Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 747 Little Cat Girl

Soon after, she became a thief in the palace, stealing a large amount of treasures and selling them, and the evidence was conclusive. She was severely punished by the concubine surnamed Song. As a result, Yuan Ying's origin was greatly damaged. If it were not for her to have another night with the emperor, she would have been killed that day. It will lead to the tragic end of death.

After that, she was expelled from the palace and was never allowed to set foot in the palace again!

When she was expelled, she was already pregnant, but she never told anyone. Even if the concubine named Song seriously injured her, she not only did not mention it, but she tried her best to hide her pregnancy!

As for the reason?

She hated the ruthless and unjust emperor, and also hated the wealthy and famous families. If she had the chance, she would only want her children to be born into the most ordinary and ordinary mortal family.

Although mortal life is bitter, we can get the emotions we deserve.

Therefore, the concubine surnamed Song framed her and expelled her from the palace, which was exactly what she wanted. After leaving the palace, she changed her appearance and became an ordinary widow in the ordinary mortal area.

Twenty years later, she gave birth to Qin Ziyan, who had been pregnant for thirty years... In the world of immortality, this was a dragon fetus, and she was born with the qualifications of a true dragon!

If this news were to reach the palace, the aloof Emperor would probably be so happy that he could not open his mouth from ear to ear. He would lament that the Qin Dynasty was booming, and with the blessing of the ancestors, she, the palace maid who gave birth to a dragon fetus, could become a noble concubine. when.

But she had long since lost any thoughts. She had been punished in the palace, and the essence of her Nascent Soul was greatly damaged. In order to protect the fetus in her belly, she had exhausted the vitality in her body.

After Qin Ziyan was born, she already had white hair. In order to protect Qin Ziyan from growing up, she borrowed secret techniques to live for another ten years.

That year, Qin Ziyan was ten years old and lost her mother.

As for who her father was... her mother never mentioned it, and she never asked too much. Maybe he was just an ordinary person who died long ago due to an ordinary accident...

Qin Ziyan was ten years old, and she took Wang Tiezhu, who was only three or four years old, to start running for a living in the poor alleys.

Because of what happened to Qin Ziyan's mother, before she died, she just wanted Qin Ziyan to be an ordinary person, marry an ordinary person, and live an ordinary life...

And the blind master who had always admired Qin Ziyan's mother in the past was silently guarding her.

If there were no accidents, even if Qin Ziyan was born extraordinary, she would never be able to break through the core formation stage in her life... nor would she know the truth about her life experience, let alone her mother's past.

The sun sets in the mortal area of ​​Qin Capital.

In order to make money to support their family, Qin Ziyan and her brother moved a few more goods in order to feed the children they adopted in the yard so that they could live a better life in the future.

At this time, their clothes were covered with dust, their hair was messy, and their faces looked like tabby cats.

Wang Tiezhu followed Qin Ziyan, muttering and complaining.

"Sister, when will this kind of life end... Don't get me wrong, I'm not tired, I just feel like I have no future. Sister, they say that men have ambitions everywhere, but I am moving goods on the streets, and my cultivation level has not improved at all. …If this continues, I’m afraid I won’t be able to break through the foundation building stage in this life.”

"When will I get rich..."

"When can I make a lot of money so that my sister and those little bastards can live a good life..."

"When can I become as powerful as those two benefactors..."

Just then, they passed by a woman selling candied haws on a stick. Wang Tiezhu couldn't help but look at the woman a few more times. It wasn't that he was greedy for candied haws, nor was he cowardly, but that he remembered that the two benefactors seemed I have visited this candied haws shop several times.

However, I haven't seen those two benefactors again for a month.

"Sister, do you think we will never see our benefactor again in this life..."

Qin Ziyan's eyes were a little dim, and she forced out a smile.

"Perhaps so. When we reach their level, I heard that one retreat is equivalent to one Jiazi. Even if it takes hundreds of years, we might all die of old age."

"And they are still graceful and elegant."

"That's good. Even if we meet him, we can't do anything for our benefactor."

Wang Tiezhu said thiefly.

"Sister, you don't mean what you say. I see you looking around every time you pass by. You seem a little disappointed when you don't see a familiar figure... People in the world have a saying that you can't repay the kindness of saving your life, so you have to..."

Before Wang Tiezhu could finish his words, he was kicked by Qin Ziyan, who was so imposing, that he flew ten feet away and fell to the ground.

"Is your skin itchy?"

Wang Tiezhu had no choice but to beg for mercy loudly.

As the two walked into the warehouse, Qin Ziyan couldn't help but frown slightly.

Recently, the warehouse has been replaced by a young manager who seems to be the son of the old manager.

Before Qin Ziyan walked into the warehouse, the young steward greeted her enthusiastically, with a smile on his face.

"Zi Yan, have you thought about whether you want to be my uncle's wife? You are so beautiful. As long as you nod your head, you will no longer have to do hard work in this life. Your husband will treat you like his ancestors..."

Wang Tiezhu's face was extremely gloomy, and the veins in his fists bulged, but Qin Ziyan stepped in front of him and blocked him.

Qin Ziyan said coldly.

"I'm sorry, we may not be suitable for you. Please take care of yourself and pay your wages for today!"

In order to live, she had to endure some foul language, and she had learned it since she was a child.

The young steward suddenly frowned and his face became a little cold.

"Don't accept my toast, and drink the wine for punishment? Do you know who is the fifth uncle of my second aunt's third uncle? He is a well-known eighth-rank official in the cultivator area!"

"Believe it or not, I can make you forget about living in this mortal area in your life with just one word! I am young, but I broke through the foundation-building stage at the age of 40, which is not worthy of you."

"Tonight, I will see what qualifications you, a little girl, have to resist me!"

"If you don't agree, your brother will definitely die!"

The young manager waved his sleeves, and the warehouse door slammed shut. Several men with evil smiles walked out of the shadow of the warehouse, and they were all in the foundation-building stage.

The young manager pinched his fingers with one hand, his face was ferocious, and a flying sword flew out of his sleeve.

Qin Ziyan was still not panicked, but her eyes were extremely cold.

The next moment.


The ground sank suddenly.

Blood splattered.

All the men with bad intentions turned into a pool of meat paste in an instant.

An extremely cold voice sounded.

"Those who insult my royal family will die!"

The warehouse door opened with a bang, and three people walked into the warehouse, namely Ye Lin, Xiaobai, and Qin Jiner, who were dressed as scholars.

The one who just attacked was Qin Jiner with an angry face!

Qin Ziyan had never thought that she would see Ye Lin again like this. There was another girl beside him. She was beautiful and had no flaws. She wore a light blue long skirt and had a cold temperament, not inferior to the woman known as the butcher's wife!

And she was still a dirty little cat girl.

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