Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 425 Purchase of Originium

There were a lot of spectators standing in front of Lao Zhang's Source Stone Wholesale Store, and the conversation was quite lively.

"Hahaha, I laughed my ass off. Today I saw someone open five medium-sized source stones in one go, but three of them turned out to be worthless ancient spirit insect fossils, and the other two were all low-grade spirit stones."

"What's that? A few days ago I saw someone open ten large source stones in a row here. The cost price was almost ten top-grade spirit stones, but he only got a spirit beast egg ranked over 200. It's hard to sell a top-grade spirit stone."

"You only saw the thief being beaten, but you didn't see the thief eating meat. Last month I saw a cat-masked female monk in this store hammering on the source stone. I don't know what secret method she used to select a small source stone. The cost price was only a medium-grade spirit stone. When he looked at the source stone, he found that it was a well-preserved top-grade spiritual stone, and its value increased ten thousand times! "

"Damn, if I also knew the secret method of the cat-faced female cultivator, wouldn't it be possible to make a fortune by walking around the source stone shops every day, and I wouldn't have to worry about elixirs and magic weapons. "

"It is currently generally accepted that no matter what kind of cultivation level, it is impossible to directly confirm what is contained in the source stone, but some experienced people can increase the probability of winning the gambling stone by using the four methods of "looking, smelling, asking and touching", but this thing is still mysterious and has not been recognized by the forces of the three eternal immortal dynasties that control the major source stone veins. "

Ye Lin followed the gaze of the crowd and looked into the source stone shop.

I saw rows and rows of source stones of different sizes and shining with different colors neatly placed in the store. Four figures were constantly shaking in the source stone store. Some people knocked on the source stones and then listened carefully. Some people took out a huge convex lens and repeatedly looked at a certain source stone as if appreciating a work of art. There were also people who recited the magic formula, and the magic formula was injected into the source stone. Then the light emitted by the source stone flickered, but nothing happened in the end.

These people were obviously senior enthusiasts of gambling on stones. They looked very professional, even making Ye Lin a little confused.

Ye Lin thought for a while, and then strode into Lao Zhang's source stone wholesale store. A skinny white-haired old man came up with a smile and bowed to Ye Lin.

"Welcome, my dear guest, coming to our Lao Zhang source stone store is definitely the best choice in your life. Infinite opportunities are hidden in the source stones in our store."

The old man looked very cunning at first glance.

Ye Lin simply said, "I'm just looking around."

The skinny old man smiled and said, "Dear guest, you can look at it, knock it, and test it at will, but don't damage the surface of the source stone. No matter how much damage you do, you will have to pay for it."

Ye Lin nodded.

He was not a person who had a strong gambling habit. He came to this source stone shop purely because he had never seen this thing before, and he was curious and wanted to increase his knowledge.

Of course, if the cost allowed, he would try his luck and experience the feeling of gambling on stones.

Getting rich overnight is a temptation that no one can resist, even monks are no exception, and gambling on stones is really possible.

If it is in a regular source stone shop, the price of source stone should be much more expensive than that of source stone in the underground exchange. Ye Lin guessed that these source stones were basically not legitimate, either smuggled or illegally mined.

According to the laws of various immortal dynasties, all source stone veins in the territory belong to the immortal dynasty, not to an individual or a certain force. Only with the permission of the immortal court can they be mined normally. Mining source stone privately is a felony.

As soon as Ye Lin had an idea, he ordered Xiaoqi to quickly create a convex lens magic weapon. At the same time, he randomly found a small source stone about the size of a small watermelon and squatted down. He first touched it with his fingers, and then tapped it gently like those professionals.

Then a flash of light flashed in his hand, and a convex lens magic weapon the size of a cattail leaf fan appeared in Ye Lin's hand. Ye Lin widened his eyes and observed carefully under the magnification of the convex lens magic weapon.

Finally, Ye Lin entered some perception magic formulas into the source stone, held it in his palm and closed his eyes, carefully sensing its pulse like an old folk Chinese medicine practitioner.

This way, this way, this way.

Soon, Ye Lin used the four tricks of "looking, smelling, asking and feeling" that he had just learned on 20 or 30 source stones of different sizes and colors, and then fell into deep thought.

Xiaobai asked curiously, "Master, have you figured out any rules? Can you sense what's in the source stone?"

Xiaoqiang also asked curiously, "Will the source stone with life be able to sense extremely weak pulses and heartbeats... I think it's not unreasonable to observe, smell, ask and feel."

Then Ye Lin replied to them.

"Ahem, for now, there is still no clue. No matter what method of perception, no response can be obtained. Even if the convex lens is magnified a thousand times, no difference can be seen in the composition of the surface materials of various source stones."

Xiaoqiang said excitedly, "In this case, source stones can only rely on luck? No wonder source stones are so exciting!"

Xiaobai asked, "Master, do you want to gamble too?"

Ye Lin smiled and said, "Including Xiaolan, the four of us will gamble on four small source stones. In addition, we will buy a batch of small and medium source stones and put them in the ancient ring space for the spirit insects to study."

"The spirit insects in our spirit insect kingdom have all kinds of mutations. Who knows what kind of mutation can confirm the treasures hidden in the source stone without breaking the surface of the source stone."

"If so, we will make a fortune!"

Ye Lin's idea is very simple, low investment, high return. He may not be able to find any results, but Ye Lin believes that the wisdom of hundreds of thousands of spirit insects is much stronger than him.

It doesn't cost much spirit stones to buy a batch of small and medium source stones, and it doesn't have much impact on his economy. If he really finds some skills, Ye Lin's income will start from ten thousand times.

"Master, I choose the black one with black light. Black is my natal color!" Xiaoqiang immediately cheered excitedly.

Xiao Bai also said: "Then I'll choose the one that emits white light..."

Xiao Lan said with some distress: "Although my armor is blue, my fart is blue-purple... Never mind, farts are more important, I'll choose the blue-purple one."

Ye Lin found it funny when he heard it, and then locked his eyes on a source stone that shone with a red glow.

"I want this red one, red is auspicious..."

At this point, Ye Lin no longer believed in the set of observation, smell, questioning and palpation, and choosing at will was the best way.

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