Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 719 Storyteller

Qindu Imperial Palace, Imperial Study Room.

An old eunuch in a python robe with gray hair walked quickly into it and reported in a low voice to the Emperor of Qin who was sitting on the dragon chair reviewing memorials.

"Your Majesty, Wu Minghui, the third son of King Changhe, was beheaded by Lord Ye today. Also killed was a minister in the palace of Changhe King who was in the middle of his life."

The Emperor of Qin's face did not change at all when he heard this. He asked calmly without raising his head.

"For what reason?"

The old eunuch in a python robe said: "Master Ye said he saw Wu Minghui robbing a girl and committing evil in a civilian area."

The Emperor of Qin was slightly startled.

"The third son of the Wu family is really unlucky... but he deserves it. In Dahe Prefecture, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away. No one can punish him for his misbehavior. He dares to come under my nose and cause trouble. He does not deserve sympathy."

"Ye Lin, on the other hand, I didn't expect that this person actually has a righteous side. In the past, I only heard about his achievements and talents. I don't know much about his character."

The old eunuch in the python robe said hesitantly: "In addition, Lord Ye also mobilized part of the intelligence system of the Qintian Prison for his control, and sent people to investigate the Changhe King and some civilians."

When the Emperor of Qin heard this, he frowned slightly and turned his gaze from the memorial to the old eunuch in python robe.

"What do you think Ye Lin wants?"

The old eunuch in python robe said.

"Old slave...Old slave thinks that Lord Ye may have to participate in the fight for the crown prince position, otherwise Qintian Prison would not be so cooperative with him. Your Majesty should know that in fact, the most anxious person in the court is Lord Zhengwu, the Qintian Prison Supervisor ”

The Emperor of Qin thought slightly.

"I heard that Ye Lin is not interested in politics and national affairs. I didn't expect that he would be involved in the most important affairs on the second day after coming to Qindu. Can you tell me, is this good or bad?"

The python-robed eunuch looked troubled.

"I don't dare to say for sure."

The Emperor of Qin glared at the old eunuch in python robe.

"Human spirit! If you say it is a good thing, you will inevitably be suspected by me of whether you are secretly allied with Ye Lin or Qin Tianjian. If you say it is a bad thing and oppose Ye Lin's involvement in politics, you may be suspected by me of being related to some princes and grandsons. We have reached an alliance, so let’s just stop talking about it, right?”

The old eunuch in python robe bowed even more.

"Your Majesty is aware of everything, and I am ashamed of myself."

The Emperor of Qin snorted coldly.

"Excessively speculating on the Emperor's heart is not a good thing. Today I just want to hear the truth."

The old eunuch in python robe said.

"The old slave believes that as long as Lord Ye has no selfish motives, it is a good thing. With Lord Ye's status and power, he is qualified to participate in this matter and share His Majesty's worries."

The Emperor of Qin stroked his beard and relaxed his brows.

"Judging from the fact that Qin Tian Jian cooperated with Ye Lin's actions so openly, Ye Lin should not have any selfish motives. Moreover, having selfish motives has no practical benefits for him. That girl Jin'er is destined to ascend to the spiritual world and has no time to be a prince. , and have no time to be an empress.”

"Qin Tianjian and he should both want to stabilize the fate of the Qin Dynasty and help Jin'er overcome the disaster. I cannot be cautious and guard against him, and I have ordered Qin Tianjian to fully cooperate with his actions in the future without any neglect. "

"I am also very curious about what kind of prince Ye Lin can choose, whose personal luck is comparable to that of an immortal dynasty."

The eunuch in python robe stopped talking.

The Emperor of Qin said angrily.

"If you have something to say, say it, and if you have something to say, let it go!"

The python-robed eunuch said with some worry: "I heard that Lord Ye doesn't have much political experience... If the prince he chooses has no support in the court, or is worse than the previous two... what should we do?"

The Emperor of Qin said calmly.

"If it doesn't work, withdraw... Is it troublesome? Under the current circumstances, there is nothing more important in the world than Jin'er's tribulation. Even if Ye Lin doesn't intervene, I will choose someone before Jin'er dies."

"Your Majesty is wise."

Even if the Great Qin Qin Tianjian, whose intelligence capabilities are extremely terrifying, wants to find out what Ye Lin told him, it will take a certain amount of time. Ye Lin quietly left a spirit insect in the middle stage of Nascent Soul to follow the poor girl Wang Ziyan to protect her secretly just in case. One day, he and Xiao Baifei escaped to the monk area.

The Qindu Monk District is still bustling with traffic, and is obviously a level more luxurious than the slums. The pavilions here are taller, the buildings are resplendent, the roads here are wider, and everyone has a high level of cultivation.

On both sides of the road, the common stalls in the mortal area are extremely uncommon here. Instead, they sell various heavenly materials, earthly treasures, talismans and spiritual tools needed by monks. However, there are no top-level shops like the Wanxian Tower built here. Such top-notch shops are all located in the most prosperous inner city areas.

The noisy cheers of the monks came from a mediocrely decorated wine shop on the roadside.

"Okay, that's well said. I'll reward you with five lower-grade spiritual stones."

"Go on, uncle, I'm waiting to hear the follow-up. How exactly did Lord Ye fight against the dragon girl from the Dragon Palace on the sea?"

"Stop being so pretentious, don't say anything about wanting to know what happened next time. If we don't tell you the follow-up plot today, you and your grandson will never even think about taking a step forward!"

"Take the spirit stone and tell me quickly!"

When Ye Lin heard this, he immediately became interested. He took Xiaobai and walked into the crowded wine shop. He saw a group of monks sitting in a circle around a white-haired storyteller. The storyteller was still standing beside him. A very cute little girl about seven or eight years old with bright eyes.

There is also a very beautiful butterfly hosta stuck on the top of the little girl's head.

Ye Lin casually ordered two pots of Qin Shaojiu, which was very common in the Great Qin Dynasty, and sat in the distance, smiling at the storyteller and the little girl.

The white-haired storyteller took a big gulp of the liquor and then cleared his throat.

"Since you fellow Taoists are so kind, I have no choice but to tell you in advance about the battle between Lord Ye and the Crown Princess of the Wanhai Monster Country."

Suddenly, the whole tavern was silent.

Not only in the Great Qin Dynasty, but in the entire Wanguo Continent, Lord Ye, the first pride of the era, is the well-deserved number one celebrity. In the Great Qin Dynasty, everyone knows him. The stories about him are naturally popular, and all the information dealers and storytellers in the world have made a lot of money.

"But the princess of the Wanhai Yao country is named Ao Lingshuang. She is the first prodigy in the Wanhai Dragon Palace. She is as talented as any of the ninety-nine princesses of our Great Qin. This time she came ashore with the mission of making our human race lose face and be inferior to the dragon race from now on."

"But I never thought that such an ambitious dragon girl, just after she came ashore, was suppressed by Ye Jue's invincible domineering power at the first sight of Ye Jue in the Demon Lin City. Since then, it is said that she has been living in the newly married mansion of Ye Jue and the princess of the Demon Lin King, and has knocked on the door of the Jue many times in the middle of the night, trying to devote herself to the Jue."

"But what kind of existence is our Jue? Even though this dragon princess is born with the talent of a stunning beauty, a figure that can seduce the dead, and infinite wealth, Ye Jue The master was still unmoved. He was in love with those Taoist companions and our Princess Ninety-Nine, so he repeatedly refused to let them in and said. "

"If you have the ability to beat me, Ye Lin, I will become the son-in-law of the Dragon Palace... If you lose, not only will you have to devote yourself to being a maid without a title, but you will also have to ask your father, the old dragon king of the sea, to offer ninety-nine and eighty-one beautiful dragon girls for me to drive..."

"It can be said to be extremely overbearing!"

"Okay, okay! With Lord Ye here, the human race will prosper!"

"Lord Ye really made us humans proud!"

"What happened next? Tell me quickly!"

The more Ye Lin listened, the more he felt something was wrong... He had a look of not knowing whether to laugh or cry, while the other cultivators were more and more fascinated as they listened, wishing they were Ye Lin himself, and cheering continuously.

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