Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 404: Five years of training, penniless

Xiao Lan also completed the transformation after successfully forming the elixir. What Xiao Qiang couldn't accept was that Xiao Lan turned into a young man with long light blue hair and a very handsome face.

However, after transforming, Xiao Lan seemed to be unable to control the desire to fart. She always released exhaust fumes while walking, and the stench was unbearable and lingering.

In order not to cause trouble in Ye Lin's life, Xiaolan had no choice but to give up her human form and still show herself in the form of a butt bug.

This also made Xiaoqiang reluctantly feel a little more balanced.

After that, in Ye Lin's ancient ring space, various foundation-building Dzogchen spiritual insects also began to transcend the tribulation. The first batch of spiritual insects that successfully transcended the tribulation were Xiaoqi, Xiaodan, Xiaoshu, and Xiaohong. , silkworms, silkworms, silkworms, etc., as the talkers of various departments, they have a constant supply of cultivation resources and blood on weekdays, so the progress of cultivation is naturally ahead of other spiritual insects.

However, this does not mean that the supply of cultivation resources for other spiritual insects is very poor. On the contrary, although Ye Lin's resource supply strategy is somewhat focused, it also takes care of every spiritual insect with cultivation potential.

In the past three years, Ye Lin spent money like water without any frugality or stinginess at all. As long as the spiritual insects needed for cultivation, he basically met all the needs.

If Ye Lin hadn't been able to enter the Dragon-seeking Secret Realm in less than half a month to search, his spiritual stones would have been exhausted a year ago.

Even so, Ye Lin's pocket is far less wealthy now than it was three years ago. Although the spiritual stones are still barely enough, other cultivation resources are showing signs of bottoming out.

Fortunately, he also cultivated hundreds of foundation-building Dzogchen spiritual insects. The total number of spiritual insects in the late, middle and early stages of foundation establishment exceeded a thousand.

Just from the number of spiritual insects in the foundation building stage, it can be judged that Ye Lin's strength has increased many times compared to three years ago.

When these spiritual insects with perfect foundation building are all promoted to the core-forming stage, Ye Lin will become a nightmare for any core-forming monk, and he will no longer even be as afraid of the early Nascent Soul monks as before.

Spring passes and autumn comes, and the sun and moon rotate.

In this way, Ye Lin quietly practiced on the Immortal Peak for two full years with pain and joy.

This is the fifth year since Ye Lin left the Xunlong Mountains and came to the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent to join the Demon Suppression Sect. These five years have also been the calmest and fastest-growing years since he started practicing.

But all the peace has to be broken.

This is the spring of the year, the wind is beautiful and the sun is beautiful, and the flowers are in bloom.

The fairy peak where Ye Lin lives is still cloudy and misty, quiet and peaceful.

Ye Lin floated on the top of the Pioneer Peak on Xiaolan, the butt bug the size of a millstone. He glanced at the small hut where he had lived for five years with some reluctance, and then sighed.

"It's time to go out for a walk, otherwise the bottleneck in the middle stage of the pill formation may not be broken for many years, and the sect's mission will expire in more than half a year. Once the sect's mission is expired and not carried out, by then You may face severe punishment from the Law Enforcement Hall, which ranges from being expelled from the sect to being demoted to a mortal being."

Perhaps it was because he was an inner sect disciple when he started, and he chose a remote and uninhabited immortal peak. In the past five years, only a few fellow disciples and brothers who like to make friends have visited him. However, after meeting Ye Lin, he was not too surprised. After losing interest in making friends, I almost never came here a second time.

Just yesterday, Ye Lin received a warning summons from the Sect Mission Hall.

Moreover, Ye Lin had very few spiritual stones left in his pocket at this time, and was almost too poor to open the pot. Many other cultivation resources in the ancient ring space had also been consumed in the past five years.

In addition, Ye Lin's own cultivation level has also reached a bottleneck.

Under the combined influence of many factors, Ye Lin had to leave the cave to go out for some experience today.

At this time, Xiaoqiang was in the form of a little cockroach hiding in his robe, while Xiaobai was wrapped around his wrist reluctantly. After all, she had become accustomed to the human form in the past two years and rarely changed. Return to the snake body.

However, in Ye Lin's view, Xiaobai in human form is too harmful to the country and the people, and it is easy to cause trouble if he is carried around. Therefore, when going out on weekdays, Xiaobai is more suitable in the snake demon form.

Ye Lin patted Xiaolan's carapace.

"Let's go, let's go to the Demon-Slaying Peak Mission Hall, finish the sect mission first, and then find a way to restart the spirit insect assembly line to make money."

"Obey my master!"

Xiao Lan then flapped her wings and carried Ye Lin, turning into a blue rainbow and flying through the sky.

After Xiaolan entered the realm of pill formation, even if she didn't use the Fart Escape Technique, she could not rely solely on her own magic power to escape. After more than an hour, Xiaolan flew Ye Lin to the mission hall of the Demon Suppression Sect. Above the main entrance, Xiao Lan shrank her body and got into Ye Lin's robe, while Ye Lin slowly landed on the ground.

In the vast and sparsely populated Demon Suppression Sect, Ye Lin rarely saw a large number of monks gathering together. This even gave Ye Lin the illusion that there were not many disciples of the Demon Suppression Sect.

But after arriving at the mission hall, Ye Lin felt that he was so wrong.

I saw people coming and going at the gate of the mission hall, and there was an endless stream of monks wearing the robes of the Demon Suppressing Sect. Most of them were in the foundation-building stage, and a few were in the elixir-forming stage. Even Ye Lin felt it There were several breaths of Yuanying stage monks.

Ye Lin strode into the task hall and came to the inner disciple task handover area, and handed the identity token to an old steward in front of the stage.

Ye Lin said very politely: "This senior fellow disciple, Ye Lin, an inner disciple, has come to hand over the fine for the postponement of the mission and at the same time carry out the sect's mission."

The old steward took Ye Lin's identity token, placed it on a bronze mirror, and then punched a spell into the bronze mirror. The identity token and the bronze mirror immediately released a faint radiance, and soon the bronze mirror Some words appeared.

The old steward frowned slightly: "Junior brother Ye is really a rich man. The task has been postponed for more than two years and has not been carried out. If we wait for more than half a year, a new task will come."

In the Demon Suppression Sect, there are indeed a lot of fines for delaying missions, but Ye Lin has been focusing on improving his strength in the past two years, so he has allowed the fines to rise and has not gone out to perform sect missions.

"I'm ashamed to say that my junior brother has been practicing hard in seclusion for the past few years. He didn't notice that time in the outside world passes so quickly. Fortunately, he received a warning from the mission hall yesterday. Otherwise, he might have violated the sect rules. I don't know if my junior brother has to turn it in. How much is the fine?”

The old steward said: "Junior brother has been postponed for a total of two years and three months. A total of sixty-six medium-grade spiritual stones need to be handed in as a fine. According to the sect rules, the fine for delaying the first mission can be reduced to a certain extent. Senior brother will exempt you from the six-month fine." "Junior brother, please hand over sixty pieces of middle-grade spiritual stones."

When Ye Lin heard this, he felt so distressed that he couldn't breathe, but he still reluctantly counted 60 middle-grade spiritual stones and handed them over. Ye Lin, who was somewhat unable to reveal the blame, became even poorer.

Ye Lin couldn't help but think of his emotional words in the past: Wealth is always short-lived, only poverty is eternal.

He had not lived a prosperous life for a few years, and he was about to be penniless.

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