Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 777: Opportunities are everywhere

Xiaolan followed a straight line without any deviation in the whole journey. After a day of speeding through the vast alien sky, Ye Lin finally saw living things in the starry sky.

However, it was a Heavenly Demon Tornado composed of a large group of black and overwhelming Heavenly Demons. With a sweep of his spiritual consciousness, Ye Lin discovered that at the core of the Heavenly Demon Tornado was a late-stage Heavenly Demon King, and at the same time, there were more than a dozen early-stage and mid-stage Heavenly Devils. The Great Heavenly Demon King leads the groups of Heavenly Demons.

In the entire Heavenly Demon Tornado, there are tens of millions of Heavenly Demons.

At the same time that Ye Lin discovered the Heavenly Demon Tornado, the Heavenly Demon also discovered Ye Lin. After all, even though Ye Lin and the others did not release any breath, Xiao Lan's blue escape light was too dazzling.

"King Qi, we discovered a group of human monks who are in the early stages of out-of-body cultivation!"

Originally meditating and cultivating, he transformed into a human form, but with a pair of long horns on his head, the Great Heavenly Demon King in the late stage of his out-of-body experience instantly opened his eyes.

"Okay, okay, we have lived in this ghost place for thousands of years, and we have never tasted the flesh and blood of human monks. Human monks in the early stages of leaving the body are suitable for snacks."

"Call all the demon kings in the sky and intercept them immediately!"

"As you command!"

Suddenly, more than a dozen Great Heavenly Demon Kings in the out-of-body stage gathered together, and the originally extremely concentrated Heavenly Demon Tornado spread instantly, intercepting Xiaolan's flight right in front.

The demons began to roar excitedly.

"Human monks, if you don't give up your resistance quickly, you are just like an ant in front of the king in the early stages of leaving your body!"

"Be obedient, and maybe you can become a demon servant and have a glimmer of hope!"

Ye Lin, who stood above Xiao Lan's head, had a calm face without any expression. He gave the order to Xiao Lan.

"Don't slow down, go through it, and the out-of-body demon will be left to us to deal with."


In the outer starry sky where there is no resistance, the speed will become faster and faster. Once it slows down, it will waste another day to accelerate to the current speed. Ye Lin is currently busy looking for someone, so naturally he is not willing to follow this group of people. The devil is grinding.

In the center of the Heavenly Demon Tornado, the Great Heavenly Demon King in the late stage of leaving his body saw Ye Lin and his party not only did not slow down and fled, but even went faster and faster. There was a strong tendency to break into the Heavenly Demon Tornado formed by millions of Heavenly Demons. Although There were some doubts in my heart, but the fight was right in front of me and I couldn't care too much.

After all, this group of human monks have not even reached the mid-stage of out-of-body experience, so what should they be afraid of?

"There is a road to heaven if you don't take it, but there is no door to hell and you just come to it! Well done!"

In the late stage of leaving the body, the Great Heavenly Demon King spat out a long blood-red knife from his mouth. Holding the long blood-red knife in his hand, his size suddenly increased dramatically. In just one breath, he was already hundreds of meters tall, like a demon god who had come to the world.

This blood-red long knife turned out to be a middle-grade Taoist weapon.

At the same time, in the middle and early stages of leaving the body, Yuan Yingqi and the Great Heavenly Demon King also offered treasures. What surprised Ye Lin was that there were dozens of low-grade Taoist weapons.

"When did Taoist artifacts become so worthless?"

In the Continent of Ten Thousand Kingdoms, Taoist tools are rare. Only a small number of monks in the early stage of leaving the body can own a low-grade Taoist tool. For the Heavenly Demon clan who are not good at refining weapons, it is even rarer. On average, there are ten great devils in the early stage of leaving the body. There may not necessarily be a low-grade Taoist weapon.

But these demons not only took out an extremely precious mid-grade Taoist artifact, but also took out low-grade Taoist artifacts for free. There were even many Nascent Soul stage demons who had low-grade Taoist artifacts.

"No wonder there are great opportunities everywhere in the secret realm of the galaxy. It just depends on whether you have the strength to get them!"

Ye Lin's expression remained unchanged. He waved his sleeves, and more than a dozen silver balls appeared in front of him. Each ball was spinning, and there were holes the size of thumbs on the balls.

It is the Immortal-Destroying Pearl.

With Ye Lin's current financial resources, he can produce the Immortal-Destroying Pearls in batches. Over the past ten years, Ye Lin has been preparing to enter the secret realm of the galaxy. He has stored thousands of Immortal-Destroying Pearls.

Moreover, these Immortal-Destroying Pearls are already upgraded products. They are faster, more powerful, and more difficult to dodge.

Xiao Bai opened his mouth, and a black light spit out from his mouth. An inch-sized jet-black flying sword appeared in front of Xiao Bai. It was the middle-grade Taoist artifact Demon Shadow Sword that he had won from Demon Sword Evil Lord.

Now, after more than ten years of cultivation by Xiaobai, the quality and power of the Demonic Shadow Sword have been greatly improved. Although it has not yet reached the threshold of a high-grade Taoist weapon, it is very close.

Xiaoqiang is holding a blood-red scimitar in one hand and a golden sword in the other, both of which are middle-grade Taoist weapons.

With the support of Ye Lin's huge financial resources, dozens of weapon refining masters have been born in the ancient ring space. Under the leadership of Xiaoqi, they have the ability to create middle-grade Taoist tools.

However, each mid-grade Taoist artifact takes at least two years, and the cost of the refining materials alone is as high as thousands of Immortal Essence Stones. Mass production is currently not possible.

In the past few years, Xiaoqi has refined a total of four middle-grade Taoist weapons. Two are in Xiaoqiang's hands, one was given to senior sister, and one was given to Qin Jin'er. Situ Yu does not have any at the moment.

This is not because Ye Lin is partial. After all, Situ Yu will not enter the secret treasure of the galaxy, and holding a middle-grade Taoist weapon is of little use. In the territory of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, Situ Yu is protected by the ancestors of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, so there is no need to worry about safety. .


Ye Lin pushed with his palm, and more than a dozen spinning fairy-killing beads suddenly burst into dazzling blue light and flew towards the center of the demon tornado at high speed.

"Get into defensive formation!"

Although the Great Demon King in the late Out-of-Body stage didn't know what the Immortal-Destroying Pearl was, he vaguely felt that it contained a power that made him tremble with fear. At a command, the group of demons that had originally formed an attack formation suddenly changed their positions, from being scattered and lined up in a row to being concentrated and stacked in layers, resisting in front of more than ten Great Demon Kings.

At the same time, colorful lights flashed, and thick earth walls, ice walls, wind walls, and mana shields were stacked in front of the group of demons.

A distance of dozens of miles, in an instant!


More than a dozen Immortal-Destroying Pearls collided with the defense formation of the group of demons, and suddenly burst into dazzling blue light, like a blue sun rising in the universe.

I don't know how many layers of defense shields disappeared under the blue light, and millions of demons were completely annihilated before they could even scream, and even the demon spirits were not left.

The group of demons was in chaos.

The Great Demon King in the late Out-of-Body stage exclaimed.

"What is this thing? It's so powerful. Retreat quickly!"

He had no doubt that if he was hit by the more than ten Immortal-Destroying Pearls, he would die on the spot.

Now he finally understood why this group of human cultivators did not slow down and flee when facing them, but instead came to meet them. They did not take them seriously at all.

More than ten Great Heavenly Demon Kings in the Out-of-Body Stage were also frightened by this attack and fled in all directions.

But what awaited them was the pursuit of ninety-nine and eighty-one Demon Shadow Swords, and sword lights and sword auras thousands of feet wide!

When the tens of millions of scale Heavenly Demon Tornado met Ye Lin now, it would only be a massacre with a huge disparity in strength!

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