Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 322 Shocking Secret

The many cultivators of Taixuan Sect were naturally extremely grateful to Ye Lin. They thanked him enthusiastically and then told Ye Lin about the cause and effect of being trapped by the Thunder Eagle.

It turned out that after receiving Ye Lin's message, the secret realm exploration team of the three major sects organized people to enter the secret realm to search for and kill the demon cultivators. Basically, they searched all the safer areas in the secret realm and killed a total of eight demon cultivators.

As for the other demon cultivators, they either fled to the outer area, crushed the secret realm teleportation talisman and fled back to the ancient secret realm teleportation array of the demon sect, or hid in the dangerous area of ​​the secret realm and were not found for the time being.

After killing most of the demon cultivators, the cultivators of the three major sects also began to form teams to explore the secret realm and seek their own opportunities until they came to the junction of the inner area and the central area.

Since the inner area is extremely dangerous, the monks of the three major sects decided after some discussion that Qin Qing and Shangguan Wei, two monks with extremely strong combat power and who are confident of avoiding the pursuit of the great perfection monsters in the foundation-building period, should enter the inner area to explore first. If they find a suitable opportunity to share, they will send a message to notify them.

Not long after, the three major sects received a message from Qin Qing, which introduced that there might be great opportunities in the preaching hall, and also introduced the risks that might be faced along the way, so that the remaining monks could decide whether to come.

The remaining monks of Taiji Sect and Taicang Sect decided to give up the opportunity because of their small number of people. Taixuan Sect was the sect with the largest number of people exploring the secret realm this time, and three great perfection monks of the foundation-building period decided to give it a try. They had the strongest strength and decided to take a risk.

They sneaked all the way and successfully avoided the attention of most of the great perfection monsters in the foundation-building period, but because a monk swallowed the Thunder Yuan Fruit in the secret realm and had not yet completely digested it, he was sensed by the Thunder Eagle and was besieged.

The cultivator also blamed himself for this. In order to compensate everyone, he took out more than ten Thunder Yuan Fruits that she picked and distributed them to everyone. Ye Lin had the greatest contribution and got three. Even Wang Changsheng and Song Lingtian who arrived later also got one.

No one refused, otherwise he would probably feel guilty for a long time.

This Thunder Yuan Fruit is also an extremely precious natural treasure. It blooms once every thousand years and bears fruit once every thousand years. When the fruit is ripe, there will be lightning and thunder in the sky, accompanied by strange phenomena. After the cultivator swallows it, the grade of the wood spirit root (thunder is Zhen Gua in the Eight Diagrams, and the five elements belong to wood) can be greatly improved. If there is enough opportunity, it can also be transformed into a thunder spirit root. When casting thunder-related spells, the power is doubled and the consumption is less.

After Ye Lin obtained the Thunder Yuan Fruit, he naturally planned to take the fruit core to plant and ripen it in the ancient ring space. In this way, there is hope that his wood spirit root will be promoted to the king grade.

This time, he made a huge profit.

Ye Lin led everyone into the preaching hall again. Everyone was delighted to see Shangguan Wei and Qin Qing, who had entered a state of meditation.

As expected, there was an incredible opportunity in this hall.

Ye Lin said: "Everyone, since there are these sculptures guarding the hall and fighting is prohibited, everyone should seize the time to seek their own opportunities!"

As he said that, he first found a cushion in the front and sat cross-legged, closing his eyes, while Xiaobai, Xiaoqiang, and Xiaolan were concentrating on guarding.

This preaching hall obviously does not have any opportunities for demon cultivators, otherwise those foundation-building great perfection demon beasts would have filled the preaching hall without prohibition.

And from the relief outside, it can be seen that those who listen to the strong preaching in the preaching hall are all human cultivators. If the demons try rashly, it may cause unknown consequences.

As soon as Ye Lin closed his eyes, he felt his soul enter a mysterious state. All the sounds in his ears disappeared without a trace. He even felt that his soul was being pulled out of his body by an invisible force. Then, time passed and he came to a sermon a long time ago.

Most of the cushions in this hall were sitting with a monk. They were wearing various clothes and did not seem to be from the same sect. Some of them were violent and cold, while others were handsome and upright. Some were extremely ugly, while others were extremely beautiful.

Ye Lin seemed to be able to sense their cultivation vaguely. Most of them were Jindan cultivators. A small number of them had a majestic aura like the sea and unfathomable magic power. They were most likely Yuanying cultivators.

Even Yuanying strongmen came to listen to the sermon. Ye Lin could not help but look forward to it.

Not long after, a long rainbow was seen passing in the sky, and a monk with a Taoist style, white hair and beard, dressed as a Taoist priest, landed in front of the crowd.

Everyone stood up and saluted, and Ye Lin's body also made the same movement uncontrollably.

"Hello, Senior Wu!"

The old man surnamed Wu smiled kindly, stroked his beard, and glanced at everyone with a very gentle look.

"No need to be polite, everyone sit down."

Both the righteous cultivators and the evil cultivators of the demon sect sat cross-legged respectfully, sitting upright, looking at the old man surnamed Wu with fanaticism in their eyes.

The old man surnamed Wu said slowly: "According to the jade order of the ancestor, this lecture will make public the heavenly level inheritance technique created by the ancestor for all cultivators in the entire Xunlong Xiuxian world to practice. The ancestor is about to ascend to heaven, and his wish is to make his hometown full of talents and to continuously produce top-level geniuses who will travel across the continent of all nations in the future."

At this point, the eyes of many cultivators became more and more fanatical, and Ye Lin's heart also beat faster.

"Didn't they say that only by entering the core area can we have a chance to obtain the inheritance of the Dragon Seeker? How come I can obtain it so easily in this preaching hall? Could it be that I am the chosen one in the novel travel notes?"

Ye Lin was very puzzled, but he still listened attentively. After hearing this, Ye Lin was so shocked that he almost jumped up from the cushion.

"The name of the technique created by the ancestor is - "Five Elements Mixed Yuan Jue"!"

"According to the instructions of the ancestor, only the first three levels of the "Five Elements Mixed Yuan Jue" are taught to the public. If you want to know the formula of the last three levels, you must first practice this technique to the third level, and then pass the test of the Xunlong Hall, which is where the ancestor lives, and you can get it!"

"Don't be too happy too soon. Since the "Five Elements Mixed Yuan Jue" is a heavenly-level technique, its practice difficulty is naturally far greater than all the techniques you have seen. Unless you are a rare and brilliant person in a million years, you can never practice this technique to the third level. But even if you practice to the second level, you can benefit from it for life!"

"The formula of the technique, you must listen carefully."

"When the world was first created, the five elements were born. One is water, two is fire, three is wood, four is gold, and five is earth..."

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