Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 733 I am Ye Lin

The girl named Jiang Waner blurted out the next moment.

"He is not, he is definitely not a corrupt official!"

Ye Lin saw that there was finally a glimmer of light in the girl's eyes, and then nodded.

"very good……"

Jiang Waner looked at Ye Lin in surprise.

"Sir...who are you?"

Ye Lin said calmly: "I kill the scholar, and my daughter-in-law kills the lady. We are a famous life-killing combination in the world. How about it, Miss Jiang, have you heard of our names?"

Xiaobai on the side did not forget to add.

"Although we have a scary name, we do good deeds every day. Today, my husband saw you feeling a little pitiful, so he felt a little compassion and wanted to see if he could help you."

Jiang Wan'er had a thoughtful look on her face, as if she was carefully searching her memory for whether there was a group of chivalrous people known as Ren Tu in the world.

This name really made her feel familiar and strange at the same time. She said it was familiar, but she couldn't remember its specific existence. She said it was strange, but she felt that she had definitely heard of it...

This is the mystery behind the names of Ye Lin and Xiao Bai. Because the scholar who killed people and the lady who was killed by people were ruined in the world, even those who had no experience in the world would listen to the stories told by Mr. Shu. I said this kind of name.

Jiang Waner said with some reluctance: "It seems that I have heard of the names of the two knights."

After knowing that Ye Lin and Xiaobai were just a pair of barely famous knights, the girl felt a little disappointed. What kind of place was Ziyan Pavilion? What two knights, even if they had reached the Nascent Soul stage, could do , in fact, it is pitiful, and even if they are not careful, their lives may be involved.

As for seeking justice for her father, she had no hope. In the entire Qin capital, there were only a handful of people who could do this, and she had no chance of coming into contact with them.

But by this time, she had reached a dead end, and she had no choice but to be a doctor and choose to believe in Ye Lin. Even if there was only a hope that was 10,000 times smaller than a hair, she wanted to seize it.


Jiang Waner knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Ye Lin.

"As long as you two are willing to help, no matter what the outcome is, thank you in advance!"

Ye Lin saw the disappointment in Jiang Waner's eyes, but he didn't care. He waved his sleeves, and Jiang Waner was lifted up by the magic power and returned to her seat.

"Tell me about your father, Mr. Jiang. You said he was not a corrupt official. Then how did you find hundreds of immortal stones from his storage ring that Hubu was short of money on?"

Jiang Wan'er looked in pain and shook her head vigorously.

"I...I don't know, but my family has always lived a very poor life and has never lived a very luxurious life. My father's character is also thrifty and upright. He would never do such a thing!"

Ye Lin said calmly, unmoved.

"Let's give you an example. After all, you know people, faces, but not hearts."

Jiang Waner fell into memories.

"My cultivation talent is very good, and I am expected to break through the realm of transcendence and bring glory to my ancestors. Therefore, my parents dote on me. Once when I was visiting Wanxian Tower, I saw a top-quality magic weapon of Master Ye brand that I really liked because of the price. It was a bit expensive and I didn’t have enough spiritual stones on hand, so I went home and asked my father to buy it for me.”

"My dad said that I have to save money for a year, but after one year, he will help me buy it."

"He is a fourth-grade official. He needs to save money for a year to buy a top-quality magic weapon. How can he be greedy for hundreds of immortal yuan stones? If he has this wealth, he can buy a top-quality magic weapon without even blinking!"

Ye Lin nodded slightly after hearing this.

"I believe your words for the time being, and I also believe that your father is a fairly honest official. Please tell me your guesses about the case. You can say it regardless of whether there is evidence or basis."

Jiang Waner said tremblingly.

"I suspect that a high-ranking official in the court framed my father. Those Immortal Essence Stones were put in after taking my father's storage ring so that my father could claim his master at low blood pressure."

"There are many motives for framing my father. For example, my father does not want to join forces with others, for example, he has different political opinions..."

Ye Lin asked again after hearing this.

"Do you know who booked your virginity?"

Jiang Waner's pretty face turned red with embarrassment, and she shook her head.

"The Madam has never told me who it is, but I am certain that it must be a dignitary who has met me before and has a high status in the court. Maybe he is someone who has pursued me before."

Ye Lin asked.

"Who is your biggest suspicion?"

"The most beloved son of Mr. Liu, Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, Liu Zhihui! He has been stalking me for a long time. After being rejected by me many times, he once said harsh words, saying that he wanted to get me and then destroy everything about me!"

Ye Lin heard this and stared at Jiang Waner for a long time. He didn't stop until Jiang Waner's face looked a little unnatural.

"It seems there is another motive... maybe the reason for framing your father is because of yourself. Many times, being too beautiful and too talented is also a sin, especially when the two are superimposed."

Jiang Waner clenched her fists tightly and was speechless for a moment.

Ye Lin said again: "Your father's case has been sued. If you want to use normal means to overturn his case, all the evidence that should be destroyed was destroyed a year ago. There is no longer any possibility to overturn your father's case using conventional means." ”

"If someone were to investigate for clues, even the Qin Tian Jian who monitors hundreds of officials, by the time it is found out, you would have already become the plaything of the Master of the Ministry of Finance."

Hearing this, Jiang Wan'er's face turned pale again, and her spirit collapsed again.

"I, I also understand that this is almost impossible...their power is too huge."

Ye Lin smiled coldly.

He learned from Qingniao, the death soldier of the Imperial Observatory, that this case was supervised by the Ministry of Personnel, and Jiang Wan'er's father was indeed an honest official in the secret files of the Imperial Observatory for his entire life. Of course, in order to survive in the officialdom, he would occasionally take a symbolic amount, but only a little.

It's enough.

Ye Lin clapped his hands and stood up. He smiled kindly and his appearance quickly changed and recovered.

"Since conventional means are not feasible, use unconventional means!"

Jiang Wan'er noticed that Ye Lin and Xiaobai's appearance suddenly changed and was a little confused, but at this time she could not care about anything else. She asked disheartenedly: "What is unconventional means? Don't be impulsive, my two benefactors. This is the Ziyan Pavilion where strong people are everywhere."

Obviously, Jiang Wan'er was imprisoned in Ziyan Pavilion and Jiaofangsi, and she didn't know or care about the major events happening in the outside world. Naturally, she had never seen Ye Lin's portrait and didn't know what kind of existence Ye Lin was.

Ye Lin grabbed Jiang Wan'er's arm and pulled her toward the door with a force that she could not resist.

"Unconventional means, of course, whoever stands in the way will be killed! Fight out of Ziyan Pavilion, kill to the residence of the Minister of Revenue, and ask the young man named Liu Zhihui in person whether someone framed your father!"

"This is indeed Ziyan Pavilion, but it is also the territory of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty!"

Ye Lin's voice suddenly increased, so loud that the entire ninety-nine-story building was shaking!


Ye Lin waved his sleeves, and the door of the private room instantly turned into gray smoke.

Jiang Wan'er opened her mouth wide, and her heart was so horrified that she felt that all her thoughts in her head had stagnated and she could no longer think.

In an instant, several escape lights flashed, and pairs of cold-eyed monks landed outside the door of Ye Lin's private room.

Someone shouted angrily.

"What is your name? How dare you act wildly in Ziyan Pavilion!"

"No matter who you are, if you break the rules of Ziyan Pavilion, you will be killed!"

Ye Lin's face was calm, and he walked out of the door with Jiang Wan'er, who was completely frightened.

He said indifferently.

"I am Ye Lin."

"May I ask which Taoist friend wants me, Ye, to be killed?"

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