Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 305 The battle between good and evil is about to begin

"Therefore, there should be no doubt about the authenticity of the information. I also believe that Ye Lin, as a rare talent that is rare in millions of years, has the ability to kill the masters of the early stage of pill formation."

Fairy Qingyao was relieved at this time and echoed with some pride: "Ye Lin is my junior brother. He was trained by the master and me. Naturally, I know her best. He does have the ability." We have the ability to fight against the monks in the early stage of forming pills and fight across realms. However, we must have suffered huge losses by killing many demon cultivators this time. Seniors, please don’t wait for that kid to return and be stingy with the treasures in your hands.”

Although Ye Lin has not returned yet, he is definitely the one who has saved so many foundation-building geniuses for the three righteous sects. Fairy Qingyao will naturally seize the opportunity and mention the reward to Ye Lin directly in public. Come out to get benefits for Ye Lin.

There should be no monks who could object to this on this occasion.

Many Nascent Soul Stage monks were slightly startled, then looked at each other with a smile and nodded at the same time.

Among them, the white-haired male monk from the Taiji Sect who was responsible for guarding the teleportation array in the forbidden area said: "Don't worry, we are not old fools. If someone has made great contributions to our righteous path, it is impossible not to show any expression, but how to praise it specifically is still unclear. We have to wait for them to return, and then the three major sects will study it together."

Although the crisis in the secret realm has been resolved, the face of Taiji Sect Master Haoyuan Zhenren is extremely pale at this time, as if he has aged ten years in an instant.

Currently, only three of the thirty righteous monks who entered the secret realm died at the hands of the demonic monks. Of course, this was thanks to the timely transmission of the message by Ye Lin and the others, otherwise they would have suffered heavy casualties.

But it happened that among the three people who died, Kang Wenxuan, the son of Master Haoyuan, was among them.

Kang Wenxuan was originally exploring the secret realm with Qin Qing and others, but they encountered an ambush and sneak attack by the most powerful Blood Fiend Master. The monks in the core-forming stage ambush the monks in the foundation-building stage. The consequences can be imagined.

Under the attack of the Blood Demon Master's flying knife, Kang Wenxuan was killed without even having time to react.

Although his son unfortunately died in the battle, Master Haoyuan still kept his spirits up. As the leader of the Righteous Alliance, he needed to take the overall situation into consideration at such critical moments.

Master Haoyuan said loudly: "Seniors and fellow Taoists, now that the crisis in the Xunlong Secret Realm has been resolved, our next immediate consideration should be how to deal with the Demonic Alliance's establishment of the Secret Realm Ancient Teleportation Array, Xunlong The secret realm can only be controlled by our righteous alliance and must not be defiled by demons!"

"Otherwise, the Taoist Demon Eliminator will have to face today's situation every time he opens a secret realm in the future, but it is impossible for every secret realm to be filled with evildoers like Ye Lin who can defeat the demonic monks. If he cannot do it immediately, Destroying the ancient teleportation array of the Demon Sect will cause endless troubles!"

"Currently, we can only know from the information that the ancient teleportation array was built in a cold pool in the Hundred Thousand Mountains. But the Hundred Thousand Mountains are so wide and there are countless cold pools. There are even many cold pools that we have not discovered, and the devil After all, there are many large formations set up outside the Han Pond, and trying to find them directly is like looking for a needle in a haystack!"

"Moreover, it is extremely difficult to destroy it under the heavy protection of the demon demon."

"The situation is very unfavorable for us, the Righteous Alliance."

Many powerful men also frowned at this moment.

Although the current crisis in the Dragon-Seeking Secret Realm has been resolved, according to the current situation, I am afraid that the Dragon-Xun Secret Realm will be completely out of the control of the Righteous Alliance and become the property of the Demonic Alliance.

The Dragon-Seeking Secret Realm is the core foundation of the Righteous Alliance. Many of the Righteous Alliance’s high-grade treasures, many unique skills, and other precious resources all come from the Dragon-Seeking Secret Realm.

If the Demonic Alliance obtains these and the Righteous Alliance never has the chance to obtain them, the consequences will be disastrous.

Many Nascent Soul Ancestors seemed to have begun to use their spiritual consciousness to transmit messages quickly and were discussing countermeasures, while the Alchemy Formation monks all looked at each other in confusion.

This is a major event that determines the fate of the Righteous Alliance. It can only be decided by the ancestors of Nascent Soul who have lived for countless years. They can only be those who obey the decision.

There was silence for a long time.

A Confucian scholar wearing Tai Chi robes had a cold look in his eyes. He slightly clasped his fists at the people around him, and then said loudly: "Since the Demonic Alliance has bullied people too much, it does not intend to leave a way for people like me and other righteous people to survive, and some people who do not abide by the regulations The forces outside the mountain have begun to support the development of the Demon Sect, and are regarded as holy religions by those in the Demon Dao. If things go on like this, the situation will inevitably be one in which the Dao eliminates the Demons and becomes more and more unfavorable to us. "

"We at Taiji Sect call on all the Nascent Soul level Taoists of the Righteous Path Alliance to come to Taiji Sect at noon tomorrow to hold a Nascent Soul level meeting to discuss the future and destiny of the Righteous Path Alliance, and to decide by voting whether to start a war between good and evil!"

"Please inform each other, fellow Taoists, and ensure that every person in the door is informed of the existence of the Nascent Soul Realm!"

The Confucian scholar's voice was like thunder, resounding in the minds of all the monks. The expressions of all the monks in the alchemy stage became extremely solemn again.

No one thought of it.

It's just that a sudden crisis in the dragon-seeking secret realm may actually trigger a war between good and evil.

Although it has not been officially announced that the war between good and evil has begun, it is definitely not too far away.

The Nascent Soul-level beings of the righteous path have become intolerable to what the Demon Sect has done and the current situation of the Dao Eliminating Demon Leader!

A catastrophe affecting the world is about to come, and it seems to come many years earlier than many monks imagined!

After the announcement of the Nascent Soul Conference, the Jindan-level cultivators of the three sects returned to their sects under the leadership of the headmaster to prepare for related matters, while the Nascent Soul cultivators all stayed behind and seemed to be in close discussion.

In fact, most of the Nascent Soul cultivators who can leave the mountains in the three sects are already in the Dragon Hunting Forbidden Land. In other words, as long as they unanimously agree to start the war between good and evil, it will definitely start in the near future.

Hundred Thousand Mountains.

The skinny cultivator in a blood-colored robe floated quietly on the cold pond.

Suddenly, the water in the cold pond trembled violently, and a bronze light flashed at the bottom of the cold pond.

The skinny cultivator's face condensed and he slowly opened his eyes.

Not long after, a pale-faced foundation-building cultivator wearing the clothes of the Extreme Killing Sect floated up from the cold pond.

"Report to the ancestor, something bad is going to happen, something bad is going to happen!"

A cold light flashed in the skinny cultivator's eyes.

"What's wrong? Could it be that you sixty people plus a Jindan early stage cultivator are still unable to catch Ye Lin?"

"Reporting to the ancestor, Master Xuesha has been killed by Ye Lin. I saw with my own eyes that his magic pill was caught by Ye Lin and he could not escape. Ye Lin also killed many fellow Taoists. After I learned the information, I immediately escaped from the secret realm with the escape technique and came back to report."

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