Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 769 The Golden Taoist

Five days later, a blue light flashed across the sky above the Great Qin Palace.

Then, a huge butt bug slowly landed in front of the Qinhe Hall of the palace. On top of the butt bug, three people stood, namely Ye Lin, Fairy Qingyao, and Qin Jiner.

After receiving a notice from the Great Qin Emperor, the Galaxy Secret Treasure Gate has taken shape and will not be more than ten days away from being completely stable.

Today they will gather in the Qinhe Hall and enter the outer space with the other five young geniuses of the Great Qin, guarding in front of the Galaxy Secret Treasure Gate, and entering it as soon as the Galaxy Secret Treasure Gate stabilizes.

Although the Galaxy Secret Treasure Gate will last for a long time, it is easier to get the upper hand if you enter it first, and the possibility of discovering opportunities before others and winning opportunities increases.

As far as Ye Lin knows, in order to open the Galaxy Secret Treasure, the human race led the call of all races, and even the demon race sent a great perfection demon to attend the meeting. The theme of this meeting is to explore the Galaxy Secret Treasure together. Before the Galaxy Secret Treasure is opened, all races' masters in the Out-of-Body Stage will cease fire.

The purpose of signing the Ten Thousand Races Truce Agreement is to reduce the uncertainty of exploring the outer space. If this agreement is not signed, all forces will start to assassinate each other before entering the Galaxy Secret Treasure, calculating the Galaxy Secret Treasure Explorer who got the Galaxy Book.

In the end, it is likely that all parties will suffer heavy losses, and no one will escape.

Instead of this, it is better to cease fire and wait until the Galaxy Secret Treasure Explorers enter the Galaxy Secret Treasure safely, so that they can compete in the Galaxy Secret Treasure.

Of course, the demon clan here only includes the demons on the Wan Guo Continent, not the demons in the outer space. Fortunately, the demons in the outer space have always been a mess, and their number is many times more than that of the demons on the Wan Guo Continent, but the number of demons who have reached the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body is still not as many as the demons on the Wan Guo Continent.

The fundamental reason is that the outer space is barren, there are few places with abundant spiritual energy, and the blood food needed for the growth of demons is extremely scarce, so the growth of the outer space demons is extremely slow, and it is difficult to form a huge force comparable to the Eternal Immortal Dynasty.

Seeing Ye Lin and the other two landing in front of the hall from Xiao Lan's head, the eunuch in python robe shouted hurriedly.

"Announce, Prince Consort Ye Lin, Princess Ninety-Nine Qin Jin'er, and Yun Qingyao enter the hall!"

Leaded by the eunuch in python robe, Ye Lin and the other two followed closely and entered the Qinhe Hall.

The Great Qin Emperor sat on the throne. On both sides of the Qinhe Hall, there were several people sitting cross-legged. Five of them were in the middle stage of the Out-of-Body Realm. They were relatively young, both men and women. Ye Lin had seen some of them several times, but he had never paid attention to their specific names and identities.

However, it should be a blessing for these people not to be noticed by him. After all, in the past few years, most of the people he paid attention to have ascended the Demon Slaying Platform and died.

Ye Lin, the Prince Butcher, not only killed the princes, but also the charming princesses, talented young men with strong backgrounds.

It is precisely because of this that the atmosphere of the court and officialdom of the Great Qin Xian Dynasty has undergone earth-shaking changes. After several years of pain, the Great Qin Xian Dynasty has been full of new atmosphere and vigorous, and the golden dragon of luck has grown thousands of feet.

In addition to the five young geniuses, there was also an old man in a Taoist robe with white hair and beard sitting cross-legged. The old man seemed to be taking a nap. To Ye Lin, he was completely unfathomable. His cultivation was very likely to have entered the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body Realm. He was the ancestor of the Great Qin Imperial Family.

As expected, Qin Jiner sent a message to Ye Lin when she saw this person.

"This so-called Golden Body Taoist is the second-ranked figure among our Great Qin ancestors. He is currently ranked 15th on the Out-of-Body Heaven Ranking, and is stronger than the Poison Dragon Master in his heyday. This ancestor has trained a powerful body comparable to the Arhat Golden Body. Even a mid-grade Taoist weapon can hardly leave a scar. One punch can collapse a mountain and destroy a country."

"It seems that he will lead the team on this trip to the outer space."

As for the first ancestor of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, it is naturally the Great Qin Sword Emperor. This person is a sword immortal. It is said that he is expected to break through the God Transformation Stage in this life.

Ye Lin and the other two bowed to the Great Qin Emperor.

"Your Majesty."

Then he bowed to the white-haired old man who was dozing on the ground.

"Your Majesty."

Although the white-haired old man was of higher status than the Great Qin Emperor, it was a private family occasion. In name, the Great Qin Emperor was still the head of the Great Qin Imperial Family, so he had to salute the Great Qin Emperor first. Giving the Emperor enough face was conducive to maintaining the dignity of the Imperial Family. This was the family rule of the Great Qin Imperial Family.

The Great Qin Emperor, sitting on the throne, smiled.

"We are all family members, no need to be polite."

The golden Taoist who was dozing opened his sleepy and cloudy eyes, picked his nose, glanced at Ye Lin and the other two, and then showed a satisfied smile.

"Let's not talk about how powerful your magic power is. Just talking about your physical body, it's stronger than mine in the past. You are really young and formidable. You don't even need to perform formalities. I have always hated all kinds of etiquette and rules. It's better to be free."

"You guys chat first. Remember to call me when you're done."

As he said that, the Golden Body Taoist flicked his nose and then fell asleep in the hall. At this moment, a ray of light shot out from Qin Jin'er's fingertips, and a white-haired old woman appeared next to the Golden Body Taoist.

The old woman picked up her cane and poked the Golden Body Taoist's nostrils fiercely.

The Golden Body Taoist screamed in pain and hid behind the Great Qin Emperor.

The old woman was furious.

"Sleep, sleep, sleep, all you do is sleep. Don't you understand how important this time is? Listen carefully. If any accident happens to these eight children, I will beat you to death!"

The Golden Body Taoist was frightened and his face changed drastically.

"I know, I know, I must listen carefully!"

This old woman is Qin Jin'er's protector. Her strength may not be as good as the Golden Body Taoist, but it is obvious that she is older and much more senior. It is possible that the Golden Body Taoist received a lot of guidance and favors from the old woman when he was young. Although they are both out-of-body great perfection, the Golden Body Taoist dare not be careless in front of the old woman.

The Great Qin Emperor showed a helpless smile and had to cough twice.

"Two ancestors, old seniors, business is important. Next, I will tell the eight secret treasure explorers of our Great Qin Immortal Dynasty some precautions."

The old woman nodded and sat cross-legged on one side. The Golden Body Taoist sat cross-legged on the other side as if he had been pardoned, not daring to get close at all.

Ye Lin, Senior Sister, and Qin Jin'er also found an empty seat to sit down and listen.

Regarding the Galaxy Secret Treasure, Ye Lin only knows some basic knowledge, and the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty can contact the ancestors of the upper realm, so they must know more secrets. Mastering these secrets in advance will definitely help to gain an advantage after entering the Galaxy Secret Treasure, and it will also be safer.

Therefore, Ye Lin also pricked up his ears at this moment, not daring to miss any sound.

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