Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 768 Long Tianyang's Opportunity

Everyone's face changed drastically when they saw this.

Then they heard a hearty laugh.

"Hahahaha, it took me eight years to finally comprehend the formula for refining the jade order. I, Long Tianyang, finally refined the entire pagoda. This top-grade Taoist artifact will be completely at my disposal, absorbing the vast spiritual energy for me and helping me practice!"

"What about Ye Lin? Let's see how many breaths you can hold out under this top-grade Taoist artifact of mine!"

"I, Long Tianyang, swear to heaven that this time in the secret treasure of the galaxy, I will definitely skin you alive and turn your woman into my toy furnace!"

The pagoda, which was a thousand feet high, shrank rapidly and finally fell into the hands of a wealthy young man in brocade clothes.

It was Long Tianyang.

At this time, Long Tianyang no longer had any frustration and decadence of a loser.

He was defeated by Ye Lin twice, once in the Sea of ​​Demons, where Ye Lin, Qin Jin'er, and Feng Jiutian almost took his life.

The other time was when Ye Lin challenged the Wan Guo Tian Jiao. He was the first to go on stage. His natal spirit beast, the four-clawed Azure Dragon, died because of Ye Lin, and his corpse became Ye Lin's property.

How could Long Tianyang not hate Ye Lin?

After two failures, Long Tianyang was depressed for a short time, but he survived in the end. The reason he survived was that he still had the jade order of this pagoda.

As long as he refined the jade order, the pagoda could be used by him. Although after refining the jade order, he still needed to break through the level and kill the gatekeeper to obtain the treasures after the fourth level, this had little impact.

In Long Tianyang's view, this intact top-grade Taoist pagoda was the most important treasure, and no other treasure could compare to it.

Even for the entire Wanlong Xian Dynasty, it was a heritage treasure that suppressed the national destiny, and even for the top Tian Jiao in the spiritual world, it was not easily available.

After learning from his mistakes, Long Tianyang decided to go all out and try to fully comprehend the method of refining this treasure before the secret treasure of the Galaxy was opened. Unexpectedly, he really succeeded.

After mastering the top-grade Taoist weapon, Long Tianyang felt that he was floating.

He was indeed floating, because he was in the gravity-free outer space.

Many monks with pale faces were frightened and quickly prostrated themselves on the ground.

"Congratulations, Your Highness, on refining the treasure!"

"From today on, Ye Lin is nothing more than an ant that can be easily crushed in Your Highness's hands."

"Your Highness is a person with great opportunities, and the future ruler of our Wanlong Xian Dynasty. How can he be compared with a country bumpkin like Ye Lin?"

"Your Highness is wise and powerful. I want to be your concubine and serve you."

Long Tianyang glanced at the monk kneeling on the ground, with a satisfied look on his face. He waved his sleeves, and a stream of spiritual light flew out of the pagoda. Each ray of spiritual light was actually a relatively well-preserved low-grade Taoist artifact.

The power of time seemed to be blocked by this high-grade Taoist artifact.

"Okay, okay, well said. Your Highness likes to hear it. These low-grade Taoist tools are given to you. You should speak more in the future. If your Highness is happy, it is not impossible to reward you with medium-grade Taoist tools. The treasures in this pagoda are endless!"

"Thank you, Your Highness."

"Your Highness is invincible in the world. You will crush Ye Lin to death, take away all his women, and let his soul burn in the soul-devouring fire for 10,000 years!"

"Your Highness has a treasure in his hand. Even if he ascends to the spirit world, he can do a lot. In the future, he will definitely ascend to the ninth heaven, survive the immortal tribulation, and become an eternal immortal!"

Just when Long Tianyang was most proud, a majestic breath descended, and all the cultivators changed their faces again.

Then a short, hunchbacked old man with a thin body, disordered breath, and sparse hair appeared beside Long Tianyang.

The old man waved his hand.

"You all should step aside for a moment. I have something to discuss with Long Xiaozi."

"Yes, sir!"

The person who came was the Poison Dragon Master, whose lifespan had already run out. He was Long Tianyang's protector. Poison Dragon Master seemed to have obtained some treasure that could prolong his lifespan, and successfully extended his lifespan for several decades. It can be seen that even if a powerful person who has reached the Great Perfection of Out-of-Body Realm has run out of lifespan, it is not so easy for him to die.

Long Tianyang, full of pride, glanced at the Poison Dragon Master who was once high above him. He had lost his fear and terror, but he still clasped his fists and saluted, trying to be respectful.

"Hello, ancestor."

Poison Dragon Master's eyes turned cold.

"Do you still want to practice with me with the top-grade Taoist weapon in your hand?"

Long Tianyang showed a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, but lowered his head even lower.

"Tianyang dare not."

Poison Dragon Master snorted coldly.

"What are you afraid of? Just practice, then practice, otherwise you won't know how to use the treasure even if you get it. Then you will become a treasure-giving boy, and give this treasure to Ye Lin in vain."

"Your life will be given away with it!"

"Once you enter the secret treasure of the galaxy, there will be no guardian to protect you, and no one can keep you safe in times of crisis!"

Long Tianyang's smile became more and more rampant.

"Then I will offend my ancestor!"

Long Tianyang poured in his magic power, and the pagoda in his hand shone with golden light and grew rapidly.

And the Poison Dragon Master just sneered and stared at Long Tianyang, the murderous intent in his eyes was as real as substance, as if Long Tianyang would die today if he made any more moves!

Long Tianyang, who was originally full of pride, felt his hands and feet cold, his magic power stagnated, and it was difficult to mobilize. His soul was even more terrified, and his body began to tremble.

The pagoda in his hand had grown to several feet high. Not only could he not suppress the hunchbacked old man in front of him, he couldn't even let it fly away!

"Old, old, old ancestor... are you going to kill me?"

Poison Dragon raised his hand and pointed at Long Tianyang's forehead. Long Tianyang's soul stabilized instantly, and most of his fear disappeared. He began to breathe heavily.

Poison Dragon said coldly.

"With your strength, you still want to be my opponent. Do you really think that the 17th place on the Out-of-Body Heaven List can be easily bullied by you, a useless junior?"

"With your current mentality, you still want to beat Ye Lin who has already entered the Out-of-Body period?"

"With your current mentality, if you meet Ye Lin, you will not only give up your head, but also offer your opportunity with both hands!"

Poison Dragon's words were like a wake-up call. Long Tianyang's face turned pale and his fingers trembled slightly. He thought that with the possession of a top-grade Taoist weapon, his strength would change dramatically.

Unexpectedly, facing the existence of the Out-of-Body Great Perfection, he didn't even have the courage to attack!

Because his spiritual sense was warning him that once he attacked, he would die!

"Ancestor, what should I do? Please tell me!"

Long Tianyang fell to his knees with a plop and kowtowed three times to Master Dulong.

Master Dulong sighed.

"Little Long, you lack the experience of fighting against strong enemies, and you also lack the state of mind of a strong person. You must remember that the real strongest and invincible people dare to take action against any powerful existence, and when they take action, they do not hesitate!"

"There are more than ten days before the door of the Galaxy Secret Treasure is opened. In this short time, I will give you special training so that you can better drive this treasure!"

"As long as there is no problem with your state of mind, it is not difficult to kill Ye Lin, who is in the early stage of out-of-body experience, with this top-grade Taoist weapon that is good at killing!"

Long Tianyang was overjoyed when he heard this.

"Thank you, Ancestor!"

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