Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 304: Strong men gather

Now that Ye Lin, Song Lingtian, and Wang Changsheng have not returned, they are probably fighting with a large number of demonic cultivators. The three of them are fighting against nearly 60 demonic cultivators plus a genius who is in the early stage of forming a pill. If it hadn't happened before their eyes, it is estimated that No one will believe it.

Just thinking about the dangers involved is enough to make people tremble with fear.

During this period, Manager Zhang had repeatedly asked Qin Qing to organize people to go to the ancient pagoda to support Ye Lin. However, Qin Qing considered that Ye Lin had his own reasons for summoning him in this way, so he did not act rashly.

Among the several monks who were worried about the safety of Ye Lin and the others, Han Lingyue's mind was the most fragile.

She seemed to be about to cry, and asked in a very low voice: "They will definitely come back safely, right?"

Qin Qing and Shangguan Wei nodded at the same time.


Qin Qing said: "Ye Lin is well versed in the essence of Gou Tao and is unlikely to do anything uncertain. Although I don't know what method he uses, I believe he will return safe and sound!"

Shangguan Wei also said firmly: "Ye Lin's spiritual snake is very terrifying. Now I'm afraid that the Blood Fiend Master is kneeling down to beg for mercy, begging not to eat him!"

At this moment, three streams of light flew through the sky.

Everyone's eyes were focused on these three Taixuan Tokens. Among them, Manager Zhang, who was in the Foundation Establishment Stage, reacted the fastest. She pointed at one of the Taixuan Tokens, and then it flew into her hand. .

I saw the Taixuan Order written on it: Taixuanmen inner disciple, Ye Lin

Manager Zhang was overjoyed, and a magic formula was inserted into the Taixuan Order. Suddenly, Ye Lin's message sounded.

"Currently, forty-two demonic monks have been killed..."

Then, Song Lingtian...Wang Changsheng's voices rang out one after another.

After the arraignment ended, the whole place was silent!

Everyone had a look of disbelief on their faces.

Ye Lin, Song Lingtian, and Wang Changsheng joined forces and actually shattered the entire plan of the Demon Alliance!

" is this possible? How did the three of them kill so many demon masters, including a demon in the early stage of pill formation?"

"Could it be that these three people are controlled by the bloody evil master? Now we are sending a message to let us go deep into the secret realm again so that we can catch them all!"

"I also think the latter seems more likely."

Individual monks from Taiji Sect and Taicang Sect raised questions.

At this moment, Manager Zhang of Taixuan Sect snorted and said loudly: "You must have forgotten that Ye Lin had killed many base-building demons and river demons during his Qi refining period. Right? For others, this is also impossible, but for him, there is nothing impossible. He is recognized as a rare talent in the Xunlong Mountains, and his achievements are beyond your imagination. Isn’t that normal?”

The person who raised the question was silent for a while, unable to find any good rebuttal.

After a moment of silence, Qin Qing said: "I also think that Ye Lin and the three of them will not be controlled by the demonic cultivators. Now you have two choices. The first choice is to follow us to hunt down the remaining demonic cultivators and go deeper as you like. To hunt for treasure deep in the secret realm, the second step is to immediately crush the teleportation talisman and return, truthfully reporting the situation to the ancestor guarding the forbidden area. "

When Qin Qing said this, many monks began to think about the pros, cons and risks.

Choosing to believe Ye Lin means that there is little risk in continuing to explore the secret realm. Choosing to question Ye Lin means giving up the opportunity to hunt for treasure in the secret realm.

The vast majority of people still gritted their teeth and chose to join in the continued exploration of the secret realm and the incidental pursuit of the remaining Demon Sect monks. Only the three seriously injured monks from Tai Cang Sect and Tai Chi Sect crushed them in hesitation. After receiving the secret realm teleportation order, he returned to the Dragon-seeking Forbidden Land with some reluctance.

The next Zhengdao Alliance secret realm exploration team is divided into four teams, one team from Taiji Sect, one team from Taicang Sect, and one team from Taixuanmen including Ye Lin, one team from Guanshi Zhang and other Taixuanmen monks, and four teams from Taixuanmen. The men and horses once again embarked on a careful journey of treasure hunting in the secret realm.

Searching for the Dragon's Forbidden Land.

A powerful figure stands in the void. If Ye Lin were present, he would be extremely shocked.

Not only were the three Nascent Souls who originally guarded the teleportation array in the forbidden area, but there were also many unfamiliar faces that he had never seen before. Some were extremely old and seemed likely to die at any time, some were white-haired and childlike with ruddy faces, and there was no trace of their age at all, and some were shrouded in shadow. In the vast righteousness, his appearance was completely unclear.

After the three righteous sects learned that something had happened in the Xunlong Secret Realm, a total of seven Nascent Soul Ancestors came, and as for the pill-forming monks, there were even dozens of them.

Among them, the leaders of the three major sects have gathered together and seem to be discussing countermeasures. Many peak leaders from the three sects also dropped their affairs and rushed over immediately, including Ye Lin's senior sister Fairy Qingyao.

Her pretty face was slightly pale at this time, her jade fists were clenched tightly, and her eyes were extremely cold.

Master Zhanyue of Lingjian Peak comforted him: "Fairy, don't worry too much. Although there are many demon demons and they have sent pill-forming masters, with the strength of that kid Ye Lin, he can't defeat him. There should be a chance to escape. Now we can only hope that the other foundation-building monks from our three sects will suffer less losses.”

Fairy Qingyao snorted coldly: "No matter who it is, even if it is a Nascent Soul, if it harms my junior brother, he will regret coming to this world!"

The face of the Spirit Sword Peak Master changed slightly, and even the other Nascent Soul Stage monks couldn't help but look at her deeply, but didn't say much.

Some Jindan masters may still think that Fairy Qingyao is just angry, but some Yuanying beings are shocked. Although they did not express it, they have quietly used their spiritual consciousness to send a message to the Yuanying ancestors of Taixuan Sect, asking them to persuade Fairy Qingyao not to be too impulsive.

At this time, two bronze lights flashed in the secret realm teleportation array, and the figures of three foundation-building cultivators with bad complexions appeared in the forbidden land teleportation array.

"Greetings to all the seniors, greetings to all the ancestors!"

"What etiquette is there at this time? Tell me everything that happened in the secret realm!"

The three looked at each other and immediately repeated Ye Lin's message.

Many strong men were shocked when they heard that Ye Lin, Song Lingtian, and Wang Changsheng had killed most of the demon cultivators in one fell swoop, and then most of the strong men breathed a sigh of relief and showed a touch of joy on their faces.

Xuanyi Zhenren said: "Ye Lin, Song Lingtian, and Wang Changsheng are all carefully cultivated by our sect. They are loyal to the righteous path and take it as their responsibility to safeguard the interests of the people. It is absolutely impossible for them to succumb to the devil and harm other fellow disciples. From their two voice transmissions, we can infer that these three people must have gone through an extremely tragic and bloody battle, exerted all their unique skills, and consumed a lot of life and blood essence to succeed in killing the devil."

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