Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 788 Demon God Arena

Ye Lin asked again.

"Then did you get any information from the rune about what opportunities are hidden in this place?"

Xiao Fu shook his head to indicate that he had not. After saying that, he turned into a spiritual light and sank into the ancient ring.

There were thousands of spiritual insects integrated into Ye Lin's brows. The absence of Xiao Fu had almost no effect on Ye Lin's combat power.

Ye Lin thought for a while and decided to explore the underground of the ancient battlefield.

Although the four people who were closely monitored by him had begun to explore this small world, there had been no progress so far. Ye Lin wanted to obtain the star map and the teleportation rune, so he could only start from the ruins of this ancient battlefield.

Thinking of this, Ye Lin turned into a beam of light and flew eastward.

The underground world of the Linhai Ancient Battlefield was supported by the remains, and it seemed extremely empty. There were holes in all directions. At a glance, it was all densely packed with tree roots and vines entangled with the remains, which made people's scalps numb.

What made Ye Lin feel most weird was that he explored the underground world for three or four miles, and he actually found any living creatures during that time.

Except for the tree roots, there were still tree roots. The underground world was silent.

This made Ye Lin alert and alert.

After flying for dozens of miles, Ye Lin finally flew from the chest of this huge remains to his head. Ye Lin finally felt an unusual breath in the empty underground.

This breath was ancient, evil, and brutal, just like the breath that Xiaoqi exuded when he was running the "Nine-turn Demon Body".

With his keen perception, Ye Lin passed the tree roots and finally saw a blood-red light. At the core of the remains' head, there was a mysterious jade box emitting blood-red light. The jade box was about the size of a brick, and the surface was completely covered with mysterious symbols.

At the moment of approaching, an old voice sounded in Ye Lin's mind.

"Clear the pollution of the demon god and you will get a chance!"

In an instant, Ye Lin lost his sense of the outside world and felt that he had come to an independent small world. There was a huge barrier that completely isolated him from the outside world.

Ye Lin's face changed slightly.

His eyes yearned for the endless tree roots hanging down like hair.

"So that's it!"

Ye Lin already had a guess in his heart. The voice in his mind that isolated him from the outside world was the same existence - the ancient trees growing on those huge corpses!

These ancient trees are far more than what they seem on the surface. I'm afraid they all have sealing functions. The ancient trees are connected together, and the pollution of the demon god is firmly imprisoned in the underground of the ancient battlefield.

While Ye Lin was thinking, every rune on the huge corpse shone brightly, and scarlet rays of light flew out from the ends of the tree roots. Finally, all the scarlet rays gathered a hundred feet in front of Ye Lin. A giant with a height of dozens of feet, long red hair, dazzling blood-red eyes, graceful figure, no clothes, and a long scarlet horn on his head appeared.

To be precise, it should be the will left by an ancient demon god!

Ye Lin knew very well that the will of the ancient tree had sealed off the surrounding space, forming a barrier that was difficult to break. Only he and the monster formed by the will of the ancient demon god could survive.

This was not an ancient battlefield site, but a demon arena after another!

The red-haired demon god licked his lips with his scarlet tongue at Ye Lin, and faintly revealed his extremely sharp fangs.

"Hehe, another little guy who is looking for death, finally found some fun in these endless years!"

Ye Lin grinned.

"The fun is a bit big, I wonder if you can bear it!"

As he spoke, Ye Lin's robe fluttered, and his body expanded rapidly. In the blink of an eye, he was already dozens of feet tall, the same size as the red-haired demon god. At the same time, he stepped out to the demon god, without any mercy, and punched the demon god's head.

A flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of the red-haired demon god. Obviously, she did not expect Ye Lin to be so fierce, and decided to fight her in close combat as soon as she made a move.

You know, the body of the demon god is no less powerful than any ancient monster of the same realm, and possesses endless power.

The red-haired demon god subconsciously raised his arm to block.


There was a loud bang.

The red-haired demon god was blown thousands of feet away by the tremendous force. Along the way, all the hanging tree roots were turned into powder. Bloody cracks appeared on her arm that she used to block. In a breath, the bloody cracks became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely.

The red-haired demon god's face became very hideous, like an evil ghost.

"In this world, there can't be a race stronger than the demon god, and it's impossible to have a stronger body than the demon god. The demon god's fighting will will never be wiped out!"

The red-haired demon god disappeared directly from the original place, and the next moment he appeared in front of Ye Lin, and bloody afterimages bombarded Ye Lin through the air. It was impossible to tell which was the afterimage and which was the real body. Ye Lin just sneered.


He just raised his hand and grabbed the fist of the Red Haired Demon God, and then punched the Red Haired Demon God's head again. The Red Haired Demon God's body was hit by a fatal blow and suddenly became illusory. In the blink of an eye, it escaped from Ye Lin's control and appeared a hundred feet away.

A big hole had appeared in the head of the translucent Red Haired Demon God's body, and there were bloody cracks around the hole. But in just a breath, the cracks were repaired, the hole was filled, and a hideous face appeared again. The body of the Red Haired Demon God solidified again.

The Red Haired Demon God laughed wildly.

"The will of the demon god will never be extinguished. If the will is not extinguished, I will have an immortal body. You will eventually run out of mana and die at my hands."

Ye Lin's face became a little solemn. He no longer passively defended, but took another step forward and punched the red-haired demon god in the chest.


The red-haired demon god was knocked away again. Before she could recover from her injuries, Ye Lin appeared again like a maggot attached to her bones. This time, he directly smashed the red-haired demon god into pieces, and his fist went straight through her chest.

The next moment, the red-haired demon god turned from real to virtual, and in just more than ten breaths, she recovered her intact body.

But this time, Ye Lin smiled.

"So that's it."

He no longer gave the red-haired demon god any breathing opportunity. His fists kept bombarding the red-haired demon god's body like raindrops, and the red-haired demon god was broken up again and again, and recovered from his injuries again and again.

Only her expression became more crazy and more ferocious.

Ten times of bombardment!

Hundred times of bombardment!

Until the 190th time, the body of the Red-haired Demon God completely turned into a ball of scarlet gas, and could no longer condense into shape.

It turned out that in the process of fighting with the Red-haired Demon God, Ye Lin found that every time he caused fatal damage, the strength of the newly condensed Red-haired Demon God would be weakened a little, and at the same time, the will of the Red-haired Demon God was gradually dissipating.

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