Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 379 Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism

Ye Lin had thought about the origin of the human race in the Wan Guo Continent in his spare time, but he did not get any reliable answers.

Now Ye Lin finally knew.

It turned out that the human race in the Wan Guo Continent all migrated from the spiritual world, and their ancestors were brought down by the royal families of the three eternal immortal dynasties.

No wonder the three eternal immortal dynasties are supreme. From the perspective of blood, the blood of the royal family members of the three immortal dynasties is naturally higher than that of ordinary people like them. They are the upper class since ancient times, and Ye Lin and his people are all genuine lower class.

However, in the world of cultivating immortals, although there is also a saying about the nobility of blood, strength still plays a key role. Ye Lin believes that even the Eternal Immortal Dynasty dare not easily offend the cultivators of the God Transformation Stage.

The memory of the Xunlong Patriarch is the best evidence. When the Xunlong Patriarch achieved the transformation of the spirit, he had no rivals in this world. Since he said that he had no rivals, it means that he had fought with most of the powerful beings in this world, and had the upper hand or won. Such beings, I am afraid that the emperors of the three eternal immortal dynasties would treat them with courtesy.

The forces under the three eternal immortal dynasties are the seven super immortal dynasties. The super immortal dynasties are all established by people other than the three eternal royal families. They will change dynasties over time. Sometimes there are seven or eight, and sometimes there are only two or three, but the interval between each change of dynasty is at least 100,000 years.

The Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty is undoubtedly one of the seven super immortal dynasties. The Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty was established 180,000 years ago by the Zhenhai Patriarch who was in the transformation of the spirit.

It is worth mentioning that this ancestor is also a legendary figure. In order to ensure the prosperity of Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty, he survived in the human world for more than a thousand years without ascending to the spirit world. Finally, he felt that his life span was about to run out, so he had no choice but to step into the gate of the spirit world to find a chance to prolong his life.

The most exaggerated thing is that it is said that the emperors of the Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty can still contact the Zhenhai Ancestor in the spirit world through secret methods. If the Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty is at the critical moment of life and death, they can also ask the Zhenhai Ancestor's clone to break through the world and come.

When Situ Yu and Situ Yu mentioned this royal ancestor, their eyes were quite fanatical, as if they regarded him as a goal and idol. As members of the royal family, they firmly believed that the ancestor did not die after ascending to the spirit world, and could also drive the clone to come.

Ye Lin was half-believing and half-doubting. He believed that this was probably deliberately fabricated by the royal family of Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty to deter other enemies who wanted to attack Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty.

After all, from the fact that the brilliant and talented Ancestor Xunlong died less than 50,000 years after ascending to the spirit world, it can be seen that the spirit world is not an easy place to live.

Moreover, when the Ancestor Zhenhai ascended, his life span was almost over.

At present, the national strength of Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty is not bad. It has a total of about 100 vassal states, with a total population of about 1.3 trillion. It is in the middle of the seven super immortal dynasties, neither up nor down. If there is no major accident, there is no danger of national destruction in the next tens of thousands of years.

Under the seven super immortal dynasties are powerful forces attached to each immortal dynasty. These forces are divided into three major cultivation schools, Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism.

In the Xunlong Mountains, the three dynasties are attached to the three major immortal gates, while here it is just the opposite. Ye Lin believes that this is because the status of the three eternal immortal dynasties cannot be shaken by anyone.

Among them, Taoist and Buddhist monks are judged from the perspective of morality, and there are both good and evil. Only Confucian scholars are upright and attach the most importance to the word "orthodoxy", and cannot tolerate the appearance of Confucian evil cultivators.

The biggest difference from the cultivation world of Xunlong Mountain Range is that even evil sects can openly establish sects and recruit disciples in various immortal dynasties. As long as they do not blatantly violate the laws set by the major immortal dynasties, they will not be expelled.

However, the number of evil sects is still very rare compared to the righteous sects, especially in the major immortal dynasties, the most powerful cultivator forces are all righteous sects, while in some small countries, evil sects are very prosperous.

In Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty, Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism are quite common, but the most prosperous is Taoism, the state religion of Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty.

Because the ancestor of Zhenhai was a Taoist monk, the status of Taoism in Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty has always been higher than that of Confucianism and Buddhism. However, in order to deal with the threat of the demons, Confucianism and Buddhism also have a place in the Immortal Dynasty.

After all, the righteousness of Confucianism and the sacred light of Buddhism are naturally restraining the demons, while the threshold for Taoist monks to kill the demons is higher.

In Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty, the most prestigious Taoist sect is called Zhenmo Sect. The current national teacher of Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty is the head of Zhenmo Sect. The next are Tianjian Sect, Huoyun Sect and other sects. The most famous Confucian sect is called Zhengyi Academy, and the most famous Buddhist sect is called Vajra Temple.

Ye Lin also curiously asked if there are any famous Taoist sects that specialize in practicing the way of expelling insects, and the answer is that he has never heard of it.

It seems that whether in the Xunlong Mountain Range or in the Wan Guo Continent, insect cultivators are very rare. Most of the insect repellent schools are just a rare branch of the major Taoist sects, and are even regarded as unorthodox techniques by many cultivators.

Since then, Ye Lin has finally gained a general understanding of the Wan Guo Continent and the Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty.

Now that the goal has been achieved, although the two brothers and sisters are indeed very enthusiastic about him and are eager for Ye Lin to stay with them for a while, Ye Lin really doesn't want his words and deeds to be exposed under the eyes of the strong.

Ye Lin first sincerely thanked Situ Yu and Situ Yu, and then said goodbye.

As soon as these words came out, Situ Yu and Situ Yu were quite surprised, and seemed a little hard to accept for a while, especially Situ Yu, whose two big watery eyes were immediately covered with a light mist.

To them, Ye Lin was not only their savior, but also the first friend they made after leaving home, so they couldn't bear to let him leave like this.

Situ Yu said quickly: "Brother Ye should know that the purpose of our trip is to go to the ruins of an ancient monk on the seabed. Although the map of this ruins was found by the Demon King, the younger brother asked the palace for identification before leaving. The master has secretly verified that the map of the ruins is genuine, otherwise we would not have been deceived out of the palace by the Demon King so easily."

"The appraiser also said that this ruins was the location of a large-scale sect hundreds of thousands of years ago. Later, due to the changes in the Sea of ​​Demons, infinite demons descended from a rare space vortex. This sect was the first to bear the brunt. They were submerged by the demons. Later, the battle between the strong humans and the powerful demons caused the mountains and rivers to change. The sea water rose thousands of meters, and the destroyed sect was submerged in the sea water. "

"If we can find this ruins, we may be able to obtain many forbidden high-level exercises, ancient monks' elixir recipes, top-quality magic weapons and various precious elixirs... We may even be able to obtain the remains of ancient monks. The secret method of inheritance!”

"I have said before that I must share the opportunity with Brother Ye. Now is the time to fulfill my promise. Please give us brothers and sisters a chance to repay the life-saving grace!"

Situ Yu nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, as if he saw the dawn of retaining Ye Lin.

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