Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 336: Star Core as Heavy as a Mountain


The jade box containing the star core of Xunlong Secret Realm emitted a dazzling spiritual light after the little book continued to enter the magic formula, and at the same time, it suppressed the violent roaring like waves of mountains and tsunamis.

Ye Lin only felt that overwhelming mana fluctuations were surging from the jade box, and the entire inheritance hall was constantly shaking because of this, and he was extremely shocked.

"Is this the restriction left by the powerful person who transforms into a god? I'm afraid that the power of this restriction alone can easily kill a strong person in the Nascent Soul Realm, so how terrifying is the strength of the real powerful person who transforms into a god? And the power of this restriction After a god ascends to the spiritual world, he can only be an ant. The horror of the spiritual world can be imagined."

"It's no wonder that Ancestor Xunlong didn't hesitate to distract the consciousness of the soul, spend a lot of money to lay out the plan, and leave a way out for himself. Ancestor Xunlong can be called the true chosen one. When he met me, he broke through and did it. What happened was a complete accident. If it were other monks, they would have been successfully taken away by now!"

While Ye Lin was shocked, Xiaoshu spit out the magic formula faster and faster, and the forbidden light on the jade box gradually became dim. The magic power contained in the restriction was quickly passing through Xiaoshu's magic formula. dissipate.

Seeing this scene, Ye Lin felt relieved.

Sure enough, letting Xiao Shu come out to break the restriction is the best choice. If he is allowed to go, he cannot guarantee that he will not panic in the face of overwhelming magic power.

About half an hour later, all the forbidden light on the jade box completely disappeared. At the same time, with a soft "click", the lid of the jade box opened automatically.

Xiaoshu also breathed a long sigh of relief, and his breath became slightly weak. Ye Lin did not check the items in the jade box immediately, but immediately fed Xiaoshu with blood and asked Xiaoshu to return. Rest in the ancient ring space, then come to the jade box and look into the jade box.

Inside the jade box, there was a shining golden ball, about the size of a fist, covered with mysterious ancient characters. The ancient, desolate, and heavy atmosphere was constantly exuding from this ball.

"Is this the star core of the Dragon-seeking Secret Realm?"

Ye Lin was very excited. As long as he could refine this star core, Ye Lin could become the next generation master of the Xunlong Secret Realm. As long as he followed the rules of space transmission, he could be teleported to the Xunlong Secret Realm from the outside at any time.

This means a lot to Ye Lin.

Not only can he take away the massive cultivation resources that are extremely rich in the Xunlong Secret Realm at any time, and become a wealthy monk who is unparalleled in the country, but more importantly, he can also turn the Xunlong Secret Realm into a back-up tool for him to escape the pursuit of powerful enemies. .

Just imagine, once Ye Lin encounters a strong enemy, he will teleport home immediately. The strong enemy can only stand there and stare, unable to do anything to Ye Lin.

This Dragon-Seeking Secret Realm is not a place where those with high cultivation levels can come and go at any time. Otherwise, no one would have entered the Dragon-Seeking Secret Realm through channels other than the ancient teleportation array for tens of thousands of years.

This is equivalent to having one more ultimate trump card and one more life.

Ye Lin took a deep breath.

He used his magic power to wrap the entire golden ball, and wanted to take it into his hands to take a closer look, but found that the ball... was extremely heavy!

Ye Lin seemed a little unbelieving in evil. He gritted his teeth and poured all his mana directly into his body. His body size suddenly swelled, and his muscles all over his body bulged like gorillas. Then he aimed at the stars in the jade box. The core caught it.

When Ye Lin grabbed the star core, veins popped up on his arms and forehead, his eyes were widened, and he squatted on the ground with his feet half-crouched as if he was planning to lift it up with brute force.

As a result... Ye Lin worked hard for a long time, but the star core was still motionless.

The ball looked like it was only the size of a fist, but it felt like a big mountain to Ye Lin, unable to shake it at all.

"Okay...I give up."

"If you don't want to take it, don't take it. Let me recognize the master with a drop of blood and completely refine you. At that time, you will be like my natal magic weapon and fly out of the jade box on your own."

Ye Lin briefly recalled some of the steps taken by Xunlong Ancestor regarding refining the star core and identifying its owner. He first cut his finger and dropped a drop of blood on the star core.

Unlike other masterless magic weapons, the star core did not merge with Ye Lin's blood in this case.

Ye Lin muttered the formula in a low voice, and then continued to hit the magic formula one after another into the star core. The ancient characters on the star core continued to shine, and at the same time the golden light shined, like a golden sun being placed in a jade box. , even Ye Lin had difficulty opening his eyes.

As he played one spell after another, his drop of blood finally slowly integrated into the star core. Slowly, Ye Lin and the star core gained a layer of wonderful resonance.

And the dazzling golden light released by the star core also dimmed.

Ye Lin chuckled and pointed at the star core.

"You were so indifferent to me just now, now I want to make you understand what a master is!"

"Get up yourself!"

Buzz buzz...

The star core in the jade box only trembled slightly, but remained motionless.

Ye Lin was dumbfounded.

"Is it possible that this star core has also given birth to a very tyrannical self-awareness. Even if it recognizes its master, it cannot control it, and it can still refuse the master's orders? It shouldn't be!"

"Wake it up for me!"

Ye Lin shouted softly again and used his mind to control the star core crazily. Unexpectedly, the star core still only trembled slightly and did not fly out.

This made Ye Lin feel very shameless and very surprised.

"Look at what's going on, why can't you move on this guy?"

Xiaobai, Xiaoqiang, and Xiaolan all climbed out of Ye Lin's sleeves and looked into the jade box with great confusion. Then they climbed on the jade box one after another, either listening with their ears, tapping with pliers, or Touch with the tip of your tongue.

Xiao Lan said: "Master, Xiao Lan suggests that you fart to see if it has given birth to life and developed spiritual intelligence. If you have a strong self-awareness, you should be able to react!"

Xiao Qiang said: "I feel like this thing can't be stolen, but the time in the secret realm is limited. The owner must take it away before he can return to the secret realm at any time. If he can't take it away, our trip will be in vain. It's a bit difficult. ah."

Xiao Bai said: "Master, I think this guy should not be born with self-consciousness, otherwise the master would sense it immediately after recognizing the master. There may be two reasons why the master cannot drive him."

"First, this thing is too heavy, and it doesn't fly automatically at all. The owner's current mana strength cannot match this level of treasure."

"Secondly, Xiaobai saw records in some ancient books and heard that refining some treasures takes a long time. The owner only successfully recognized them as their owners and left a soul mark, but they were far from successfully refining them. Once it is fully refined, it should be able to drive the ancient characters on it to achieve functions such as becoming larger and smaller, and flying out to hit people."

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