Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 362: Don’t forget your original intention and don’t lose your humanity

Seeing Ye Lin's arrival, the three Nascent Soul masters all smiled at Ye Lin and nodded, while Ye Lin bowed respectfully.

Not long after Ye Lin arrived in the secret room, Master Xuan Yi, wearing Taixuanmen Taoist robes, also walked into the secret room.

As soon as Master Xuan Yi entered the secret room, he cast several spells with a very serious look on his face and closed the door of the secret room.

Then he handed Ye Lin a Qiankun bag.

"Boy Ye, here are the Dragon-Seeking Secret Realm teleportation orders you want, as well as simple information about the area on the other side of the ancient teleportation array. However, those were from who knows how many years ago, and I don't know if they are still the same there now. "

This Dragon-seeking Secret Realm teleportation talisman is very important to Ye Lin. Ye Lin informed his senior sister when he decided to go to the outside world, and his senior sister also informed Xuan Yi.

Although they were all very puzzled, they did not ask any more questions. Instead, they sent people to the Xunlong Forbidden Land and took twenty pieces from the strong men guarding the Xunlong Forbidden Land.

If in the past peaceful times, even if Ye Lin wanted to obtain a dragon-seeking secret realm transmission order, he would be questioned carefully by the Taiji Sect and Taicang Sect, but now the situation is special.

The Righteous Alliance is also counting on Ye Lin Xiucheng's return to turn the tide, so they naturally try their best to satisfy his strange requests that do not affect the overall situation.

As for why Ye Lin attaches so much importance to the Xunlong Secret Realm by name, it is naturally because Ye Lin now has the inheritance stone of the Xunlong Secret Realm and can teleport to the Xunlong Secret Realm on every full moon night.

And Ye Lin planned to use the Xunlong Secret Realm as a springboard, crush the Xunlong Secret Realm teleportation order, and then directly return to the Xunlong Forbidden Land in the Xunlong Mountains!

In other words, no matter where he is in the world, with the Dragon-Seeking Secret Realm as the best springboard, he has a chance to come back once a month, and he no longer relies on this ancient teleportation array.

For Ye Lin, this saves trouble and worry, and it also gives him an extra trump card to escape on a full moon night.

Master Xuan Yi said again: "The other end of the teleportation array is not a safe place, so be careful!"

Ye Lin also nodded seriously.

"I see."

Hearing that the other end of the teleportation array seemed to be very dangerous, Fairy Qingyao took Ye Lin's hand and couldn't help but squeeze it tightly, seeming very worried.

Master Xuan Yi said again: "But don't worry, it shouldn't be a deserted place. If you be careful, you can reach a place where a large number of humans live. Then how do you want to develop, become a casual cultivator, or join other large sects?" It depends on you. In short, you should understand your mission. "

Ye Lin nodded seriously again.

Although I heard that the other end of the teleportation array was not a Jedi, Fairy Qingyao's hands did not relax because of this, but instead trembled slightly.

She understands.

Ye Lin is really leaving.

In the past two days, Fairy Qingyao, in addition to dealing with the affairs of Spirit Beast Peak, was glued to Ye Lin. It seemed that she had never had such a sweet life.

The two of them were either in a dream or in reality, feeling each other's presence and enjoying the happiest time in their lives.

But beauty is always short-lived.

Especially in this stormy era, it becomes even more precious.

Master Xuan Yi said again: "Boy Ye, you must remember that after arriving at the other end of the teleportation array, you must immediately copy the pattern of the ancient teleportation array to the same proportion and destroy it."

"This will prevent other people from using this teleportation array to come to our Xunlong Mountains. People from the outside are vicious, cunning, and only interested in profit. If a strong person teleports over, the threat will be even worse than that of the Demonic Alliance, especially this teleportation The formation is still in the hinterland of our sect.”

"Wait until you want to use the teleportation array, then repair it."

Ye Lin nodded again.

Now, he seems to understand why this ancient teleportation array was destroyed by Taixuan Sect in the past.

Scholar Taixuan, who had been silent all this time, put away the books in his hands and said with a slightly serious expression: "Since we have made all the preparations, let's send Mr. Ye away sooner rather than later!"

Fairy Lady Youquan and Master Huanjian also nodded at the same time.

Fairy Qingyao's face was slightly pale at this time, and Elder Sun also let out a long sigh.

"Boy, before you leave, my teacher will give you one last message!"

"Don't forget your original intention and don't lose your humanity! "

After hearing what Elder Sun said, Fairy Qingyao had to let go of Ye Lin's hand and nodded to Ye Lin with a forced smile.

Ye Lin turned around and bowed respectfully to Elder Sun again.

"Disciple must remember this!"

After saying that, he turned his eyes to his senior sister, Fairy Qingyao.

"wait me back!"

Then, Ye Lin strode into the center of the teleportation array.

Taixuan Scholar, Youquan Fairy Girl, and Huanjian Master all had a flash of inspiration in their hands at the same time, and a sparkling top-quality spiritual stone appeared, and they placed it in the formation eye in front of them.

Then, the three of them continued to shoot magic formulas one after another towards the formation's eyes. The formation that originally shone with a faint light suddenly burst into light, and the dazzling light illuminated the entire secret room like daylight.

At this moment, the teleportation array pattern rotated rapidly, and Ye Lin, who was standing in the center of the teleportation array, turned into a spiritual light and disappeared without a trace.

After Ye Lin disappeared, the dazzling light of the teleportation array dimmed immediately.

In the secret room, there was silence.

Fairy Qingyao's beautiful eyes were already covered with a layer of mist, and Elder Sun's face was also a little pale, as if he had become much older and haggard for a while.

Xuanyi Zhenren, Taixuan Scholar, Youquan Fairy, and Huanjian Zhenren all looked worried.

After a long time, Taixuan Scholar finally sighed deeply.

"It's really sad that the fate of the entire Righteous Alliance is actually on the shoulders of such a young boy in his twenties or thirties. This is too much of a burden for him, and it's not easy for him to come back to help after he has cultivated. Although the outside world is a holy place for cultivation for us, it is also a dangerous forbidden place where people are eaten without leaving any bones!"

Phantom Sword Master seemed to be lost in memories and said: "I remember that my master stepped into the realm of Yuanying Great Perfection in one step. When his life was about to run out, he also went to the outside world through an ancient teleportation array, but in less than five years, the life plate had shattered."

Fairy Youquan said: "We would not make such a choice unless it was absolutely necessary."

Master Xuanyi said: "The three uncles don't need to worry too much. With Ye's potential and wisdom, I believe he will be able to turn danger into opportunity. His mission is to return after completing his studies, and our mission is to withstand all pressure and wait for his return!"

Elder Sun and Fairy Qingyao still stared at the center of the teleportation array, speechless for a long time.

From then on, Ye Lin officially stepped into the outside world and entered a vast, boundless and splendid stage!

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