Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 734 Qinhuang Ancient Sword

"I dare to ask, which fellow Taoist is it that wants to call me Mr. Ye? I'm going to lose my mind!"


The majestic and invincible momentum exploded with Ye Lin as the center.

The Ziyan Pavilion building, which was as tall as a mountain, trembled violently, and the wooden structures of all the rooms began to creak, as if they were about to collapse at any time. Even the main structure of Ziyan Pavilion's Dao Taoist instrument was constantly trembling, as if it had withstood the impact. Endless pressure.

This is Ye Lin's first unbridled display after achieving invincibility!

In the entire Ziyan Pavilion, all the monks who had formed or formed pills could no longer move at all, and even the magic power in their meridians could no longer continue to operate.

Although the movement ability of all Nascent Soul stage monks is not restricted, the speed of mana flow has dropped by more than half, and their strength has plummeted.

As for the monks in the out-of-body stage who stand at the top of the entire world of immortality, they are much less affected. They just feel short of breath and seem to have a towering mountain pressing on their hearts.

Ye Lin took a step forward with a girl named Jiang Wan'er. The monk from Ziyan Pavilion who had just uttered arrogant words immediately took a few steps back, his expression extremely ugly.

The first batch of Ziyan Pavilion monks who arrived were led by a monk who was in the early stage of leaving the body, and the rest were all Nascent Soul stage monks, with a total number of five people.

Just between breaths, rays of escaping light came one after another and landed in the corridor. Everyone had at least the initial stage of out-of-body cultivation.

One, two, three...

After a few breaths, fifteen monks in the out-of-body stage had arrived, three of them were in the middle stage of the out-of-body stage, and one person's cultivation had reached the late stage of the out-of-body stage.

This monk from Ziyan Pavilion, who is in the late stage of leaving his body, has white beard and hair, but looks like a twenty-eight-year-old boy. He is dressed in white clothes and has an extraordinary bearing.

Ye Lin's face remained calm. He just pulled Jiang Waner and walked towards the stairs step by step. When he took a step, all the monks of Ziyan Pavilion took a step back.

Including the white-haired boy who was looking at Ye Lin carefully.

"This invincible aura is too terrifying. Nine times out of ten, it is really Lord Ye!"

The white-haired boy's spiritual consciousness transmitted to the minds of all the monks of Ziyan Pavilion, and everyone's expressions changed drastically again.

Lord Ye's reputation is known to all the monks of the three great immortal dynasties. Especially in the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, even the children who have just started to practice are familiar with his achievements in challenging the geniuses of all nations and making the human race famous.

The momentum of all the monks in Ziyan Pavilion instantly weakened. The white-haired boy stepped forward with a smile on his face, and first bowed respectfully to Ye Lin.

"It turns out that Lord Ye is here. It is an unforgivable crime for Ziyan Pavilion to neglect the Lord. If Lord Ye likes any girl, even if it is a famous courtesan lady who is known to everyone, as long as she tells me Just say "Just take it away."

"There is absolutely no need to make such a big fuss..."

Ye Lin glanced at the white-haired boy and showed a kind smile.

"Really, it seems to be a minor misunderstanding. Now I want to take away this little girl named Jiang Wan'er, so why don't you leave quickly!"

The white-haired boy suddenly looked embarrassed.

"Ah... Lord Ye doesn't know. Many of the girls in Ziyan Pavilion are from the Jiaofang Division. For example, the girl Mengyue in the hands of Lord Ye is the daughter of a guilty minister. According to the laws of the Qin Dynasty, Deserve to be a prostitute.”

"After all, the Jiaofang Division is an institution of the imperial court... If Lord Ye wants someone, he has to respond to the Jiaofang Division. If we let the girl of the Jiaofang Division go without permission, it would be lawlessness and a serious crime."

"Therefore, this request of your lordship is a bit embarrassing for me. How about your lordship replace it with a local girl from our Ziyan Pavilion... or a few of them. Regardless of their rank, I guarantee that I will give it to you with both hands!"

Ye Lin's smile did not change and he just responded lightly.

"What if I have to take Miss Jiang away today?"

The white-haired boy suppressed the shock and anger in his heart.

"Master Ye must consider the consequences!"

"Even if you have a high status now, you will still be our Great Qin's Consort and become a half-royal in the future. However, as a Great Qin official, if you do not respect the law, it will not be of any benefit to the country."

"We in Ziyan Pavilion will also operate the formation. All the experts will take action at the same time to prevent Lord Ye from violating the law. Even if it offends Lord Ye, we will do whatever it takes to protect the rules of Great Qin!"

When the white-haired boy said this, he stood up, his eyes filled with murderous intent, staring at Jiang Waner beside Ye Lin.

Given a hundred courages, they would naturally not dare to kill Ye Lin in public, but by "accidentally" killing Jiang Waner in the chaos of the battle, their goal would have been achieved by eliminating the trouble.

The white-haired boy also knew that Ye Lin's personal strength was terrifying, but in Ziyan Pavilion, he had two experienced late-stage out-of-body monks, eight mid-stage out-of-body monks, and more than twenty early-stage out-of-body monks, plus Zi Yan. With the huge formations set up in the pavilion, he didn't believe that he couldn't subdue Ye Lin and kill the little girl in the pill-forming stage in Ye Lin's hands.

Ye Lin still kept walking.

He laughed.

"Protecting the laws of the Great Qin and preventing me, Mr. Ye, from breaking the law sounds like a pleasant reason. As long as Mr. Ye is suppressed by you in Ziyan Pavilion today, public opinion will rise tomorrow, and the entire Great Qin Immortal Dynasty will think that I, Mr. Ye Lin is lawless and domineering, and even the invincible image I have finally built up in their hearts will collapse as a result."

"Yes, good calculation."

"However, there is one thing that is very regrettable. You only know that I, Ye Lin, have received numerous rewards from His Majesty the Emperor, but few people know the specific rewards."

"I don't blame you. After all, there are too many rewards. Even I can't remember them."

Ye Lin turned his palm over, and a silver light flashed in his hand.

A long sword that released the terrifying imperial pressure suddenly appeared in Ye Lin's hand. The sword's blade was carved with dragons and phoenixes, and mysterious ancient characters flashed continuously. In the center of the sword, eight characters were carved - Ancient Sword of Emperor Qin. , kill first and play later!

Ye Lin's voice was as loud as thunder again, exploding in everyone's mind.

"I, Ye Lin, hold the Qin Emperor's ancient sword, which is equivalent to His Majesty the Emperor's personal presence. Whoever dares to say no tonight will be killed without mercy!"

In the three eternities, the supreme imperial power is greater than the laws of the country!

The next moment, Emperor Qin's ancient sword turned into a silver-white sharp sword energy and stabbed straight at the white-haired boy who was very close at hand. The white-haired boy's eyes were condensed, and as he retreated, he opened his mouth and swish He spit out three sword lights and fought with Qin Huang's ancient sword.

Only a series of metal collision sounds were heard. In the narrow corridor, three sword lights and Qin Huang's ancient sword clashed several times in one breath, and their figures kept flashing.

Those three sword lights were three low-grade Taoist weapons flying swords formed into a sword formation. In the end, Qinhuang's ancient sword was just a low-grade Taoist weapon. Its symbolic significance was far greater than its own power, and it was quickly defeated. Step by step backwards.

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