Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 300 Five Elements Demon Suppression Formation

The Blood Fiend Master waved his hand, and a sharp, faint blood-colored light instantly pierced the air and shot towards the two gleaming magic swords.

Then the sound of clanging metal was heard, and the two magic swords were instantly penetrated by several holes by the blood-colored light, and then turned into a ball of five elements of essence and dissipated without a trace.

But at the next moment, two more rays of cold light shot towards his head from different directions.

The Blood Fiend Young Master waved his hand again, and the sharp bloody light flashed, shattering the two sharp cold lights into pieces in an instant.

This extremely sharp bloody light is the blood shadow flying knife that Liu Qingqing said. It is a truly low-grade magic weapon, as fast as lightning and extremely sharp.

Even extremely tough high-grade spiritual weapons will be destroyed in just one encounter with this blood shadow flying knife.

"No matter who is setting up the formation to besiege me, I advise you to remove this maze as soon as possible. Otherwise, once the maze is broken, I will make sure that you cannot survive or die!"

call out!

Sharp bloody light flashed again, and two more magic swords were smashed into pieces.

"Still attacking with a magical sword? To me, it's just a trick like a child's toy. Even if I stand here and attack you for an hour, it's impossible to break through my body-protecting demonic energy!"

At this time, Ye Lin's voice came from all directions.

"Really? Then you must keep your word."

"Activate the Five Elements Demon-Suppressing Formation!"

As soon as Ye Lin finished speaking, he saw a golden light shining in the mist, and someone shouted softly.

"Xuanjin Demon-Slaying Sword Formation!"

A numbing number of magical swords suddenly condensed around the Blood Demon Master. In the blink of an eye, dozens of sharp cold rays shot out towards the Blood Demon Master, and the golden sword light dazzled people. .

The face of the Blood Fiend Master changed slightly.

The blood cloud surrounding him simultaneously turned into dozens of small and slender ghost claws, grabbing at the sharp swords flying from all directions.

Only a bang bang bang bang was heard.

The tiny ghost claws were so sharp that they smashed the magic sword into pieces with one blow, and burst into black gold energy.

Just when the Blood Fiend Master breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he could still easily resist this so-called black gold demon-slaying sword array, he heard someone shout again.

"Xuanbing Demon Sealing Formation!"

Drip, drip, drip, heavy rain fell from the sky, and the surrounding air became extremely cold.

The Blood Fiend Master frowned slightly, and a mana shield rose up on his body.

I saw that those raindrops hitting the mana shield seemed to have no power, but they dripped into ice, and actually condensed into thick black ice on his mana shield.

The Blood Demon Master felt that the mana shield was getting heavier and heavier, and his vision became extremely blurry, and he had no choice but to let out his spiritual consciousness to perceive the surrounding scenes.

As a result, he discovered that his consciousness, which could originally cover a hundred feet in radius, could now only be released in a radius of ten feet. His consciousness seemed to be suppressed by some force.

"what happened!"

The Blood Fiend Master felt more and more bad, so he had no choice but to recall his blood shadow flying knife, and continuously broke through the layers of black ice on the mana shield to reduce the weight of the mana shield.

Otherwise, the black ice would become heavier and heavier, and he would spend more and more mana on flying. Moreover, he felt that the more black ice on the mana shield, the smaller the range of his consciousness would be.

For monks in the Dan Formation stage, the range of spiritual consciousness is reduced, just like a mortal's eyesight is severely damaged and cannot see anything in the distance, which is extremely uncomfortable.

"Mysterious Fire Demon Refining Formation!"

There was another soft drink, which made Young Master Xuesha's heart sink suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a blaze of red in all directions, as if the sun had fallen. The initial cold breath disappeared without a trace, and the terrifying high temperature seemed to melt everything.


Balls of flames were spitting out towards the Blood Fiend Master from all directions.

As soon as the Xuanbing on the Blood Demon Master's mana shield was cleaned by the Blood Shadow Flying Knife, it was completely enveloped by soaring fire. What shocked him the most was that his Blood Demon Qi was actually in this Xuanhuo Demon Refining Array. It evaporated quickly...

The Blood Demon Master quickly made a secret in his hand and took the Blood Demon Qi back into the mana shield, so that the evaporation trend of the Blood Demon Qi slowed down.

"Damn it, my consciousness can't lock on to the enemy. I can only be beaten passively. I can't even escape!"

The blood evil master's heart is getting colder and colder.

Even though his magic power is unfathomable, he can withstand these various large formations and cannot hurt him at all for a while. However, if he continues to be passively beaten, his magic power will be consumed rapidly. It will not take dozens of hours for his magic power to be exhausted. A late-stage foundation-building monk can pose a fatal threat to him.

"Xuantu Demon-Conquering Formation!"

As soon as the Blood Fiend Master withstood the burning fire, she saw an earthy yellow light shining in the surrounding fog. Then she felt that the space around her seemed to be gradually solidifying. Affected by the formation, the surrounding gravity was rapidly increasing. .

He felt that the blood flow in his whole body had become extremely slow, and a huge mountain was pressing on his chest. His breathing became extremely difficult, and his movements became slower and slower.

"Do it!"

At this moment, several black figures suddenly appeared in the fog.

Immediately afterwards, he saw several extremely sharp half-moon-shaped sword auras slashing towards him, and one of them, a thunderous sword aura, made him even more frightened!

"This is... the breath of magic weapon!"

"Get out of my way!"

The Blood Demon Prince opened his eyes wide and roared wildly. All the Blood Demon Qi turned into a huge shield. At the same time, the Blood Shadow Flying Knife "whooshed" and rushed towards the Thunder Sword Qi.

It seemed that it was affected by the gravity around it. The flying speed of the Blood Shadow Flying Knife was far slower than before.

However, the speed of the Thunder Sword Light was as fast as lightning. It was not affected by gravity at all. It flashed to the side at the moment of confrontation with the Blood Shadow Flying Knife, directly avoiding the attack of the Blood Shadow Flying Knife and fiercely slashed on the huge blood-colored shield transformed by the Blood Demon Qi.

At the same time, several other sword Qi and a knife Qi also slashed on the shield.


The Blood Demon Qi of the Blood Demon Prince had experienced the consumption of many large formations, and was directly hit by so many sword Qis. It exploded with a bang, and the Blood Demon Qi disappeared.

The residual power of the sword energy hit the Blood Shadow Master's magic shield, but it only created ripples, and it seemed that it could not break it.

Blood Shadow Master was already frightened at this time, and he suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood essence, which burned rapidly, and seemed to be transformed into new blood evil spirit.

But Ye Lin would not give him this chance again.

I saw a fingernail-sized butt bug flying to a position less than five feet away from Blood Shadow Master, and then quickly aimed its butt at him!

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