Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 787: Remains of the Ancient Demon God

When Ye Lin said this, the expressions of the four people froze.

One of the white-haired monks who looked old smiled bitterly.

"Well, senior, you don't know that in fact, the four of us didn't give Huangquan Ghost Venerable five middle-grade Taoist artifacts. We have only been in the Xinghe Secret Realm for a few days. How can we have the strength to obtain so many middle-grade Taoist artifacts..."

"I gave two..."

"I gave one, which is my life magic weapon..."

Ye Lin's thoughts moved, and the memory of Huangquan Ghost Venerable emerged in his mind. These people really didn't lie.

Huangquan Ghost Venerable asked him for five middle-grade Taoist artifacts in exchange for entering the Linhai Ancient Battlefield at night. He asked for a sky-high price, and wanted to take away all the treasures on Ye Lin at once with the deterrent power of the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body.

Unexpectedly, this kick hit the iron plate. Now all his wealth, including the life-long top-grade Taoist artifact, the Ten Directions Evil Ghost Rosary, belongs to Ye Lin.

Most of the oil and water of these four people were squeezed dry by Huangquan Ghost Venerable.

However, Ye Lin still couldn't let them leave so easily.

Ye Lin said: "Then let's settle for the next best thing. Hand over any treasure worth two mid-grade Taoist artifacts, and you can regain your freedom. Of course, you can also try to join forces to fight Ye. If you beat me, you can also leave."

"If you lose, it will be a pity."

The four people wanted to die at this moment.

They had just arrived in the Xinghe Secret Realm for a few days. First, they met Huangquan Ghost Lord, who asked them for mid-grade Taoist artifacts, and then entered the dangerous Linhai Ancient Battlefield to help Huangquan Ghost Lord explore and seek opportunities. It was not easy for Ye Lin to show up and kill Huangquan Noble Lord, but they fell into Ye Lin's hands again.

The four looked at each other, and finally gritted their teeth and took out extremely rare treasures from their respective storage spaces. After all, it is better to live than to die. As long as they are still alive, the Xinghe Secret Realm is full of opportunities, and sooner or later they can make up for the losses.

Many of the treasures from other worlds that these people took out, Ye Lin had never seen before.

The cultivators who could enter the Secret Realm of the Galaxy all had some wealth. By scraping together some treasures, the four of them managed to collect about two mid-grade Taoist artifacts.

Ye Lin accepted all the money and made a fortune again.

"Whether you stay or leave is entirely up to your own will. As long as you don't have any bad intentions towards me, I will always be kind and will not kill you all."

As he spoke, Ye Lin took a step forward and disappeared from the spot. With the next step, he came to a skeleton as tall as a mountain in the ancient battlefield of Linhai, and ignored the four people.

The four looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

What they feared most was that Ye Lin would take the money and refuse to acknowledge it, just like the Ghost Lord of Huangquan, forcibly controlling them and turning them into his slaves, so that they could explore the ancient battlefield of Linhai for him to seek opportunities.

The four of them no longer dared to approach Ye Lin, let alone explore the ancient battlefield of Linhai with him. They turned into four rays of light and dispersed, as if they wanted to try their luck somewhere else.

Ye Lin would never be merciful to cultivators with bad intentions, and the reason why he let the four people go was also a choice to maximize his interests.

If he killed them directly, they would definitely fight back and destroy many treasures on their bodies. Not only would Ye Lin have to spend precious time chasing them, but the benefits he would get in the end might be far less than eight medium-grade Taoist artifacts.

At the same time, Ye Lin had another plan. This small world was so huge that it was difficult for him to explore other areas if he wanted to explore the ancient battlefield of Linhai, but these four people could.

Ye Lin could now cover a million miles of area with his divine sense. As long as he closely monitored the exploration of the four people, Ye Lin could quickly grasp the specific situation of this small world. If these four people really found some heaven-defying opportunities, Ye Lin certainly didn't mind taking action when it was time to let them work for nothing.

After marking the breath of the four people, Ye Lin could lock them from the huge divine sense coverage area as long as he thought about it. Unless they entered an area that the divine sense could not penetrate, Ye Lin could monitor them in real time.

After confirming that everything was correct, Ye Lin focused his attention on the Linhai Ancient Battlefield under his feet.

"This place is a bit weird. My powerful divine sense can't penetrate the surface. I know nothing about the underground situation. The four people just now obviously felt that the underground was unusual, but they just explored the surface to appease Huangquan Ghost Lord."

Because he didn't know the danger of the Linhai Ancient Battlefield, Ye Lin didn't rush to disperse the "Qiankun Yuchong Jue" and still maintained the strongest personal combat power.

Looking around, there were huge corpses everywhere. On the skeletons, various towering trees grew. The entire Linhai Ancient Battlefield was green, like an ancient forest.

"It seems that there is no opportunity on the surface. The areas that need to be explored by the cultivators are all underground."

Without much hesitation, Ye Lin flashed and turned into a light of escape into the dark gap of the huge skeleton under his feet, flying towards the underground world covered with various vines and countless tree roots.

As soon as he entered the underground, Ye Lin felt that his consciousness seemed to be suppressed by a mysterious force. On the ground, his consciousness could still cover a million miles, but after entering the underground, it could only cover a distance of a thousand feet.

It was also because of this that Ye Lin could still monitor the actions of the four monks as long as he was less than a thousand feet underground, and he did not lose his target.

Faintly, Ye Lin saw a series of ancient symbols flickering on the bones of the corpse.

Ye Lin made a hand gesture, and a beam of spiritual light shot out from his forehead, turning into a white-haired old man who looked knowledgeable. This person was Xiao Fu, who was proficient in various ancient runes and ancient characters in the spiritual world.

Ye Lin said.

"Xiao Fu, take a look first, what are these runes used for?"

Xiao Fu did not need Ye Lin's reminder, and immediately concentrated on studying. After more than ten breaths, Xiao Fu said: "Reporting to the master, these runes form a powerful seal, which seems to be used to seal some terrible power of the ancient demon god. These huge corpses should all be left behind in the battle with the ancient demon god."

"Xiao Fu vaguely feels that there is an extremely evil and ancient terrible power hidden in these corpses. It may be contaminated by the power of the demon god in the battle with the demon god. If these seals do not exist, these corpses may be demonized and resurrected as demon servants to bring disaster to the world."

"The remains of the ancient demon god may still be found in the underground world!"

Ye Lin frowned slightly when he heard this.

The strongest body-building technique that he and the spirit insects practiced, "Nine-turn Demon God Body", came from the ancient demon god, so we can imagine how powerful the ancient demon god was.

The last time Xiaoqi operated the "Nine-turn Demon God Body", he almost lost control, and Ye Lin still remembered it vividly.

Xiao Fu seemed to see what Ye Lin was thinking and explained.

"Master, there is no need to worry too much. Ancient demon gods also have strong and weak and humble. The cultivation of these demon gods who polluted the corpse should be equivalent to the God Transformation Stage, and the ancient demon god who created the "Nine-turn Demon God Body" is an existence that we cannot imagine. It is estimated that he is also a hegemon in the spirit world."

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