Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 405: Accepting a Class A Mission

After taking the spirit stone handed over by Ye Lin, the old steward nodded: "Brother, here is a suggestion. Junior brother may be able to take on a first-class mission. One first-class mission is equivalent to two second-class missions. Moreover, the mission rewards are much richer than the second-level missions. It seems that my junior brother likes to practice hard, so he probably doesn’t want to take on two second-level missions that will consume a lot of time.”

"Of course, Class A tasks are more dangerous than Class B tasks, but Class A tasks are usually carried out jointly by multiple inner disciples, so junior disciples don't need to worry too much about their own safety."

According to the rules of the Demon Suppression Sect, disciples of the sect can complete a sect mission in advance, and the sect also encourages this practice of completing the sect mission in advance, and the rewards are more generous.

After hearing this, Ye Lin pondered for a moment, and finally said to the old steward: "Senior brother, what you said makes sense. I wonder what first-class tasks are waiting to be carried out now?"

Ye Lin really didn't want to spend too much time on sect tasks. After all, he also planned to find ways to make money after completing sect tasks, and also wanted to find ways to break through bottlenecks and speed up his cultivation progress.

Moreover, he now possesses some strength, so the risk of performing a first-class mission should not be too great.

The old steward smiled when he heard this. Generally, inner disciples would give priority to B-level tasks when performing tasks. After all, safety is the most important thing. It is not easy to meet a guy who prioritizes A-level tasks and is not afraid of death.

He seemed to be afraid that Ye Lin would regret it, and a jade slip appeared in his hand with a flash of inspiration, and he quickly handed it to Ye Lin.

"Now our sect has more than twenty first-class tasks waiting for disciples to perform. Junior brother, you can see if you are interested."

Ye Lin heard the words and took the jade slip, his consciousness instantly sank into it, and pieces of mission information emerged in Ye Lin's mind.

"Guard the large-scale spirit stone mines in the Heavenly Demon Sea for two years, and you will be rewarded with one top-quality spirit stone and two low-grade Heavenly Demon Pills. The possible risks you may face are as follows: monks stealing and robbing, Heavenly Demons besieging you, sea monsters besieging you..."

"Pursue the old soul-eating evil cultivator of the Dzogchen Pill-forming Dzogchen in Changliu County, Hongzhou. This monk has become so ferocious that he has killed two hundred thousand mortals, thousands of ordinary foundation-building monks, and more than ten alchemy-forming monks. The mission is Rewards: Two top-grade spiritual stones and two mid-grade Heavenly Demon Pills. Possible risks: The soul-devouring old demon is sinister and murderous, and there is the possibility of swallowing living souls and breaking through the Nascent Soul stage at any time. "

"Guard a 100,000-year-old large black iron vein in Zixiao County, Liuzhou for three years. The reward..."

"Protect the fourth-grade border general Yang Tiejian and his family members to return to Kyoto from the border. Reward..."

Ye Lin browsed around and found that at least half of the first-class tasks waiting to be executed were guard tasks. Guard tasks took the longest time, but the risks were relatively low.

After all, the Demon-Suppressing Sect is the first sect of the Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty. It has a great reputation, and there are not many people who dare to offend it.

In addition to guarding tasks, most tasks are to track down or hunt down the demons and evil cultivators who have done evil in Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty. In Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty, although there are many evil cultivators and demon cultivator sects, they usually obey the rules. In order to abide by the law, once there is a situation where someone is causing trouble, all the major forces need to send people to kill them immediately.

This is also Ye Lin's top priority task. After all, tasks like killing evil cultivators take the shortest time, and task rewards are generally higher.

In the Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty, each force has its own jurisdiction, and the Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty court generally does not directly kill the demons that cause trouble. The responsibility of officials from various places is to coordinate the jurisdiction of each sect and proactively control what happens in the area. Report the situation to all major sects and provide mission information and mission rewards in a timely manner.

This is quite similar to the situation in the world of cultivating immortals in the Xunlong Mountains. When something goes wrong in the mortal world, it is the major cultivating sects that ultimately solve the problem.

Ye Lin said to the old steward: "Junior brother wants to take over the task of hunting down the evil soul-eating old demon of Danjie Dzogchen in Changliu County, Hongzhou. Please register and make arrangements."

Among the many missions to hunt down demons and evil cultivators, Hongzhou Changliu County is not too far away from the Demon Suppression Sect. Ye Lin estimates that the time it takes to get there and back is only about half a month. If he goes to some of the more distant borders of Zhenhai Xianchao To carry out the mission, even if there is no trouble on the road in the flying boat, it will still take a year to come and go.

The mission chosen by Ye Lin is not only relatively close, but the mission reward is also quite generous. There are two pieces of top-quality spiritual stones alone. Ye Lin is now in a state where his eyes light up when he sees the money.

As for the risks of the mission, Ye Lin has almost completely ignored it. Even if this evil soul-eating old demon really breaks through the early stage of Nascent Soul, Ye Lin is still quite sure of escaping safely even if he cannot defeat him.

The old steward was slightly startled when he heard this. He looked at Ye Lin carefully first, and then said tactfully: "If senior brother is not mistaken, junior brother's current cultivation level is only in the early stage of pill formation. The soul-devouring old demon killed the pill formation There are already more than ten monks, and this mission..."

Ye Lin said: "Senior brother, you can rest assured. I am an insect cultivator, and my own strength is only a support. Currently, the strength of the spirit insect has reached the middle stage of pill formation, and this task is not performed alone."

As Ye Lin stretched out his hand, he saw Xiaobai wrapped around his wrist raising his head and exuding the powerful aura of a demon cultivator in the middle stage of pill formation.

Under normal circumstances, with Ye Lin's character, he would not easily reveal his true strength in front of others, but if he didn't show it now, he might not be able to receive this task.

After feeling Xiao Bai's breath, the old steward nodded reluctantly.

"Since junior brother insists on taking on this task, senior brother can't do any more to stop it, so I will register it for you."

As he spoke, the old steward entered a series of spells into the task jade slip.

"The task of hunting down the soul-devouring old demon is quite urgent and risky, so the only ones who have taken the initiative to accept the task are my junior brother and another senior sister who has reached the great perfection of the Jindan stage. The task requires at least four inner disciples to work together to carry out the task. The latest departure time is set at 5 pm today. If there is still no full staff one hour before departure, Elder Liu of our mission hall will forcibly recruit strong inner disciples to join forces with you."

"This is the access order to the waiting area for this mission. If you have nothing else to do, you can go and wait for departure."

As he spoke, the old man took out a token with "No. 13 A" written on it and handed it to Ye Lin.

Ye Lin took the access order to the waiting area, bowed and thanked the old steward, and then strode onto the steps of the mission hall building and went straight to the first-class task waiting area.

The old steward looked at Ye Lin's back, his eyes flickering, thinking.

"Ye Lin? I seem to have heard of this name a few years ago. He should not be an unknown person. If he can perform well in this mission, he may become a target for several princes to win over... I will investigate more when I have time. If he is really an undiscovered insect cultivator genius, the information about him should be able to sell for a good price."

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