Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 715 The Deadly Slaughter Combination

In the dilapidated courtyard, the tense crowd was stunned.

But a handsome young man in white, holding a folding fan, and with extraordinary demeanor walked out of the corner of the alley at a leisurely pace.

Behind the elegant young man, there was a girl in a white long skirt, with a lovely face and a graceful figure.

The two seemed to have no idea that a disaster that everyone was avoiding was happening in the courtyard. They came to the door of the courtyard, walked past the young man in green, and walked into the courtyard surrounded by a group of Jindan stage monks.

At the door, the handsome young man in green looked at the two uninvited guests who suddenly appeared, his face was extremely gloomy, and the many Jindan stage monks who followed him looked at the elegant scholar with eyes like a venomous snake staring at its prey, waiting for the young man in green to give an order and then pounce on him.

The girl named Wang Ziyan looked at the elegant scholar, and a series of strange, absurd, puzzled and puzzled feelings surged in her heart. She was confused and didn't know how to deal with it.

Behind her, the young man Wang Tiezhu who stole the candied haws had his eyes wide open, looking unbelievable. The six children behind Wang Tiezhu looked at the elegant scholar with horror, but no one cried out, just gritted their teeth and trembled.

The elegant scholar and the girl in white who suddenly arrived were naturally Ye Lin and Xiaobai who followed all the way.

The young man in green standing at the gate of the courtyard slowly regained his composure. He did not give an order to attack directly, but bowed to Ye Lin and introduced himself.

"I am Wu Minghui, my father is the King of Changhe, Changhe. May I ask what is your name and where do you live?"

Ye Lin heard the words, his eyes widened, showing a little surprise, and he also bowed slightly.

"It turns out to be Young Prince Wu. I have heard of you for a long time!"

"I am Song Changsheng, a rural cultivator. My Taoist name is the Life-Taking Scholar. My wife's Taoist name is the Butcher Lady. We are also well-known in the martial arts world. We are called the Life-Taking Butcher. I wonder if Young Prince Wu has ever heard of it."

When these words came out, the young man in blue named Wu Minghui was stunned and frowned slightly. The Taoist names of these two people were really familiar and unfamiliar.

It's okay to say that I have no impression at all, but I feel familiar and have heard of them somewhere.

It's familiar, but I can't remember that there is such a famous Taoist couple in the martial arts world.

Not only Wu Minghui looked puzzled, but the cultivators surrounding the courtyard also looked at each other with a confused look.

The most important thing is that these two people obviously used the means to conceal their breath. He, a cultivator in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, could not feel any spiritual fluctuations from the two people, just like ordinary people with no cultivation.

This is also the fundamental reason why he dared not act rashly.

Wu Minghui smiled awkwardly.

"So it's the two Taoist friends, the butchers. I've heard of your names for a long time. It's a great honor to meet you here today."

Ye Lin pointed at Wang Ziyan and the others with his folding fan.

"Since Young Prince Wu has heard of us, he should know that our strength is unfathomable. These people either stole my wife's candied haws, ate them, or covered up crimes. They are all unforgivable and hated by both humans and gods. They must accept the severe punishment of us, the butchers. You should leave quickly."

"Otherwise, if my wife is unhappy, she will not give face to you Taoist friends."

As soon as Ye Lin said this, Wu Minghui's face became extremely ugly again.

If Wu Minghui had not been lurking around the courtyard to observe every move in the courtyard, and had seen Wang Tiezhu give each of the six children a candied haws, he would have thought that the candied haws was some supreme treasure in the world of immortal cultivation.

That was really just a bunch of ordinary candied haws worth three copper coins.

These two monks, who were known as the Deadly Slaughterers, were actually trying to snatch people from them for three copper coins. No one would believe it unless they had shit in their heads!

Wu Minghui said in a deep voice: "Fellow Taoist of Deadly Scholar, we should pay attention to the first come first served. This furnace with excellent talent was discovered by me first. If you act so domineeringly, aren't you afraid that you won't live to see tomorrow?"

Ye Lin stared at the beautiful girl in front of him, who was wearing cloth clothes with several patches, with a shocked face.

"Ah! Young Prince Wu is really a discerning person. If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have realized that this woman is actually a top-grade furnace. If I get her help day and night, there is a glimmer of hope for me to break through the Out-of-Body Stage."

"Besides, why did you come here first? It was obviously that little brat who stole my candied haws first. This woman protected the thief and should be dealt with by me."

"Besides, as the son of a king of a different surname, Young Prince Wu should abide by the laws of the Qin Dynasty. How could he do such a thing as robbing a woman? He will be severely punished!"

When Wu Minghui heard this, his face turned black, and even wisps of green smoke came out of his head, and his heart was even more furious.

"Good, good, good Qin Law! In a hundred years, you are the first person to talk to me about the Qin Law!"

When Wu Minghui was hesitating whether to tear his face with Ye Lin, a black light flashed by and turned into a white-haired old man in a black robe standing in front of Wu Minghui.

The white-haired old man looked as thin as a stick. His two dark green eyes glanced at Ye Lin and Xiao Bai. His cultivation had reached the middle stage of the Out-of-Body Realm.

Wu Minghui was overjoyed when he saw the white-haired old man coming.

"Grandpa Mu, why are you here?"

The white-haired old man smiled kindly and touched Wu Minghui's head.

"Grandpa has always been by your side to protect your integrity. It's just that the prince didn't tell you in order to let you gain experience. This little girl is really good as a furnace. It's worth letting grandpa help you. Of course, as a reward, this girl The energy of Yuan Yin must belong to me."

"In order to protect you, grandpa's realm has been stagnant at the peak of the mid-out-of-body phase for a long time..."

Wu Minghui was stunned for a moment, cursing secretly in his heart, but his expression was boundless, still obedient and cute, and he pointed at the girl next to Ye Lin with a greedy look.

"Then I want this woman to be the master's cauldron and capture her alive!"

Wu Minghui smiled and nodded.

"Deal! I'll definitely catch you alive."

Wu Minghui was determined, and his face looked a little crazy and excited, which was completely different from the cautious and cautious person before.

In the small courtyard, the young girl Wang Ziyan, who was originally extremely desperate, fell into endless despair at this moment. At first, she thought that the arrival of Ye Lin and Xiao Bai would bring a slight improvement, but she did not expect that these two people had extremely vicious names and were not good at first sight. Good people, no matter which side wins, their situation will not change in any way.

Now it was good, another disgusting old man came. Thinking of the fate of becoming someone else's plaything in this life, the girl couldn't help but tremble.

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