Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 477: Reaching Demon City Again

Six days later, Xiao Lan, who had used the fart escape technique all the way, finally brought Ye Lin and the other two to the territory of Mo Lin County. Soon after Ye Lin and the others arrived, they clearly smelled the salty smell of the Heavenly Demon Sea in the breeze.

"Such a familiar and kind smell. We are finally home. I wonder if my father and mother miss us!" Situ Yu looked at the direction of Mo Lin City with some excitement.

Situ Yu's pretty face also flushed with excitement.

"They must have known the news a long time ago. Now... my mother should be busy preparing a feast for us. My father should be very busy recently because of the strange phenomenon in the Heavenly Demon Sea. He should not have much free time to take care of us."

"My father and mother will be very happy to see the young master!"

At this point, Ye Lin, who was originally staring at the direction of Mo Lin City, suddenly looked away, and inexplicably felt a little guilty.

After all, the blood of the late-stage out-of-body master, one became a follower and the other became a maid. Although Ye Lin usually treated them like brothers and sisters, it seemed that Ye Lin did not take the two super masters seriously.

If he were a person with a temper or character, he would have been angry and taught Ye Lin a lesson.

In addition to this matter, Situ Yu, who wanted to be his wife every day, also made Ye Lin feel guilty. Although Ye Lin has not done anything out of line yet, Situ Yu has been serving him closely for ten years. Ye Lin will not reject her forever and let her marry someone else in the end.

People are selfish, and Ye Lin cannot accept this result.

Therefore, this trip to Molin City more or less has the meaning of meeting the parents, and the other party's parents are super masters, which makes him, a late-stage Jindan cultivator, quite stressed.

The Situ Yu siblings seemed to recall their past time in the palace, and began to tell Ye Lin about some interesting things or people...

Ye Lin listened and analyzed silently, and he also had a general understanding of King Mo Lin and the princess.

As the saying goes, like father, like son.

The Situ Yu siblings have different brain circuits, and their parents must be involved.

Whether it is King Mo Lin or the princess, Ye Lin's impression is not like the supreme powerhouses with lofty status in the world of immortal cultivation, almost standing at the top of the human world, but like a couple in an ordinary mortal family. The most fundamental difference is that they value feelings more than their own interests.

In the world of immortal cultivation, the feelings between father and son, and between blood and blood are far weaker than those in the mortal world. The fundamental reason is that the life span of cultivators is long, and if there is no need, there is no need to reproduce.

In many families created by strong people, the younger generations of the family are just tools born for their own interests. As long as the interests are sufficient and the conditions are suitable, they can be abandoned at any time. There is no blood thicker than water.

Especially for the royal family of the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent, the interests are even greater than the sky, and almost everyone has to serve the interests of the royal family.

But King Mo Lin and the Princess are two exceptions. They have been protecting Situ Yu and his sister wholeheartedly since they were born. Because there are powerful enemies in the Demon Sea that have not been resolved, Situ Yu and his sister have been forbidden to leave the palace since childhood. In order to make up for them, the two have hardly practiced in the past twenty years, and have been trying to make them happy in various ways.

However, even so, the dream of Situ Yu and his sister is still to leave the palace, and they even once thought that the palace was the cage they hated the most, but now, they have long begun to miss that "cage".


About seven or eight hours later, Ye Lin and the other two finally saw a tall black shadow appear on the horizon. This black shadow was the thick city wall of Mo Lin City, which was as high as a hundred feet like a hill.

On the ground, pedestrians became everywhere, and in the sky, all kinds of flying monsters and flying boats were endless.

It is worth mentioning that many monks heading towards the Demon City were wearing strange clothes that he had never seen before. Some had fair skin, some were as dark as coal, and there were even many monks with blond hair who were mumbling in a language that Ye Lin could not understand.

Even though this place was hundreds of miles away from the Demon City, every ten miles or so, Ye Lin could see a team of armored soldiers from the Demon City maintaining order in the sky and on the ground. At the same time, they held special magic mirrors and checked the monks passing by from time to time.

Ye Lin could clearly feel that these magic mirrors were not for finding demon cultivators, but for identifying those who were possessed by the demons.

It was very different from Ye Lin's first visit to the Demon City. Before arriving at the Demon City, Ye Lin felt a murderous aura, and the monks on the road were also extremely vigilant, as if they could take action at any time.

Situ Yu whispered: "Brother Ye may not know that not everyone in our Wan Guo Continent has yellow skin, because some people have lived in extreme environments for a long time, and their blood has also undergone some small mutations. For example, those with white skin are from countries in extremely cold lands, while those with black skin are from dune countries, and those with golden hair are from island countries on the sea."

"Look at them, they are arrogant and powerful, they should be big figures in those countries. After they learned that the space vortex frenzy in the Tianmo Sea was about to come, they immediately came to the imperial capital of our Zhenhai Xian Dynasty through the teleportation array, and then rushed here from the imperial capital."

Ye Lin suddenly realized that he had heard of cultivators of different skin colors before, but because he rarely went out, this was the first time he saw them.

Situ Yu also whispered: "After we go to the Demon Sea, we must be more careful with these people of different skin colors. Their methods are more cruel and brutal than those of the immortal dynasty monks. Many royal families of countries started out as pirates and bandits. Burning, killing and looting are commonplace. These people will be more restrained in our Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty because of the laws of the Immortal Dynasty. Once they arrive at the unregulated Demon Sea, they will no longer be restrained."

Ye Lin nodded when he heard this, and his consciousness was released instantly. As expected, he found that many monks of different skin colors were staring at Situ Yu with squinting eyes, and even some Yuanying stage monks of different skin colors used the method of concealment to hide their bodies and follow Xiao Lan's escape light.

A cold light flashed in Ye Lin's eyes. Faced with a strong temptation, there might really be villains who would take risks and ignore the laws of the Immortal Dynasty.

At this time, more than ten flying boats in neat formation flew over from the sky. On each flying boat, there were thousands of Jindan cultivators in neat battle formation. After arriving in front of Ye Lin and others, these ten flying boats slowly slowed down.

A team of soldiers wearing armor and with a strong aura flew from the flying boat to the front of Ye Lin and the other two. The leader was a general in the early stage of out-of-body experience.

When the general saw Situ Yu, he immediately knelt on one knee.

"I am here to welcome the return of the young prince and the young princess!"

As soon as these words came out, Ye Lin saw all the soldiers on the flying boat kneeling on one knee to salute in unison, and then shouted in unison: "Welcome the return of the young prince and the young princess!"

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