Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 380 The Mysterious Monk in a Basket Hat

If it were in the past, Ye Lin would have agreed without hesitation if he encountered such a good thing with low risk but good returns, but now, Ye Lin did not want to stay under surveillance for too long.

The most urgent task is to find a good place to practice in Zhenhai Xianchao and improve his cultivation realm as soon as possible.

So after Situ Yu invited him to explore the ruins of ancient monks together, Ye Lin refused without much consideration.

"I appreciate your kindness, but I have important things to do at the moment, so I am afraid I can't go treasure hunting with you two. I can only say goodbye with regret."

Hearing that Ye Lin insisted on leaving, Situ Yu and Situ Yu both looked a little flustered.

Now, they are free, but they also know that there are dangers everywhere in the Demon Sea, and they just escaped from death. It would be a lie to say that they are not afraid at all. Ye Lin is powerful and has rich experience in the world. He doesn't even want to repay his life-saving grace. Obviously, he has no bad intentions towards them, which gives them an extraordinary sense of security.

Once Ye Lin leaves, they will return to a helpless situation.

Situ Yu took a deep breath and said: "Since Brother Ye is determined to leave, we brothers and sisters naturally cannot stop him. I wonder where Brother Ye is going and whether there is any token that can be found for you?"

"Although Brother Ye does not ask for repayment, we brothers and sisters are not ungrateful people. If we are stronger in the future, we may be able to do something for you within our ability."

Situ Yu said with some sadness: "The Ten Thousand Kingdoms Continent is so big, and there are countless cultivators. Once separated, the possibility of meeting again is very small. If there is no token, Xiaoyu will find it difficult to fulfill her promise to repay her brother when she grows up in the future... Xiaoyu is very serious!"

Situ Yu seemed to know that Ye Lin did not take her words seriously, so she deliberately emphasized that she was serious and would definitely fulfill her promise.

Ye Lin was somewhat helpless. He had planned to leave, but seeing the two of them were so sincere, he was afraid that if he left like this, they would miss him for a long time. So he patted the Qiankun bag on his waist, and then a flash of light flashed, and a jade order shining with a light blue glow flew towards Situ Yu.

On the jade order, there were two big characters, which were Ye Lin's name.

Ye Lin said: "If there is no accident in the past few decades, I should not leave the territory of Zhenhai Xianchao. This jade order can point out my location within ten thousand miles. With the status of the two Taoist friends, it should not be difficult to obtain intelligence information and lock my location."

As he said, Ye Lin released Xiaolan, and Xiaolan's body quickly grew larger, and Ye Lin stood on Xiaolan's back. He smiled at Situ Yu and Situ Yu and then clasped his fists.

"You two, let's say goodbye. The rivers and lakes are dangerous and people's hearts are unpredictable. If you meet other cultivators, you need to be more careful!"

The two bowed deeply to Ye Lin again.

Situ Yu said: "Brother Ye, don't worry, I will protect Xiaoyu."

Situ Yu also smiled sweetly, trying to suppress her sadness: "Brother Ye, you should also pay attention to safety. When Xiaoyu grows up, she will definitely come to find you. Don't go around... flirting with other girls!"

Ye Lin was speechless and drove Xiaolan into the air quickly, then turned into a long blue rainbow and fled to the east again. Because the direction was exactly different from that of the flying boat, it took only more than ten breaths to completely disappear at the end of the sea of ​​​​sky.

Situ Yu sighed deeply.

"Joys and sorrows, ups and downs, these are also things that you will experience when traveling in the martial arts world. It seems that we have to walk our own way, which is also in line with my brother's expectations!"

Situ Yu suddenly frowned, as if thinking of a key problem that is extremely difficult to solve: "Brother, does Brother Ye already have a Taoist partner and a wife? Then when Xiaoyu comes of age, won't she start to live as a widow? No, even if she has a thrilling open and secret struggle with other people who love her brother, in the end, only Xiaoyu can get exclusive love, which seems very interesting!"

Situ Yu: "..."

"Sister, I suggest that you read less palace fighting novels in the future. We should concentrate on traveling in the martial arts world now."

"I understand, Xiaoyu must become stronger before she can get everything!"

So, the brother and sister with abnormal brains took the extremely fast blue bird flying boat and really stepped into the dangerous martial arts world. The two people's character and strength grew rapidly. However, no matter how their character and strength changed, they always remembered the powerful insect cultivator who once killed the Heavenly Demon King alone and saved their lives without seeking any return.

An empty sea in the east.

A man wearing a bamboo hat and a black windbreaker, whose face could not be seen at all, and who could not be distinguished as a man or a woman, and whose presence could not be sensed, was standing in the void.

Above this man, more than ten feet away, was Ye Lin, who was riding a small blue boat.

At this time, Ye Lin's face was still calm, and he bowed to this man very politely.

"I wonder what advice you have, senior?"

The monk in the bamboo hat said to Ye Lin slowly.

"Ye Lin, right? You are very alert, and you actually guessed our existence..."

"Please rest assured, since you saved the little prince and the little princess, although it was unintentional, you are also a person who has done a favor to our Demon City Palace. We will not embarrass you, but will give you great benefits."

Ye Lin said: "I wonder what kind of benefits?"

The monk in the bamboo hat said: "Give you two choices."

"The first option is to join our palace secretly. Since the young prince and the princess are very fond of you, you can accompany them to practice together. On the one hand, our palace will distribute precious elixirs and magic weapons to you on time. It will even give you the opportunity to practice the best earth-level skills. On the other hand, becoming a friend of the young prince and princess will have endless benefits for your future practice. "

"You may not know yet, but our prince only has one princess, and the prince and princess only have two bloodlines. In the future, the young prince will naturally inherit the throne and become the master of Demon City."

"Of course, this requires you to exercise caution and keep some distance. You cannot take what they said when they were young as true. You should be a cautious person and understand what I mean."

Ye Lin frowned slightly and asked calmly.

"What about the second option?"

The monk in the hat seemed a little surprised and said: "Boy, the first choice is an unimaginable opportunity for you. If you can accompany the young prince and the young princess to grow up and gain their absolute trust, you will not be able to achieve the out-of-body stage in the future. Not much of a possibility.”

"With your qualifications, you are almost thirty years old, and you are only in the late stage of foundation building. In some small countries and places, you may be considered outstanding, but in the Immortal Dynasty, you achieve your level of achievement every year. There are only 8,000 monks, and it can be said that they will not be too important in any place. "

"Are you sure you won't think about it?"

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