Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 720 Xiao Dier

After drinking the strong drink, Xiaobai's face was slightly flushed. She stared at Ye Lin intently, as if she wanted to see something from Ye Lin's face.

Ye Lin groaned secretly in his heart.

"It's so unfair... Don't you know how pure the relationship between me and that little white dragon is?"

Xiaobai snorted coldly.

"I always feel like there's something wrong with the way she looks at you. These stories are not groundless."

Ye Lin is one of the top two. He can control the way he looks at others, but he can't control how others look at him. How can this be blamed on him...

Xiaobai added: "That's all, because the Dragon Palace has sent such a powerful guardian old man, I won't care about her."

Ye Lin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In the wine shop, the white-haired storyteller told the story of Ye Lin's battle with Ao Lingshuang vividly and vividly one by one. The plot development was reversed many times. In the end, Ye Lin in the story was the better one, defeating the Dragon Palace Prince in more than one fell swoop. He also stole her heart, which attracted many monks in the wine shop to cheer.

The more Ye Lin listened, the more he couldn't laugh or cry. He thought, are there so many reversals and heart-wrenching love stories? Why don't I know?

As expected, there are still specialties in the art. No matter how ordinary stories are, these storytellers who rely on storytelling can tell a hundred and eight ways to trick the listeners into getting their spiritual stones.

"Okay, okay, Lord Ye is well-deserved for being the first genius of the era. I will reward you with fifty low-grade spiritual stones!"

"Wherever Lord Ye goes, whether it is a lofty and spotless fairy or an unparalleled enchantress who brings disaster to the country and the people, he will secretly promise his heart and take the initiative to devote himself. He is truly a true hero like no one in ancient and modern times!"

"I don't accept anyone in this world, not even the powerful god who ascended to the spiritual world. I only admire Lord Ye. Which ancestor who ascended to the spiritual world was more popular than Lord Ye?"

"Although I have never seen Lord Ye's true face, I see him in my dreams every night. It can be said that I have been friends with Lord Ye for a long time..."

Pieces of spirit stones were thrown to the side of the white-haired old man. The white-haired old man smiled brightly and waved his sleeves, and the spirit stones were put into the Qiankun bag on his waist.

Ye Lin didn't regret it and rewarded him with ten low-grade spiritual stones.

The cute little girl next to the white-haired storyteller was also flushed with excitement. Every time she heard a story about Ye Lin, she felt her blood surge. When she saw the people around her showing enthusiastic admiration, she also felt that these people It's like worshiping yourself, feeling like you are soaring in the clouds.

After telling the story this time, the monks around him pestered the old man to tell the story again, but the old man had a wry smile on his face.

"The content of the next chapter is still brewing in my heart... As you all know, Lao Chen's story is different from other versions and needs to be polished. Fellow Taoists, please forgive me."

Under everyone's unsatisfied gaze, the white-haired storyteller took the little girl's hand and walked out of the wine shop.

The little girl asked: "Grandpa, grandpa, I heard that His Majesty the Emperor announced to the world that he granted Lord Ye the land of three continents and the terrifying power of one person over ten thousand people... When can we go to him to become his disciple?"

The little girl has a small secret deep in her heart. Her dream is to worship Ye Lin as her teacher and become the first disciple of the first genius of the era. Before Ye Lin challenged the number one genius of all races, this dream was eliminated by the three great geniuses. It already existed when the Eternal Immortal Dynasty conferred the title of Marquis.

Because of this, she has always firmly believed that Ye Lin is her master. Her master is fanatically worshiped by the world. Naturally, she can't help but feel her blood boiling and her heart is extremely proud.

The white-haired storyteller was slightly startled, then laughed and said, "Let's go tomorrow!"

"Although there is still news about Lord Ye's whereabouts in the capital of Qin, Grandpa has a way to know."

Having said this, the white-haired storyteller was very proud. After studying Ye Lin's deeds and stories, he thought he was quite familiar with Ye Lin's character, so he also guessed where Ye Lin lived.

The little girl's eyes shone: "Wow, you are indeed a grandpa. Grandpa is so awesome. Where will your master live in the future?"

The white-haired storyteller stroked his beard.

“Nine times out of ten it’s Jinling Palace!”

"Where is Jinling Palace?"

"This is the palace where our ninety-ninth princess lives."

The little girl was jumping up and down with excitement.

"Let's go wherever we go. Even if Lord Ye doesn't live in Jinling Palace, Her Royal Highness Princess Ninety-nine will definitely know where he is."

The white-haired storyteller laughed loudly.

"Okay, let's go tomorrow. Grandpa has something important to deal with today. This must be done before we can go to Jinling Palace. Xiaodieer, please go home first."

The little girl shook her head.

"I know grandpa is going to pay off the debt. Xiaodie'er is going with grandpa. Grandpa is so old, so he can't be bullied by those bad guys."

The little girl named Xiao Die'er had firm eyes and clutched her grandfather's sleeves tightly and refused to let go.

The white-haired storyteller nodded helplessly.

"Okay, anyway, we have saved enough money. After paying off the money, we will be debt-free and light. Let's go to see Lord Ye. With Xiao Die'er's intelligence and potential, she will definitely become Lord Ye's first disciple."

"At that time, our ancestors will truly be honored. Just thinking about it makes grandpa feel happy from the bottom of his heart!"

With that said, the white-haired scholar led his bouncing granddaughter Xiaodieer and strode into the crowd.

The Tiangou Gang is quite famous in the T-shaped area of ​​monks. There are thousands of gang members, all of whom are monks with good skills. The gang leader Tiangou Zhenren has the cultivation of Yuanying Daquan. There are many businesses in the gang, including escorting, lending, accepting bounty missions, and being bodyguards.

However, these are all open businesses. As a city gang, it has stood in the T-shaped area of ​​monks for hundreds of years. Naturally, there are many shady businesses in the dark. Over the past hundreds of years, it has been discovered and punished by the local government, but it has not been able to hurt the foundation.

The strength of the Tiangou Gang has become stronger and stronger over the past few hundred years. It is said that it has now extended its hands to several mortal areas, and there are also figures in several surrounding monk areas.

When the white-haired storyteller stood under the plaque of a branch of the Tiangou Gang, his heart was a little nervous.

The white-haired storyteller was once a mortal in the mortal area. Because he broke through the foundation-building period, he was qualified to set foot in the monk area. After decades of hard storytelling in the monk area, he finally bought a small yard on the edge and married and had children.

His wife had died of old age a few years ago. What made him most sad was that his son and daughter-in-law, Xiao Die'er's parents, were said to have died while escorting the Tengu Gang a few years ago, and even their bodies had not been found.

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