to live in this attic is taken away, "Long Yuan Xuan Gong" will not be fully understood. They will also become homeless dogs.

Ye Lin's eyes were locked on His Highness Yinlong.

"I wonder what you are doing?"

A dragon monk who was in the middle of being out of body immediately stood up and sneered.

"Is there a noble person? Do you need His Highness Yinlong to tell you this in person? If you know this, get out immediately. This pavilion belongs to His Highness Yinlong!"

The fiery red dragon horn monk added.

"To be precise, you, a human monk, can get out, but if you leave this white dragon behind, His Highness the Silver Dragon cannot bring his concubine into the secret realm of the galaxy. From today on, you will be His Highness the Silver Dragon's concubine. As long as you serve him well, Your Highness will naturally benefit from you, and I will ensure that you will be able to handle the middle-grade Taoist weapons."

"We are so envious of this incredible opportunity. Why don't you, the white dragon, kneel down and thank His Highness for your grace?"

His Highness Yinlong, who was surrounded by the crowd, waved his hands, and the others did not dare to say another word. He frowned slightly and said to Ao Lingshuang: "Is this White Dragon girl having some difficulties? She has stooped to serve a mere out-of-body person. If there is a human monk, you can tell me, and I will make the decision for you. If not, the proud face of the dragon clan will be lost by you alone!"

There was no expression on Ao Lingshuang's face. She had already admitted in her heart that after these few days of hard training with Ye Lin, she had thrown away the arrogance of the dragon clan... Of course, she could only admit this to Ye Lin.

She responded calmly: "A challenge is a challenge. There is so much nonsense. Could it be that you only have the bluffing cultivation of the Dzogchen Perfection? If you don't dare to challenge, we will close the door and thank you!"

His Highness Yinlong, who was still able to maintain a calm expression, suddenly turned gloomy upon hearing this.

"Okay, okay, I have been traversing the wilderness for hundreds of years, and this is the first time I have encountered a fellow monk who dares to be so arrogant and domineering. I want to see how many rounds you second- and third-class mortal monks can last in front of me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the figure of Young Master Silver Dragon suddenly disappeared, and Ye Lin, who was holding the sovereignty order, disappeared with him. After a breath, the shadows of the two appeared above the pavilion. At this time, the two were already in a vast starry sky.

This also means that the challenge has begun.

The rules of the safe island challenge: the challenge ends when either party verbally admits defeat, and the challenge ends when either party dies.

More and more people are watching the battle, and many of them are smiling.

"I've really learned a lot. A mere human cultivator in the middle stage of the Out-of-Body Realm dared to challenge the dragon clan's genius who had reached the Great Perfection of the Out-of-Body Realm. Are human cultivators so brave these days?"

"The cultivators of the second and third rank in the mortal world have not seen much of the world. They think they have a few trump cards that can defy the heavens. In their small world, no one has defeated them for a long time, so they have developed the illusion that they are invincible. Such people will have a worrying end."

"That white dragon female cultivator is really beautiful, but it's a pity that His Highness the Silver Dragon has taken a fancy to her. Otherwise, he could have planned to capture her and tame her as his own spiritual beast..."

Many cultivators from the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent seemed to have heard the news and came to Ao Lingshuang one after another. Looking at the phantom in the sky, they were pale and extremely worried.

"It's bad, it's bad, how did Lord Ye confront such a terrifying existence?"

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