Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 729: Purple Smoke Pavilion

To put it bluntly, the so-called Jiaofangsi is an official prostitute hookup run by the imperial court. Most of the girls in it are the family members of officials who have committed serious crimes, but the crime of their family members did not lead to death.

"Oh? Ziyan Pavilion is related to the Ninety-One Prince Qin Xiangrui?"

Ye Lin became interested when he heard this.

This ninety-one prince named Qin Xiangrui, Qin Jin'er's ninety-one prince, is one of the three princes that Ye Lin needs to focus on. Currently, both among the people and the court, there are many voices supporting him as the new prince of Qin. It's not small.

Blue Bird responded again.

"In previous years, the total income of the Jiaofang Division was not ideal, so His Highness the Ninety-One Prince wrote a letter requesting to reform the Jiaofang Division's profit model in order to replenish the national treasury and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Naturally, His Majesty the Emperor readily agreed and gave His Royal Highness the Ninety-One Prince full power. After supervising this matter, in less than half a year, the Jiaofang Division signed a cooperation contract with Ziyan Pavilion and obtained a large number of official prostitute resources sent by the Jiaofang Division. "

"From then on, Ziyan Pavilion was not only famous for the talents of the Qing court servants. It is said that the girls from the Jiaofang Division were very open-minded after training and had excellent ability to serve guests. Moreover, many talented people famous in Qin Dynasty came in one after another. Ziyan Pavilion presented poems to the girl, Ziyan Pavilion supplemented the two major shortcomings, and its profitability has far exceeded Feng Yuexuan and Hongxiu Tower. "

"Today, the Jiaofang Division has almost ceased to exist in name only. All the outstanding beauties have been sent to Ziyan Pavilion. However, the revenue of the Jiaofang Division has increased several times than before, which makes His Majesty the Emperor quite satisfied."

Ye Lin nodded when he heard this.

"Then let's go to Ziyan Pavilion tonight for a walk."

The blue bird began to guide Ye Lin.

"The specific location of Ziyan Pavilion is..."

Ye Lin and Xiao Bai had been walking for about half an hour, and it was already approaching midnight. Even though the downtown area was still brightly lit and bustling with traffic, the popularity was a little worse than before.

Although monks can go without sleep for a long time, there is not much benefit from not sleeping for a long time. Therefore, under normal circumstances, if you have free time, it is normal to rest for an hour or two every night.

In the middle of the night, the excitement in the market has faded a bit, but this Chunfeng Street, which has a unique rouge atmosphere, is full of pedestrians. At a glance, luxurious and spacious carriages are lining up on the street. On both sides of the street, there are all kinds of people. There was an endless stream of monks, mostly male monks, including handsome young men, rangers carrying long swords and hats, and rugged men with beards and ferocious faces...

There are many brothels on both sides of the street, some of which are dozens of stories high. On the side facing the street, there are graceful female monks with excellent looks dancing gracefully like fairies in paintings to attract passers-by.

There are rugged men laughing boldly in brothels, and there are also poor scholars who have not reached the foundation-building stage and are drunk and want to use poetry for free, but are ruthlessly thrown into the street...

This was the first time Ye Lin saw this scene, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

"The brothels of this Eternal Immortal Dynasty are much more elegant and upscale than other Immortal Dynasties..."

After walking along Chunfeng Street for a while, Ye Lin finally saw a huge tall building that was ninety-nine stories high and towered like a mountain in Chunfeng Street.

The most amazing thing is that the whole building seems to be shrouded in mist. Climbing up the tall building is like climbing to the top of a mountain and being in a sea of ​​clouds.

This building is where Ziyan Pavilion is located!

If he hadn't known in advance that this was just a brothel, Ye Lin would have thought without hesitation that this was definitely an immortal mansion. At first glance, it looked even more grand than the imperial palace of Da Qin.

In fact, this is indeed an extraordinary mansion of the Immortal Family. Ye Lin was shocked to realize that the entire building was integrated and turned into a low-grade Taoist artifact.

The misty clouds and mist swimming around the building are not ordinary clouds, but a powerful formation that isolates the perception of spiritual consciousness. Even the spiritual consciousness of monks in the late stage of out-of-body experience cannot penetrate the clouds and mist, and in the clouds and mist, Every floor, every room, has a layer of formations to block perception.

There is no graceful figure in Ziyan Pavilion. Beautiful women in light palace clothes dance to attract customers, because this is not necessary. Just this ninety-nine-story building can show its strength.

Xiaobai looked at the spectacular scene in front of him and couldn't help but sigh.

"The privacy protection of this brothel is very good. If I hadn't known in advance that this was just a brothel, I would have thought that this was a scary forbidden place. There are two monks in the late stage of leaving the body in a mere brothel."

Ye Lin smiled.

"In the world of cultivating immortals, these top brothels are a big force in themselves. Such a huge building can accommodate tens of thousands of guests every night, and the annual income is unimaginable. It is more than the income of the Ten Thousand Immortals Tower in the Qin capital. Much higher."

With that said, the two of them came to the door that was ten feet wide. One after another, the maids with stunning looks and various costumes stood in front of the door. Just one look at them could make any man... Feast your eyes.

It can be seen that these people are just the maids who lead the way in the huge Ziyan Pavilion, not the prostitutes who receive guests.

Seeing Ye Lin and Xiao Bai approaching, a young Shui Ling girl, who also had double ponytails and a white dress, looked innocent and cute, about sixteen or seventeen years old, came up to them with a smile.

However, her smile was a little unnatural.

Because Xiaobai next to Ye Lin is dressed similarly to her. Because Xiaobai changed her appearance and lowered her appearance, their appearance is about the same, but their figure is not as good as Xiaobai's, and their temperament is even worse. inside.

And this is a brothel after all. Although there are many wonders in the world of immortality, it is not common to take beautiful women to visit brothels.

The maid bowed to Ye Lin, and then said in a delicate voice.

"My two distinguished guests, I am very happy to serve you. You can call me Xiao Ya."

At this point, the maid named Xiao Ya paused slightly. According to some unwritten rules, if a wealthy family sees the leading maid saying hello, they will most likely give her a sum of spiritual stones.

After two breaths of silence, Xiao Ya was a little disappointed to see Ye Lin and the beautiful girl beside him motionless, but her expression did not change at all.

"My two distinguished guests, please come in..."

Ye Lin and Xiao Bai followed Xiao Ya and strode into the Purple Smoke Pavilion, which was three or four feet high on the first floor.

In the Purple Smoke Pavilion, people were surging, and the aroma of wine and rouge was rampant. There was a huge stage on the first floor, and there were beautiful and graceful women performing their talents on the stage, playing the piano, blowing the flute, or dancing.

There were hundreds of spectators sitting around the stage, and bursts of cheers came from time to time.

Seeing Ye Lin walking towards the stage of a girl playing the zither with great interest, Xiao Ya felt even more disappointed.

Undoubtedly, the status of the girl who could perform for free on the first floor for others to watch must be very low in this Ziyan Pavilion, and the guests who were attracted by the free performance on the first floor...

Most of them were stingy people who would only order a few pots of wine, or even more stingy, a pot of tea to drink until dawn.

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