Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 321: Rescue fellow disciples

This flying monster is huge, with a wingspan of about two feet. Its beak is extremely long, and its fangs are sharp and extremely ferocious. At the same time, its claws are extremely sharp, flashing with cold light, and there is no doubt that it can penetrate spiritual weapons.

The most terrifying thing is that each of them has a long blue horn on its head, which is extremely sharp and flashing with lightning.

Every one or two breaths, the thunder horn will burst out a dazzling lightning "boom" like thunder, and it will blast towards the monks on the ground.

Ye Lin recognized this monster, named Thunder Eagle, which is a social monster.

Among the Taixuanmen monks besieged by this group of Thunder Eagles, there are many familiar figures to Ye Lin, including Zhang Guanshi who gave Ye Lin the butt bug Xiaolan in the Spirit Beast Peak, and Han Lingyue who seems to be interested in Song Lingtian.

At this time, they held up various magical shields and protective measures, barely defending against the lightning bombardment of the seven thunder eagles. The cultivators with high cultivation protected the cultivators with lower cultivation in the center, and everyone's face was extremely solemn.

Seeing this scene, Ye Lin said without hesitation: "Let's work together and save them quickly, otherwise it will attract other foundation-building great perfection monsters, which will be a big trouble!"

Since they were from the same sect and had many familiar friends, Ye Lin drove Xiaolan and rushed out immediately, releasing his breath at the same time to attract the attention of the thunder eagles and quickly approached the battlefield.

After only three or four breaths, Xiaolan carried Ye Lin to a distance of forty or fifty feet from the thunder eagle.

Xiaoqiang's figure flashed and became the size of a millstone, spewing out three blood-colored lights from his mouth and shooting towards one of the thunder eagles, while Xiaobai, who was wrapped around Ye Lin's hand, spit out a sharp thunder sword energy from his snake mouth.


After the Thunder Eagle sensed Ye Lin's aura, it did not take Ye Lin seriously and continued to bombard the Taixuan Sect monks with thunder. After all, the aura released by Ye Lin and his spirit insects was only in the middle stage of foundation building, which was not worth mentioning for a group of foundation building great perfection monsters.

But after seeing Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang take action, it also keenly felt the danger. Immediately, arcs of electricity flashed across its head, and a thunder magic shield wrapped their whole bodies. At the same time, arcs of electricity shot towards Xiaobai's Tianlei Sword and Xiaoqiang's blood-colored flying knife.

"Three-element division spell!"

Ye Lin suddenly shouted softly.

The mana in his dantian was connected with Xiaobai, Xiaoqiang, and Xiaolan again, and the aura of the three spirit insects suddenly soared.

After Xiaoqiang and Xiaobai received the majestic mana blessing, the flying speed of their respective weapons suddenly increased, drawing a beautiful arc, and unexpectedly avoided the thunder bombardment and slashed towards one of the Thunder Eagles.

Ding Ding Ding!

Three collisions sounded, and Xiaoqiang's bloody scimitar first slashed the Thunder Eagle's Thunder Mana Shield. The mana shield was constantly agitated by the slash, and it seemed that it could break at any time. At this time, the Thunder Sword Qi flashed and directly penetrated the Thunder Shield completely.


The Thunder Eagle let out a heart-wrenching scream, and its head flew high on the spot. Its body was no longer under control, flapping its huge wings and swaying left and right as it fell rapidly towards the ground.


The earth shook violently.

The lower half of the Thunder Eagle's body hit an ancient pavilion, which was protected by a ban and was extremely hard. The bones of the whole body seemed to be broken, and blood splattered everywhere.

Seeing this scene, Manager Zhang and Han Lingyue were surprised and shocked.

What was surprising was that they actually met Ye Lin at a critical moment. What was shocking was that Ye Lin's two spirit insects killed a foundation-building great perfection monster in one blow. No wonder Ye Lin had the strength to kill the Blood Evil Young Master who was in the early stage of Danjie.

"Thank God, Ye Lin came to rescue us!"

"Now the attention of the Thunder Eagle has been attracted by Ye Lin. Everyone, escape together and join Ye Lin!"

Many cultivators of Taixuan Sect turned into long rainbows and rushed towards Ye Lin's position.

Ye Lin looked at the six Thunder Eagles in the sky that glared at him with cold eyes, and frowned slightly.

"Get out of here!"

The six Thunder Eagles showed no fear at all when they saw this. They all circled rapidly in the sky, making a rattling roar. Ye Lin saw three or four more monsters around him flying towards Ye Lin at high speed.

It seems that this inner area is similar to the monsters in the canyon. When encountering external enemies, they will unite to drive them away or kill them together.

At this time, a golden rainbow, a sharp sword light, and a green rainbow also flew towards Ye Lin at high speed.

Song Lingtian, Wang Changsheng, and Liu Qingqing, who received the news, saw Ye Lin being besieged by six Foundation Establishment Great Perfection monsters, and no longer concealed their breath and rushed to support him.

The six thunder eagles seemed to have become extremely violent because Ye Lin killed their companions and received support from other monsters. When the bird opened its mouth, watermelon-sized lightning beads spewed out of its mouth, and then shot towards Ye Lin at high speed.

Ye Lin snorted coldly.

"Since these guys are determined to seek death, let's give them a quick death!"

"Understood, Master!"

Originally, Ye Lin planned to kill a thunder eagle to scare away the other monsters. After all, it was more important to go to the preaching hall to get opportunities. Fighting with these guys would not benefit much and waste time.

But he didn't expect that the thunder eagle was violent by nature and refused to leave. He couldn't help but feel a little angry.

Xiao Lan saw the lightning balls shooting at him, and a blue light flashed behind him. He quickly threw away the lightning balls, and Xiao Qiang and Xiao Bai also controlled their weapons to kill one of the Thunder Eagles.

This time, the Thunder Eagle obviously learned its lesson because its companion was killed. It gave up opening the Thunder Mana Shield and turned into a lightning to shoot out, as if it wanted to quickly distance itself from the attack of the weapon.

But at this moment, Xiao Bai's snake mouth opened again, and a series of wind blades spewed out of its mouth. The wind blades were only the size of rice grains at first, and they grew rapidly after flying out. In the blink of an eye, they appeared behind the fleeing Thunder Eagle.

This time, they were attacked from both sides, and there was no escape.

The Thunder Eagle had no choice but to open the mana shield, and the other five Thunder Eagles had lightning flashing in their eyes, and a series of thunder shields protected the Thunder Eagle that was about to be attacked.

At this time, Xiao Qiang sneered.

"Do you think you can protect it!"


A Gengjin sword energy and a Gengjin knife energy were simultaneously released by the bloody scimitar, and together with Xiaobai's thunder sword energy and wind blades, they fiercely slashed at the heavily protected Thunder Eagle.

With a "bang", the lightning shield in the sky exploded violently. After a shrill scream, the head of the Thunder Eagle was thrown high, and was killed again by Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang!

The remaining five Thunder Eagles immediately let out an unwilling whine, and at the same time turned into five lightnings, running as fast as they could.

At first, they could be killed by a companion unexpectedly, but this time, they killed their companions again under heavy protection. They obviously realized more clearly that Ye Lin's strength was terrifying and could not be provoked.

As for the other monsters that came to besiege Ye Lin, they turned around and fled when they saw this scene.

Revenge for companions is obviously not as important as their own lives.

Wang Changsheng, who arrived late, was panting and said with great sorrow: "Is the fight over? Isn't it said that heroes always appear last? I was the last one to arrive, so how come I didn't even have the chance to kill those evildoers!"

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