Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 716 The bad guys will be struck by lightning

She has been diligent and hardworking since she was a child, trying her best to maintain her true nature. She raised her younger brother Wang Tiezhu and adopted six miserable orphans without parents.

In the end, she had to end up with such a fate worse than death.

Thinking of this, Wang Ziyan secretly grabbed the dark green flying sword, and with a "swoosh", a cold light flashed and pierced her eyebrows!

She wanted to commit suicide!

But when the cold light was one inch away from her eyebrows, it could no longer move.

The white-haired and skinny old man smiled kindly.

"Little girl, you are only at the foundation building stage, and you still want to commit suicide in front of a strong man in the out-of-body stage? Do you know that your speed is a million times slower than a snail in front of me!"

"In front of a real strong man, your life is never yours!"

"If you cooperate with me obediently and let me break through the late out-of-body stage in one fell swoop, you will naturally benefit. If you want to commit suicide again, your brother and the little kids behind you will suffer. They will be tortured, skinned, and soul-refining... You can choose one for them before you commit suicide!"

"If you don't choose, then do them all. For me, it's a piece of cake!"

As he said, the white-haired and skinny old man withdrew his majestic pressure.

The girl named Wang Ziyan burst into tears, her delicate body trembled, and the dark green flying sword fell to the ground with a clang, and her eyes became dim.

It's better to die than to live!

I can't die!

Seeing that Wang Ziyan dared not think of committing suicide again, the white-haired and skinny old man turned his eyes to Ye Lin and Xiao Bai.

"You have reached the great perfection of the Nascent Soul, and you have the capital to be arrogant. Unfortunately, you are not lucky. You can't escape and die when you meet me!"

"Compared to that little girl who is like an ant, there is actually not much difference."

Wu Minghui on the side laughed crazily.

"Hahahaha, the deadly scholar? The butcher lady? I am afraid that you will laugh off my teeth. To be honest, I have never heard of it. I just gave you face but you are shameless. Now you are waiting for eternal damnation!"

"Today is a good day. The top-grade furnace tripod can catch two at a time! Grandpa Wu, hurry up. Although this is a pariah area, it is Qindu after all. If the Imperial Observatory or some other people find something unusual, it will not be good."

The white-haired and skinny old man's eyes flashed coldly, and he stretched out his big hand, which expanded rapidly like a tree root. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a giant hand and grabbed it with a thunderous force.

Before the big hand like a tree root could grasp it, a "clang" sound was heard, like a sharp sword being unsheathed, followed by a flash of lightning sword light, and the skinny old man's figure suddenly paused, and his expression froze instantly.

His eyes were wide open, revealing an expression of disbelief and horror.

", how is it possible!"

A blood spot flashing with lightning appeared between the eyebrows of the white-haired old man, and then lightning flashed all over his body, his skin became charred, and finally with a "boom" sound, he burned in the countless lightning.

A barely perceptible spiritual light rushed out from the charred body, and then, a translucent net on the sky was seen shrinking rapidly, and the spiritual light was covered by the net before it flew a thousand feet away.

There was a miserable cry.

"This is impossible, impossible..."

An elegant girl dressed as a scholar appeared on the sky at some point, and she waved her jade hand, and the Yuanying wrapped in the net flew into her hand.

Then she smiled playfully at someone on the ground, and then turned into a beam of light and disappeared.

In the small courtyard, everyone except Ye Lin and Xiao Bai was stunned.

This change came too suddenly!

How could a strong man in the middle stage of the out-of-body state disappear just like that, and he just disappeared after making a move!

No one could even see how he disappeared, everything happened too fast!

Ye Lin laughed heartlessly.

"Little Prince Wu, your luck seems to be not very good today. Your grandfather looks quite powerful, but how come he ascended to heaven just after he appeared!"

"There must be a righteous sword immortal who has been hiding in the Qin capital. Seeing your grandfather, the old immortal, bullying the weak and being so bold, he couldn't stand it anymore, so he sent your grandfather to heaven with a thunderbolt of sword energy."

"Look, our deadly butcher is upright and upright, doing good deeds every day, and nothing happened. This story tells us that good people will be rewarded, and bad people will be struck by lightning when they go out."

Wu Minghui was completely confused.

This is a cultivator at the peak of the middle stage of the out-of-body state. How could he suddenly disappear? Just now, even he only saw a thunderbolt of sword energy suddenly appear and penetrate his grandfather's eyebrows. As for who shot it, he really didn't see it.

Wu Minghui's face was extremely ugly, but he still forced a smile.

"My two Taoist friends, the butcher, it's all my fault that I didn't recognize the real thing. The people in the yard stole the candied haws from Taoist friend Lady Butcher. They are really evil and should be severely punished by you."

"I will leave immediately."

Wu Minghui lost his biggest life-saving talisman, and learned that Ye Lin and the other two were both Yuanying Great Perfection cultivators, and there was a master who could kill a middle-stage out-of-body cultivator with a single move of sword energy. How could he dare to covet beauty?

Escape is more important.

Wait until you find a backer in Qindu, and then slowly settle accounts with the butcher!

As he said this, Wu Minghui gave his many subordinates a look, and everyone understood and saluted Ye Lin respectfully.

"The mountains remain unchanged and the water flows forever. See you later!"

As he spoke, Wu Minghui led his subordinates and turned into a series of escaping lights and soared into the sky.

Ye Lin just smiled and looked at the sky, watching silently.

Suddenly, there was lightning and thunder in the sky, and screams came one after another.

A spiritual light flew down, and the body of Wu Minghui, who had just escaped, was destroyed, leaving only a fist-sized Yuanying. He was already scared to death at this moment.

Just as he was about to find a way to escape, he saw Ye Lin waving at him with a bright smile.

"Little Prince Wu, why are you back again? I just said that if you do too many bad things, you will be struck by lightning when you go out. You didn't believe it, but now you believe it."

"People do it, and God sees it. Remember to be kind in your next life. Oh, no, you don't have a next life."

Ye Lin's hand was like magic. No matter which direction Wu Minghui's Yuanying fled, it flew quickly to his palm. Ye Lin held Wu Minghui's Yuanying and turned to his wife Xiaobai.

"Butcher's wife, open your mouth, there are snacks..."

Xiaobai opened her mouth obediently.

Ye Lin directly stuffed the struggling Yuanying into Xiaobai's mouth. Only a "gulp" sound was heard, Wu Minghui let out a shrill scream, and then there was no more sound.

Xiaobai licked her lips with some satisfaction and said sweetly.

"My husband is so good."

This scene scared Wang Ziyan and others to death.

Wang Tiezhu couldn't help crying any more.

"Don't eat me, don't eat me...I will compensate you with candied haws, ten times the compensation, no, a hundred times, ten thousand times..."

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