Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 424: Furnace and Originium

Ye Lin saw a light gate in the darker underground passage. As the crowd walked into the light gate, the view suddenly opened up. A wide underground square with a length and width of about hundreds of feet and a height of tens of feet appeared in front of Ye Lin.

In the square, there were rows of shops or stalls every ten feet. Monks wearing various styles of headgear and various clothes, and hiding their breath through various means, were wandering between the stalls.

Shouts, bargaining, laughter, scolding... all kinds of noisy sounds were heard.

Ye Lin also noticed that there were a total of ten entrances to the entire underground passage, each with a different number, and the entrance Ye Lin walked out of was marked "A".

The first shop at the "A"-shaped entrance was called "Lao Wang Lu Ding Shop". At the door of the shop, there were two cages covered with forbidden talismans, and there were two living people in each cage.

The man in one of the cages had a handsome face, which could be called a demon. He was wearing an elegant white robe and holding a white jade folding fan. He was graceful and had an extraordinary temperament, but his eyes were quite dull. His cultivation level was at the early stage of Jindan.

In another cage, there was a woman with fair skin, long hair down to her waist, a beautiful face, wearing a beautiful lavender palace dress, and she looked about 22 or 23 years old. This woman's cultivation level was also at the early stage of Jindan. Looking at the monks who came and went and pointed at her and commented on her, her eyes showed despair.

Ye Lin keenly noticed that this woman seemed to have been planted with a powerful restriction, which made her unable to resist or even speak freely.

Seeing this scene, Ye Lin was slightly shocked.

"In the cultivation world of Xunlong Mountain Range, Jindan masters are the backbone of all major forces, and are powerful beings that ordinary cultivators look up to and fear. But here, they have become furnace cauldron commodities and are bought and sold at will, which is really sad."

"A large part of these commodity furnace cauldrons should be of shady origin, either obtained through fraud or forced to be planted with restrictions, making them unable to resist."

Ye Lin looked inside the "Lao Wang Furnace Cauldron Shop" again, and saw that there were many similar cages in the shop, but most of the cages were "furnace cauldron commodities" of the foundation-building period.

It seems that this Jindan furnace cauldron should be used for display to attract customers. Among them, there is a gray-haired customer wearing a wolf mask, who is smiling and pointing at a foundation-building girl in a cage, and seems to be bargaining with the shop owner. The girl has a beautiful face and fair skin, but her eyes are dull, and there is no liveliness that a young girl should have in her eyes.

She may have already understood that she has no future. What awaits her next is only torture, madness, and death.

Even Ye Lin, who thought he was indifferent to outsiders, couldn't help but feel pity after seeing this scene.

Perhaps she felt Ye Lin's slightly compassionate eyes, and the girl cast her eyes on him. A glimmer of hope ignited in her dull eyes.

The white-haired wolf-faced monk who was bargaining with the boss also noticed this scene. He looked at Ye Lin with a cold look.

"I advise you to give up the idea of ​​bidding with me, otherwise, even if you are a disciple of the Demon Suppression Sect, you will definitely suffer!"

A strong breath of the early Nascent Soul burst out from the old man.

Ye Lin is still wearing the Taoist robe of the Demon Suppression Sect, but he is not worried that he will be recognized because of the Taoist robe. The Demon Suppression Sect has hundreds of thousands of disciples, whether they are menial disciples, outer disciples, inner disciples, or even many elders. They all wear such Taoist robes.

Although there are not many disciples of the Demon Suppression Sect in Hongzhou City, there are definitely hundreds of them. Even if someone wants to find Ye Lin, it is unlikely, and the disciples of the Demon Suppression Sect are not so easy to investigate.

The fundamental reason why Ye Lin chose to wear the Taoist robe of the Demon Suppression Sect to come to the underground exchange is that he took into account the powerful deterrent power of the Demon Suppression Sect. This Taoist robe is enough to reduce a lot of trouble and prying for him.

Ye Lin glanced at the beautiful girl in the cage, and then glanced at the white-haired wolf-faced monk who was already unhappy, and then he bowed to him.

"Daoyou misunderstood, I was just taking a look."

As he said that, he looked away and turned his head to look at other things in the underground square without doing anything impulsive.

Just as Ye Lin looked away, the last glimmer of hope in the girl's eyes in the cage also went out.

Under the cover of the demon fox mask, Ye Lin could not see any expression, and then strode away from the door of "Lao Wang's Furnace Shop".

But what no one knew was that just now, Ye Lin's powerful consciousness had forcibly left his body and searched the entire underground trading square.

"The owner of the furnace shop is in the late Nascent Soul stage, so he should be a demon cultivator."

"What I didn't expect the most was that in an underground exchange, there were actually two early-stage out-of-body masters and more than a dozen Nascent Soul cultivators to maintain order. No wonder the entire exchange was in good order and no one dared to cause trouble here."

"The girl was indeed under a soul-controlling spell. Once she violated the will of the caster, her soul would be in danger of collapse. She must have been forced to become a furnace."

"The true breath and appearance of the wolf-masked old man who wanted to buy the girl have been detected. If there is no chance, it's fine. If there is a chance, I don't mind teaching him a lesson!"

Although Ye Lin felt a little pity for the girl in the cage, he also knew the importance of urgency and was very clear that with his strength, taking action in the underground exchange would be a way to his own death.

Moreover, there are so many furnaces in the underground exchange. He can save one person, but it is impossible to save everyone. He can save for a while, but not for the whole life. This is the cruelest aspect of the world of immortality. The rule of the jungle is in the underground. The exchange is at a glance.

If given the chance, Ye Lin will follow his heart and save someone's life if he can.

If there is no chance, it can only be said that this is their fate!

Next to "Lao Wang Luding Shop" is the "Lao Zhang Yuan Stone Wholesale Store". On a long stone table at the entrance of the shop, there are neatly placed stones of different colors and sizes. strange stones.

Even Ye Lin's powerful spiritual consciousness cannot invade this strange stone at all.

"Is this the legendary Source Stone? In the Xunlong Mountains, Source Stone seems to be extremely rare, so there is no Source Stone transaction at all. According to rumors, the Source Stone is a huge gamble. Everything can be obtained from the Source Stone, and there are also You may lose everything, this thing is really possible to release ancient spiritual insect eggs, but it is also possible to release alienated ancient spiritual insect eggs to wipe out millions or tens of millions of people in a town overnight! "

"But this probability is too low. I heard that a powerful monk spent all his possessions to open 10,000 large source stones. As a result, he vomited blood on the spot. He was devoured by inner demons while practicing that night, and died. "

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