Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 337 Ancient Ring Wants to Eat Star Cores

Ye Lin couldn't help but nodded when he heard this, feeling that Xiaobai's analysis was quite reliable.

"Let me feel it carefully and see how it can be completely refined."

As he spoke, Ye Lin sat cross-legged in front of the star core, put his hand on the star river and closed his eyes tightly.

In Ye Lin's mind, an extremely weak, even negligible, golden light spot appeared...

Before long, Ye Lin opened his eyes in despair.

"At present, I have probably refined one ten thousandth, or even one tens of thousands. It seems that if I want to refine this treasure, with my current cultivation level, it will not take ten or several decades." It is impossible to persist for a long time..."

"Maybe... Ancestor Xunlong didn't expect when he set up the ninety-nine levels. The incoming people who passed the level were only in the foundation building stage... This level itself was set up for the strong people in the early stage of forming the core. If In the early stage of pill formation, mana transformation can be completely refined in one year!”

In addition, Ye Lin only obtained part of the memory of the ancestor Xunlong, and it was a very rare part, so he had to guess a lot of information by himself.

"It seems that we won't be able to take this thing away in the short term. Even if we want to use the ancient ring or the Qiankun bag to put it in, the prerequisite must be that it can be taken with magic power."

The placement of items in the Qiankun Bag or the Ancient Ring Space follows the basic rules of the world of immortality. It does not mean that you can put whatever you want. The biggest prerequisite is that items must be portable. Otherwise, as long as the Qiankun Bag is large enough, Even monks in the Qi Refining Stage can fit into a mountain or a city. If they pretend to be whatever they pass by, then the world of immortality will be in chaos.

Xiao Bai then suggested: "Master can actually try to touch the star core with the ancient ring to see if it can be put directly in. The ancient ring is the master's family treasure and does not belong to this world, so it does not necessarily follow this rule. One rule."

Ye Lin smiled and touched Xiaobai's snake head.

"Xiaobai is still smart!"

"Of course, Xiaobai is fed by the master!"

Ye Lin immediately brought the ancient ring close to the star core. As he approached, he saw the originally simple ancient ring shining brightly, and the star core made a "swish" sound and ran away several feet like teleporting through the jade box. It rolled to the ground!

Ye Lin was horrified when he saw this scene.

"What's going on? These two guys don't seem to be dealing with each other!"

Ye Lin didn't dare to try again, for fear that something big would happen, especially the Ancient Ring. Ye Lin could live without the Dragon-seeking Secret Realm Star Core, but he definitely couldn't live without the Ancient Ring. If something went wrong with the Ancient Ring, Ye Lin's mentality would be terrible. It's going to collapse.

"It seems like the Star Core is afraid of the Ancient Ring?"

"Why is the Star Core afraid of the Ancient Ring? Is it possible that it can be eaten?"

Ye Lin frowned.

Xiaobai said: "Xiaobai feels that the ancient ring should be much higher than the star core, and the ancient ring and the secret star core have a common feature, that is, they both control one world, so the ancient ring may really eat it... …Perhaps the world inside the Ancient Ring emerged as a result of constantly devouring this kind of star core!”

Ye Lin heard this and felt that Xiaobai's inference was very reasonable.

"Doesn't that mean that after the Ancient Ring swallows the star core, the Dragon-Seeking Secret Realm may appear in the Ancient Ring?"

Xiaobai nodded obediently.

"Master is so smart! That's how it should be!"

Ye Lin began to think carefully about the pros and cons of how to let the ancient ring swallow the star core.

"If it is allowed to swallow the star core, this dragon-seeking secret realm will become part of the ancient ring space, but I don't know which part it is. Is it the part that is already under my control, or the part that is not under my control? What if it is the part that is already under my control? , then I will get rich. I am an invincible existence in the ancient ring space. I can take away all the treasures at will and let all the spirit stone ore mothers in the entire Xunlong Secret Realm work for me. And if it happens to be the part that is not under control , I can’t get anything in a short time, it’s definitely a loss for my mother!”

"And if I lose the Dragon-Seeking Secret Realm and my physical body cannot be transferred to the Ancient Ring Space at any time, it means that I lose a treasure that can be used as an escape card..."

Soon, Ye Lin analyzed the pros and cons clearly.

The star core of this dragon-seeking secret realm cannot be eaten by Gu Jie like this!

"Star Core and Gu Jie can't let them meet in the future... At least they can't be allowed to meet until they don't have a better life-saving trump card. If there is a day when they ascend to the spiritual world, Gu Ring can be allowed to swallow Star Core. In this way , I can also integrate the Dragon-seeking Secret Realm into the Ancient Ring and stay in the spiritual world."

"What ancestor Xunlong couldn't do back then, I can easily achieve. I'm just short of becoming the ancestor of God Transformation and having the strength to break through space and ascend to the spiritual world..."

Ye Lin was in a pretty good mood when he thought of this.

"There are still three or four days before the secret realm is closed. Time is running out. And with my strength, it is almost impossible to refine the star core now. Let's go out and join them, explore the secret realm a little, and then Let’s go back with the teleportation order.”

"Although we haven't controlled the star core yet, we have at least taken control of the inheritance stone, and have made the star core recognize its owner. With the existence of the inheritance stone, we can also teleport in every full moon night, and wait until we break through the core formation. Realm, the magic power is powerful enough, it won’t take much time to refine this thing.”

The three spirit insects all nodded.

"The master is wise!"

Then Xiaobai continued to climb up and wrap around Ye Lin's wrist, Xiaolan grew bigger and became Ye Lin's car, and Xiaoqiang got into Ye Lin's sleeve robe.

Ye Lin flew out of the inheritance hall in a very good mood, riding Xiaolan. Then Ye Lin waved his sleeves at the entrance of the hall, and the huge and heavy door slammed shut.

Then he cast several spells.

The restrictions re-sealed the entire inheritance hall.

Although Ye Lin had not yet completely refined the star core and mastered all the restrictions, most of the restrictions in the core area could be controlled at will, but Ye Lin could not control the restrictions in other areas.

Then Ye Lin waved his sleeves at the ninety-nine levels, and the restrictions on it disappeared without a trace, so they also saved the trouble of passing the ninety-nine levels again.

Ye Lin suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his head.

"These ninety-nine levels... It seems that there are a lot of demon pills in reserve... These ninety-nine levels don't need to exist anyway, and it's a waste not to take the demon pills."

As he said this, he waved his sleeves again, and hundreds of spiritual lights flashed, and crystal clear demon pills appeared out of thin air, floating in front of Ye Lin, and Ye Lin put them all into the ancient ring space.

"Haha, it feels good. Hundreds, almost a thousand demon pills of the early stage of Jindan. We can eat Peiyuan pills as candy in the future. Even if we enter the Jindan stage, Peiyuan pills can greatly increase our cultivation speed. However, relying solely on pills to improve the realm will easily make the realm unstable. We can't just rush for speed."

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