Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 728 Brothel

Wang Ziyan was speechless for a moment.

It seemed that what her brother said was right.

Wang Tiezhu seemed to remember something, and his eyes rolled.

"Sister, you are not in love with that deadly scholar, considering that he already has a Taoist partner, and that the butcher lady is so beautiful, so..."

Poor Wang Tiezhu was kicked in the butt by his sister before he could finish his words.

"If you want to die, just say it..."

Wang Tiezhu's face instantly turned the color of liver due to pain.

"I'm wrong, I'm wrong... Sister, spare me."

Wang Tiezhu has a kind of cunningness of a commoner. He said I was wrong, but he was complaining in his heart: "Such a strong reaction, could it be that my sister was really hurt by what he said... This is not easy to deal with, it's ten thousand times harder than a toad eating swan meat, no, one hundred thousand times harder."

Wang Ziyan seemed to see what Wang Tiezhu was thinking, and she was so angry that she kicked Wang Tiezhu away again. The wooden box weighing hundreds of kilograms was lifted up by Wang Ziyan's hand before it fell to the ground, attracting the attention of pedestrians on the street, who lamented that Wang Ziyan was very skilled.

This time, Wang Tiezhu's two buttocks were swollen, but it didn't matter. What mattered was that he discovered his sister's unspeakable girlish thoughts.

It turns out that strong women can also have girlish thoughts.

In fact... Wang Ziyan's heart was not as complicated as Wang Tiezhu imagined. In her opinion, the deadly scholar was suave and had saved her life. She really had nothing to repay him, and her most impressive thing was probably her beautiful appearance that many people coveted.

There is an extremely satisfying saying in the martial arts world, called "I have nothing to repay the life-saving grace, so I can only repay you with my body." Wang Ziyan did have such thoughts in her heart, but the key is that even if she pledged her body to him, the benefactor would definitely look down on her.

This is the fundamental reason why she was ashamed.

As for the fact that she longed for the benefactor who could kill a mid-stage out-of-body cultivator with one move like an ordinary girl, she was just a poor girl who had just entered the foundation-building stage, and she still had some self-knowledge.


Ye Lin met the Wang brothers and sisters by chance, but he didn't think much about it, nor did he do anything that affected their lives and fate because of their hard lives.

In the Great Qin Dynasty, there are so many people like the Wang brothers and sisters who suffer from the cruel reality. Ye Lin can save one person, he can save ten thousand people, but he can't save everyone.

But there is one person who can.

The Great Qin Emperor.

So finding a prince who is truly willing to seek happiness for the people of the world can solve the symptoms and the root cause.

The two of them walked through the mortal area and the monk area. The moon was already high in the sky, and then they came to the inner city of Qindu.

The inner city at night is brightly lit, with a lot of traffic, prosperous and lively, just like daytime.

Only after seeing the prosperity of the inner city can you feel that Qindu has the scene that a large capital of the Eternal Immortal Dynasty should have.

For ordinary monks, if they want to enter the inner city from the monk area, the entrance fee will cost a full fifty low-grade spirit stones, so it is no problem to say that all the people in the inner city are either rich or noble monks.

The inner city is divided into two small areas. The first is the residential area. Every inch of land and every inch of spiritual stone here are inhabited by the dignitaries of Qindu. If you can have a house in the inner city of Qindu, even if it is small and the decoration is so poor that you can't bear to look at it, you can walk sideways in the cultivator area of ​​the Qin Dynasty.

The other area is the Fangshi District, which is the most important economic hub of the entire Qin Dynasty. The number of treasure resources traded in the Fangshi District every day is inestimable. The Qin Dynasty can also collect certain taxes from these shops to continue the luxurious life of the royal family, support the civil and military officials and hundreds of millions of Qin soldiers.

Ye Lin and the others obviously have little interest in the residential area and the dignitaries who live a luxurious life in the residential area. The two went straight to the most prosperous Fangshi District.

On the street, there are countless shops with gorgeous and elegant decorations. There are shops with a dazzling array of spiritual tools and magic weapons, there are elixir shops with the aroma of medicine wafting for dozens of miles, there are money houses that deposit and withdraw spiritual stones and lend spiritual stones for profit, and there are brothels that shout in a coquettish voice, "Daoyou, a spring night is worth a thousand gold."

Ye Lin and Xiao Bai first walked into a 99-story Wanxian Building. In the Wanxian Building, they saw that Master Ye's brand of meditation talisman was very popular. Many monks lined up to buy it and were proud to wear Master Ye's brand of meditation talisman. They also saw two fanatical female monks who worshipped Ye Lin almost fighting with swords to compete for the last piece of top-grade meditation talisman.

Seeing that the meditation talisman was selling so hot made Ye Lin smile.

Although the price of the demon-suppressing golden elixir developed by Xiao Dan was expensive, coupled with the limited supply, the exclusive shelves of Wanxian Building were all empty. It can be said that the supply was in short supply and the goods were sold out as soon as they were put on the shelves.

Xiaodan's pill production line is processing pills day and night to make money, and does not want to be outdone by Xiaofu and Xiaoqi's talisman production and equipment refining production lines.

As for Master Ye's magic weapons and other pills, they are also sold in major Wanxian Buildings. The sales are still hot, but they are naturally much worse than the Jingxin Divine Talisman and the Demon-Suppressing Golden Pill.

In general, Ye Lin now finally has a stable and huge source of income. Raising hundreds of millions or even billions of spirit pets will not make him a pauper all of a sudden.

For this reason, Ye Lin also encouraged the spirit insects to have cubs in the ancient ring space, and posted slogans everywhere saying that it is glorious to have cubs. The spirit insects also believe that as long as they do what Ye Lin says, it is very glorious, so they work very hard every day.

After buying some strange talisman paper, magic weapons, and talismans in Wanxian Building for the study of spirit insects, Ye Lin and Xiaobai left Wanxian Building.

It was late at night.

Xiaobai said: "Husband, are you going back to live tonight?"

Ye Lin suddenly had a whim and showed a wicked smile.

"No, we will not return tonight, and go to the brothel in Qindu to have a look. In the words of the old senior Huoyun, it is called today's nothing, listen to the music in the brothel."

Xiaobai's pretty face was slightly red. He had never been to the brothel.

Coincidentally, Ye Lin had never been there either.

In the past, he had no spare money and mind to enjoy it. Recently, he had money and free time, so he just went to experience the fun of the brothel.

Of course, the most important thing is that the brothel has always been a gathering place for all kinds of people and social forms. Ye Lin wanted to understand the customs and opinions of the Qin Dynasty, and the brothel was a great place.

Ye Lin asked a blue bird who followed him with his spiritual consciousness.

"Bluebird, what are the most famous brothels in Qindu?"

Bluebird, thousands of miles away, was slightly stunned, and then reported truthfully.

"Reporting to the Lord, there are three most famous brothels in Qindu, namely Fengyuexuan, Hongxiulou, and Ziyan Pavilion. According to intelligence data, among them, the girls in Fengyuexuan are the most open and have excellent skills in serving guests. Hongxiulou is famous for its poems about talented men and beautiful women. Every year, the top scholar in the high school will give poems to a favorite courtesan in Hongxiulou. Ziyan Pavilion is famous for the talents of the courtesans, singing and dancing. Ziyan Pavilion has in-depth cooperation with the Imperial Academy. Most of the outstanding girls trained in the Academy will be sent to Ziyan Pavilion."

"The in-depth cooperation between the Academy and Ziyan Pavilion has only started in the past ten years. It seems that His Royal Highness the Ninety-first Prince is behind it. Since then, it has the momentum to suppress the other two brothels."

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