Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 476 God-given opportunity

Although Ye Lin and the other three were still inner disciples of the Demon Suppression Sect, and none of them had a cultivation level beyond the Yuanying realm, this Yuanying-level female deacon treated them respectfully, as if she were facing a powerful person. A monk in the out-of-body period.

The fundamental reason is that the three of them are not ordinary monks, and all of them have terrifying influence.

In the world of immortality, although strength is respected, it does not necessarily have to be one's own strength. The strength of the family and the strength of the supporters behind them are all types of strength.

Ye Lin took the jade slip, and his spiritual consciousness instantly invaded it. Without thinking too much, Ye Lin said directly: "Senior Deacon, please arrange for us to kill the awakened Blood Corpse King in the black iron veins of Lihua Island."

Although there are nine first-class tasks in the Heavenly Demon Sea, eight of them are to guard the mineral veins in the Heavenly Demon Sea. It takes a long time to complete the task. Only this task of killing the Blood Corpse King theoretically consumes more time. The shortest, but also the most dangerous.

When the deacon heard this, his eyes flashed with surprise.

"This Blood Corpse King had the late Nascent Soul cultivation level thousands of years ago. Later, he was severely injured and fled to Lihua Island in the Demon Sea. Now he has been sleeping for thousands of years and has recovered from his injuries. Although his cultivation level has dropped to the early Nascent Soul stage. , but it is still an extremely dangerous existence..."

The implication of the deacon's words is obvious, that is, the cultivation levels of Ye Lin and the other three are all in the Dan Formation realm, and their cultivation levels are slightly insufficient for this task. This is originally a dangerous task arranged for the inner disciples of the Nascent Soul stage.

Ye Lin said calmly: "We are confident that we can complete the mission safely and return. If other accidents occur, seniors will not be responsible."

The slightly worried deacon forced a smile.

"Then according to what Master Ye said, this task will be completed by the three of you. This is mission-related information. Please remember to read it carefully on the way. In addition, this task is not an urgent task and needs to be completed within one year. The three of you can make your own arrangements.”

"Then thank you, senior deacon."

After getting the relevant information about the mission, Ye Lin and the other three did not stay in the mission hall for long. The three of them went directly to the roof of the mission hall. Xiao Lan sprang out from Ye Lin's sleeves, and then his body size increased dramatically. In just one breath, he jumped out of the mission hall as big as a fingernail. The insects transformed into savage beasts the size of houses.

Ye Lin and the others jumped lightly and landed steadily on Xiaolan's forehead. Xiaolan immediately flapped its wings, and a violent "buzzing" whistle broke through the air with the violent wind. Xiaolan's huge The body turned into a blue escaping light with a "swish" sound. In just a blink of an eye, the escaping light shot up to the sky. After two more breaths, it had already flown into the clouds and completely disappeared.

Standing on the top of the building, the deaconess who came to see him off looked horrified when she saw this scene.

"This is obviously just a harmless bug, so why is the escape technique so fast? No wonder Ye Lin is confident enough to kill the Blood Corpse King!"

"I'm afraid that when Ye Lin condenses the Nascent Soul, another unparalleled genius will appear in our Demon Suppression Sect, and he will also be an unprecedented insect cultivator. This person is a master of three professions. He has fast cultivation speed and is not weak in strength. , He is really an almighty person, he simply doesn’t give ordinary monks like me a way to survive..."

Above the clouds, Ye Lin, who was sitting cross-legged on Xiao Lan's head, patted Xiao Lan's head.

"Sit tight, Xiao Lan, turn on the fart escape mode..."

"As you command, Master!"

Situ Yu and Situ Yu were both slightly startled. Although they had been with Ye Lin for ten years, they only knew that Xiao Lan was Ye Lin's usual mount, the spirit insect. They had never seen this fart escape mode before.

As soon as Ye Lin finished speaking, Little Blue's butt suddenly sprayed out a violent blue-purple light, and then the speed increased sharply, from the blue escaping light to a blue-purple afterimage, and it had already jumped hundreds of feet in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, both Situ Yu and his sister looked horrified.

Situ Yu said in horror: "This escape speed has far exceeded that of early Yuanying monks, and even surpassed those in the middle stage of Yuanying. It is too exaggerated!"

Situ Yu said with great pride: "You don't even know who raised these spiritual insects. For the young master, this is just a basic operation."

Ye Lin smiled slightly, and then took out a top-grade Swift Shadow Talisman and stuck it on Xiaolan's back. Xiaolan's flight speed suddenly increased by a small level again.

"I also know that you have been away from home for ten years and are eager to return home, so we will try to go as quickly as possible. The time saved can allow you to spend more time with your parents."

Both Situ Yu and Situ Yu looked grateful. Although this was just a small thing for Ye Lin, it still made them feel warm.

After Xiao Lan experienced the transformation of the pill formation thunder tribulation, the Fart Escape Technique became extremely expensive and was rarely used. However, Xiao Lan's cultivation has now reached the perfection of pill formation, and his mana is several times stronger than when he first formed the pill. , the efficiency of mana recovery is no longer what it used to be. At the same time, Xiao Lan has also mastered a relatively restrained method of releasing the Fart Escape Technique through trial and error, so Ye Lin then asked Xiao Lan to use the Fart Escape Technique to rush on.

The road to Molin City is extremely long. It would take more than half a month to fly Situ Yu's Blue Bird Flying Boat. And based on Xiaolan's current speed, Ye Lin estimated that he could reach Molin County in six or seven days.

Immortal Peak No. 1.

A flash of light flashed, and the figure of the monk with a mustache appeared in the luxurious palace of Xianfeng.

"Reporting to His Highness the First Prince, a God-given opportunity has arrived!"

"Tell me and listen." Situ Wu, who was meditating with his eyes closed in the middle of the hall, suddenly opened his eyes, and a sharp light flashed from his eyes.

The mustached monk said: "Then Ye Lin took the two brothers and sisters Situ Yu out to perform a mission! And the mission location is not within the territory of our Immortal Dynasty, but in the Sea of ​​Demons!"

Situ Wu immediately showed ecstasy after hearing this.

"Okay, okay, it's true that there is a way to heaven if you don't take it, but there is no door to hell and you just barge in!"

"If Ye Lin has been hiding in the territory, with his current status, if he encounters danger, a large number of powerful people from Wanxian Tower will definitely come to rescue him, and in the Sea of ​​Demons, it is a good place where the sky and the earth are not working. !”

"In addition, there may be a space whirlpool frenzy in the Heavenly Demon Sea recently. Monks from thousands of countries are converging towards the Heavenly Demon Sea, killing people and grabbing treasures. The gangsters are happening every day. Ye Lin lost his life in the Heavenly Demon Sea. People know who did it!”

"A God-given opportunity, a God-given opportunity indeed!"

"You go and inform Mr. Xu, who is still in seclusion, and ask him to lead the assassination team to the Demon Sea and wait for orders. I will inform the eighth brother right away. He has made a lot of preparations to avenge his shame!"

"As you command!"

Situ Wu laughed loudly and immediately flew towards the No. 3 Immortal Peak.

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