Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 363: Ten Dangerous Places, Demon Sea

The full moon was high in the sky, and the sea and the sky were one color.

Wow... Wow... Wow...

Between heaven and earth, there was only the sound of water hitting the rocks, repeating over and over again.

Gurgling...Suddenly, huge bubbles rose from the sea, and soon, a lot of blood floated out of the water, and then huge gray-white figures kept growing.

One after another, ferocious sharks with a body length of more than ten feet and a mouth full of fangs surfaced.

However, at this time, these sharks had their eyes rolled back, their bellies were facing up, and there were ice spears shining with a faint blue glow on their bellies.

As the cold power of the ice spears was released, the dead sharks turned into ice sculptures, and the surrounding sponges gradually condensed into white ice.

At this moment, a white shadow several feet long shot out of the water like a sharp arrow.


The water splashed everywhere.

It was a white-scaled python!

And on the back of the python, there was a young man with handsome eyebrows and wearing a blue robe.

After the young man went out to sea, his brows were wrinkled into the shape of a "川" character. He immediately looked around the environment vigilantly. After confirming that there were no other dangers nearby, his brows relaxed.

He waved his hand, and a small snow silkworm appeared in his hand.

"Did you remember the ancient formation completely?"

The well-behaved snow silkworm nodded.

"Reporting to the master, although the situation is urgent, I still remembered the ancient formation completely."

The young man nodded.

"You can go back to the ancient ring space."

"I'll take my leave!"

The snow silkworm turned into a flash of light and sank into a simple and ancient ring in the young man's hand.

The young man who was driving the white-scaled giant python was undoubtedly Ye Lin, who had just been teleported to a foreign country through the Taixuanmen ancient teleportation formation!

Ye Lin whispered softly.

"Although I don't plan to go back through this ancient teleportation array, I still remember it for safety."

"I don't know where this place is, but there seem to be a lot of sea monsters..."

Just now, Ye Lin was teleported here and felt dizzy. The next moment, he felt the terrifying water pressure squeezing him violently. If it weren't for his strong body, other late-stage foundation-building cultivators would have their internal organs ruptured in an instant and were crushed to death by the water pressure.

This ancient teleportation array was actually built on the seabed tens of thousands of meters deep!

It just so happened that a group of gold-eating shark monsters were attracted by the light emitted by the teleportation array. After seeing Ye Lin, the sharks launched a fierce attack on him without hesitation.

This gold-eating shark looks small among shark monsters when it grows up, but it is a mid-stage foundation-building monster after it grows up. It likes to devour various five-element ores on the seabed to absorb the five-element essence to strengthen itself. Its skin is extremely tough and its teeth are extremely sharp.

If it were just that, with Ye Lin's current strength, he would naturally be fearless.

But the gold-eating shark is a terrifying group of monsters. The reason why the word "terrifying" is added is that the smallest shark group has hundreds of heads, and the largest shark group has tens of thousands of heads!

The group of sharks that Ye Lin encountered was even more boundless. Ye Lin even sensed the breath of several Jindan gold-eating sharks from them.

Seeing this scene, Ye Lin was naturally horrified. He quickly released the little book to let him memorize the ancient formation. Just when the shark group was about to submerge him, Ye Lin destroyed the ancient formation and drove Xiaobai to escape quickly in the water, while killing many gold-eating sharks that blocked the way.

Fortunately, Xiaobai is good at underwater operations. With full speed, he barely got rid of the pursuit of the shark group, and Ye Lin's life was saved.

Although Ye Lin escaped a disaster, he still did not relax at all.

Just now, when he was about a hundred feet away from the sea surface, all the gold-eating sharks retreated, which seemed unusual.

As far as Ye Lin knows, although the gold-eating shark is a deep-sea monster, its shallow-sea combat strength is also not bad, and its nature is extremely brutal. Generally, it will not easily let go of its prey when it has an absolute advantage in numbers.

"The sharks gave up chasing us. It is very likely that there is something on the sea that even the sharks are afraid of, or we have entered the territory of a more powerful monster, and even thousands of gold-eating sharks dare not offend."

Xiaobai said: "This island does not seem to be wide. Although the spiritual energy is much more abundant than our Xunlong Mountains, it is still far worse than the seabed. Xiaobai believes that there should be no big monsters living in it. The group of gold-eating sharks should be afraid of other things on the sea."

Ye Lin nodded.

"We must find out the specific location as soon as possible, and what terrible things are on the sea!"

As he said, Ye Lin flew Xiaobai to a huge rock in the center of the island, and then Xiaoqiang's figure became the size of a millstone, the magic blade swung, the sword light kept flashing, and the stones were silently moved out by the magic power and stored in Ye Lin's ancient ring space.

Soon, a stone chamber with an entrance only one foot wide appeared in front of Ye Lin.

Xiaoqiang, Xiaobai, and Ye Lin flew into the stone chamber one after another, and then Ye Lin took out a stone to seal the entrance, and this stone happened to be the one on the surface of the original boulder.

In this way, as long as they opened the Hidden Dragon Technique, unless a Yuanying stage cultivator used his spiritual sense to scan it carefully, it would be basically impossible to find that there was a person hidden in the stone.

The cautious Ye Lin originally wanted to set up a set of illusion arrays and concealment arrays around the stone chamber, but considering the principle of trying to cover up the truth, he did not do it again.

After entering the stone chamber, Ye Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he took out the Qiankun bag that Xuanyi Zhenren gave him before he set out, and then with a thought, a jade slip appeared in his hand.

If Ye Lin remembered correctly, this jade slip should record the environmental information around the teleportation point.

The next moment, Ye Lin's consciousness sank into the jade slip and began to read the information carefully, while Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang were fully alert and responsible for protecting Ye Lin.

Not long after, Ye Lin opened his eyes, and his face was already slightly pale.

Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang both asked with concern: "Master, what's wrong?"

Ye Lin said: "This place is called the Heavenly Demon Sea, which is one of the ten dangerous places in the Ten Thousand Countries Continent. The space around the Heavenly Demon Sea is abnormally volatile, and dangerous space vortices that swallow everything may appear at any time. These vortices will not only swallow everything around, but also spew out a large number of extraterritorial demons!"

"Compared with the Heavenly Demon Sea, the danger level of our Hundred Thousand Mountains is simply not worth mentioning, but fortunately, we are now in the outer area of ​​the Heavenly Demon Sea. The possibility of space vortices appearing in the outer area is extremely low, and only wandering groups of demons will appear occasionally. No wonder those thousands of gold-eating sharks are hiding in the deep sea and refuse to show their heads!"

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