Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 778 Starry Sky Giant Whale

A brilliant blue light passed through the dark group of demons at a very fast speed. Tens of millions of demons were already scared out of their wits and fled desperately.

When the light passed through the dark group of demons, more than ten great demon kings in the out-of-body stage and all the demons in the Nascent Soul stage who were carrying Taoist tools were killed by the black flying swords and sword energy.

Destroyed with the power of the sword.

Even the great demon king in the late out-of-body stage who was holding the middle-grade Taoist long sword only lasted for a breath in the fight before being pierced by the flying sword. Before the Nascent Soul could be eliminated, it was killed by the sword energy and turned into a wisp of demon spirit body. The middle-grade Taoist long sword that lost its owner also accelerated with the blue light and finally fell into Ye Lin's hands. There were also a bunch of low-grade Taoist tools flying with it.

Ye Lin, who was standing on Xiao Lan's head, breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's really difficult to take items from dozens of miles away."

Flying at such a fast speed, if Ye Lin's mana was not far beyond that of the cultivators of the same realm, these precious Taoist artifacts would not be taken at all.

In order to hurry on and find his senior sister and Qin Jin'er as soon as possible, the Yuanying of the Great Demon King in the Out-of-Body Stage can only be wasted.

Xiao Qiang was a little excited.

"Master, the demons here are really rich. There are dozens of Taoist artifacts in a group of demons. If we patronize dozens of demon groups, can't we get hundreds of Taoist artifacts? This is really a fortune!"

Xiao Qiang rubbed his hands.

"Those Tianjiao from the spirit world and other worlds must have treasures in their hands. Maybe I, Xiao Qiang, still have a chance to show my skills."

Xiao Qiang said to show his skills, and that really means to show his skills.

Ye Lin couldn't help but have a headache.

Just after flying tens of thousands of miles, Ye Lin saw a dazzling glowing spot in the starry sky. Then, Ye Lin's face changed slightly. He felt an invisible suction force, which seemed to be pulling Xiao Lan and guiding Xiao Lan's forward trajectory to rush towards the glowing object.

"It is a huge starry sky fish monster, whose cultivation is the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body Realm. Its actual combat power is unknown. The glowing object is the tail of the fish monster, which is specially used to trap the sky demon or other starry sky monsters. This guy relies on the suction force of swallowing like a whale to hunt. The speed of escape is not fast. We pay attention to the course so that we will not directly contact it."

Xiao Lan said.

"I understand."

In fact, after entering the Out-of-Body Realm, Ye Lin had already had the idea of ​​finding a Great Perfection of Out-of-Body Realm to confront head-on and test his strength, but the target must not be this kind of starry sky monster with strange abilities and unknown depths. The unpredictable risks are too great.

Xiao Lan began to deliberately resist the guidance of the majestic suction force, change the trajectory of flight, and maintain the speed before, so as not to drop sharply.

Not long after, they passed by a glowing fish with a body of 100 miles.

That strange fish was a bit like the giant whales living in the seas of the Wan Guo Continent, but its tail shone with brilliance and its mouth was so big that it seemed that it could suck in many mountains in one mouthful.

The strange fish obviously also discovered Ye Lin and his party. It swung its huge tail and swam towards Ye Lin and his party. Unfortunately, this guy was too big. Even if it had extremely strong mana in its body, it would have to continue accelerating in the starry sky for at least a year to intercept or catch up with Xiao Lan.

It seemed that Ye Lin and his party had just passed by the huge strange fish, but in fact they were thousands of miles apart, just because the fish was so big, like a few ants crawling over the foot of the mountain.

The strange fish opened its mouth wide, and its two terrifying eyes stared at Ye Lin and his party. Ye Lin and his party only felt that the suction force increased sharply, and Xiao Lan's speed actually slowed down.

This strange fish obviously locked on to Ye Lin and his party and regarded them as food, so it was naturally unwilling to let them slip away.

Ye Lin snorted coldly.

"You don't know what's good for you. Since you like to suck, I'll let you suck as much as you can!"

He flicked his finger, and a fart bug appeared in front of him.

"Xiaochou, fart and let it suck it!"

The fart bug named Xiaochou, once farted, and the magic sword in the hands of the Demon Sword Evil Lord in the middle stage of the Out-of-Body State was smoked and lost its sensitivity. It was the champion of the first fart competition in the ancient ring space.

"Yes! I'm good at this!"

Xiaochou came to the position of Xiaolan's tail, and its body grew wildly. In the blink of an eye, it became the size of a house. Then its butt swelled up, and then a "puff" sound was heard...

A large group of purple-red gas spewed out, and Ye Lin, Xiaobai, and Xiaoqiang had already pinched their nostrils.

The purple-red smoke spread rapidly, and under the influence of the majestic suction, it flew quickly towards the big mouth of the strange fish.

Not long after, the purple-red smoke sank into the mouth of the strange fish, and then Ye Lin felt the suction force sharply reduced, and Xiaolan's escape speed finally returned to normal and shot out.

Looking back, I found that the eyes of the whale-like fish had turned purple-red, and even the light source on the fish's tail emitted a dim purple-red glow, no longer dazzling.

The huge body of the fish swayed, and then slowly turned over, belly up...

Xiaoqiang was surprised.

"Could it be that the fish was fainted by Xiaochou's fart? Should we go back and kill it at this opportunity? A group of demons have so many Taoist weapons in their hands, and this fish must have many opportunities."

Ye Lin just shook his head.

"This guy's strength is unknown. For the sake of safety, we should find Senior Sister and Jin'er first. Their safety is the top priority. If we slow down and turn back, the fish just pretends to faint to lure us closer and then suddenly attack. Even if we can deal with it, it will take some effort."

"Besides, there are opportunities everywhere here. We don't lack this. There will be more opportunities in the future."

Soon, the blue light disappeared into the universe.

The fish with its belly turned upside down suddenly opened its mouth, and a young man covered in a magic shield walked out of the fish's mouth. The man was wearing a blood-red Taoist robe and looked at the direction where Ye Lin and the others disappeared. His face was extremely gloomy.

"What kind of ghost spirit insect is this? I have never seen it before. It farts extremely smelly, and it can also pollute Taoist tools and erode magic power. My Starry Sky Giant Whale will need to refine this stinky fart for at least three months to completely refine it!"

"That kid in the early stage of out-of-body experience is cautious enough. If he wanted to take advantage of the Starry Sky Giant Whale's coma and approach to kill him, I could have joined forces with the Starry Sky Giant Whale to launch a surprise attack, and I would have been able to catch them all in one fell swoop, and I could have snatched that stinky farting insect and used it for my own use."

"It entered the gate of the starry sky in the early stage of out-of-body experience. It should have come from an insignificant little world... Next time we meet him, we must capture him even if it costs some money. "

"The opportunities in this secret realm of the galaxy are not only those originally in the secret realm. The small shrimps sent by other small worlds are also one of the prey of our big world monks."

The man in the blood-red Taoist robe flew to the belly of the giant whale in the starry sky. Suddenly, a deep red flame appeared all over his body, burning the fart attached to the mana shield and constantly eroding the mana shield. Then he drove the giant whale with its white belly turned upside down. The giant whale slowly swung its tail and flew away in the direction of Ye Lin at a moderate speed.

From beginning to end, even Ye Lin, who had a terrifying spiritual sense, could not detect this monk in the blood-red Taoist robe.

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