Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 748: Stick to your heart

Qin Ziyan and Wang Tiezhu are protected by the blind master who is in the out-of-body stage. Not to mention a few ruffians in the foundation stage, even monks in the pill formation stage and Nascent Soul stage, what can they do to her.

However, she never imagined that the person who took action was not a blind master.

He met the two benefactors of the "Death-killing Man Slaughter" again, and there was also a domineering girl with a sword-like gaze beside him.

Wang Tiezhu looked at the lumps of meat in front of him, and then glanced at the girl who killed several people in an instant. It was like a mouse meeting a cat, his face turned pale, and he hid behind his sister without hesitation, no longer caring about his manliness. .

Qin Ziyan's face was also a little pale. She had killed people before, but she had never seen such a tragic death.

Fortunately, her mental quality was excellent, and it took only a moment for her to regain her composure. She looked at the domineering girl with some confusion, and bowed respectfully.

"Thank you to the three benefactors for coming to the rescue... I wonder what the benefactor meant when he said 'those who insult my royal family' just now?"

Qin Ziyan is very smart, and she heard an unusual meaning from this sentence.

Ye Lin said: "Let's go back to your house first. The stench here is so bad that it's not the place to talk."

Qin Ziyan nodded.

"Then these dead people..."

Qin Jin'er said calmly: "Of course someone will handle it."

Led by Ye Lin, he quickly left the warehouse, and Wang Tiezhu walked to the end with a hint of crying...

"Sister, I, I, my legs are weak..."

Ye Lin turned back and smiled at him.

"You will have a good life in the future. You can eat the most delicious delicacies from the mountains and seas, practice the highest-level exercises, and take the highest-quality elixirs... Are you feeling energetic now?"

Wang Tiezhu's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Is there such a good thing? I haven't read many books... Please don't lie to me, my benefactor..."

Ye Lin said.

"Do not lie to you."

Wang Tiezhu immediately bypassed Qin Jin'er and quickly ran to Ye Lin's side.

"Then my future strength can really catch up with your old man... I can fly in the sky, escape from the earth, be omnipotent, and kill anyone I don't like?"

Ye Lin nodded.

"If you practice hard, you will have a chance."

Of course, Ye Lin did not specifically say how big the chance was.

Qin Ziyan, who was walking at the end, felt even more confused when she heard Ye Lin's words. Her brows furrowed slightly. She didn't feel excited, and even felt particularly heavy.

Not long after, a group of people walked into the small courtyard where Qin Ziyan's family lived. The orphans who had played wildly all day had fallen asleep, and the courtyard seemed particularly clean.

In the living room with extremely simple displays, an oil lamp was on, and the old blind man on crutches had been waiting in the living room early. It seemed that he had noticed that Ye Lin and others were coming to Qin Ziyan's rescue.

The blind master bowed respectfully to Ye Lin and Qin Jin'er.

"I have met Lord Ye, and I have met Her Royal Highness the Princess."

Although the blind master lives in seclusion and does not care about world affairs, he naturally knows the major events that the entire human race monks know. Since Ye Lin last killed the out-of-body mid-career enshrinement in Changhe Prefecture, he has been interested in investigating Ye Lin's true identity. identity.

The Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent is vast and has countless monks. For a hermit monk like him who has extremely difficulty in obtaining information, investigating people is like finding a needle in a haystack.

However, the genius who can kill the monks in the middle stage of the body with the power of Yuanying Dzogchen is so rare that the entire Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent can be counted on one hand, so it didn’t take long for him to highly suspect that the person who took action that day was the so-called Ye Lin, the first genius of the era.

Today, he finally got verified.

Because Qin Jin'er, the ninety-ninth princess of the Qin Dynasty, appeared, the only male monk of the same age who could be followed by her could be Lord Ye, who was known as the butcher of the prince.

Now that his identity has been revealed, Ye Lin no longer deliberately hides it. In fact, there is no need to hide it. More than half of what he wants to achieve has been achieved. The only thing left to do is to choose the prince, and now he has some clues. .

Ye Lin and Xiao Bai's appearance changed rapidly. Ye Lin changed from a graceful scholar to a handsome young Taoist. Xiao Bai's appearance became even more stunning, no less beautiful than Qin Jin'er next to him.

Ye Lin accepted the old man's salute calmly and just waved his hand.

"Fellow Taoist, get up. You should already know why you are here today."

The blind master smiled bitterly.

"I do know. Some time ago, I was investigated by a master in his dream. The man was extremely advanced and his methods were extremely hidden. But after I woke up, I felt something unusual."

"When I saw the arrival of the lord and the princess today, I already understood that the person who investigated the old man that night should be a master of Qintian Prison."

Ye Lin was silent.


Wang Tiezhu was still in his dream, with a big mouth and round eyes, pointing at Ye Lin, his face flushed, and he couldn't say a word for a while, as if his heart was about to beat out of his chest...

"'s the one who, according to legend, killed many princes and ministers, Lord Ye!?"

This was the person Wang Tiezhu admired the most, even more than his benefactor, the scholar whose name was Fatal Scholar, but he never dreamed that these two people were actually the same person!

Ye Lin nodded to Wang Tiezhu. Before Wang Tiezhu could jump up and shout in excitement, Ye Lin waved his sleeves to make him pass out. At the same time, his body automatically flew into the bedroom and fell on the bed.

There are a lot of big things to talk about next, and it’s not a big deal if someone keeps making noises.

Compared to Wang Tiezhu, whose jaw almost dropped to the ground in shock, Qin Ziyan's heart was filled with huge waves, but it did not show on her face. Her little face only showed solemnity.

She might have known that tonight she would know her mother's past and her father's name.

Ye Lin took the lead and sat on the not-so-clean bench, followed by Xiaobai and Qin Jin'er.

"Sit down and talk."

The somewhat restrained blind teacher and the seemingly calm Qin Ziyan also sat down.

Ye Lin looked at Qin Ziyan.

"Miss Zi Yan, I still remember what you said."

"You said that the so-called law and order is to protect the ants who are arbitrarily squeezed and trampled by others. I agree with you."

"Now there are still countless people in the whole Qin Dynasty who are arbitrarily squeezed and trampled by others. Some people have lost their lives, some have lost their chastity, and some have lost their money. Even if I kill so many princes and ministers at one time, this situation will not improve much."

"Every day, there are countless orphans in the Qin Dynasty, and countless children who have no ability to live starve to death or freeze to death on the streets."

"You can take care of Wang Tiezhu meticulously and adopt those helpless children with all your ability. It can be seen that you are a person who truly understands the suffering of the people and sticks to your heart. This is very valuable."

"In my opinion, your quality is better than most of the princes, princesses, and ministers in high positions in the Qin Dynasty."

"Now, if you are given a chance, you can change the law and order of the Qin Dynasty and punish everyone you want to punish. Are you willing?"

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