Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 299 Bloody Prince

Liu Qingqing could now see that Ye Lin had a better relationship with Song Lingtian and Wang Changsheng. Since she was determined to hug Ye Lin's thigh to please him, she naturally couldn't let Song Lingtian die.

Song Lingtian's previous performance was amazing enough, but his cultivation level was only in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, and there was a huge gap in realm between the early stage of Core Formation, and there was no comparison between the two.

Although Ye Lin and his spirit insects were only in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, the strength they showed was nothing like those who only had the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, and Liu Qingqing had seen many preparations that Ye Lin had made. As a result, he was quite confident that Ye Lin could defeat this talented genius.

Song Lingtian nodded reluctantly.

"After all, the level of cultivation is too low. If you have the strength of Foundation Establishment, you must fight him today to show off!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Lingtian's figure disappeared into the mist.

This time, only Xiaolan, Xiaoqiang, Xiaobai, and Liu Qingqing, who was in charge of acting, were left with Ye Lin.

Ye Lin said: "Since we are almost here, let's start the show..."

Liu Qingqing had a weird look on her face, and once again cooperated with Ye Lin to stage a life-and-death fight.

I saw the blood-colored stream of light flying above the ancient tower and turning into a cloud of evil blood. A vague figure could be vaguely seen in the blood cloud, and majestic mana fluctuations emanated from this person.

Liu Qingqing worked hard to cooperate with the performance while transmitting messages to Ye Lin, introducing information about this genius of the Danjie Demon Sect.

"This man is a master carefully trained by the Holy Cult. He is called the Blood Fiend Master. He returned to the Blood Shadow Cult from the Holy Cult only a few months ago."

"Information says that the day after this person returned to the Blood Shadow Sect, he was named the young sect leader by the headmaster of the Blood Shadow Sect, Xue Mei Niang. It is very likely that he will become the next Blood Shadow Sect in a few decades. The leader’s status is much higher than that of my concubine.”

"This person is cruel by nature, extremely arrogant, and extremely lustful. I heard that in the past two or three months, many beautiful female monks in the Blood Shadow Sect have been poisoned to death by him. As far as I know, killing fellow monks for no reason is serious. He violated the rules of the Blood Shadow Sect, but Xue Mei Niang never punished this person."

"I heard that... he also fell in love with me and threatened to ask her to know more about me and take the initiative to become his concubine. During the execution of this mission, he kept staring at me, which is extremely disgusting."

Although Liu Qingqing also used her charm to control a group of licking dogs, she only used them to achieve some goals and never touched the licking dogs. Because of her childhood experience, deep down in her heart she hated the kind of people who were stronger than her. If the male cultivator who still wants to get her is asked to be his concubine, she will naturally be unwilling to do so.

Liu Qingqing added: "In the past few months, the Blood Fiend Master has rarely made any moves, so it is impossible to judge what skills and moves this person has practiced, nor his specific combat power. But what is certain is that this person There are at least two magic weapons in a person's body. One of the offensive magic weapons is called the Blood Shadow Flying Knife, which is one of the iconic magic weapons of the Blood Shadow Cult. The other magic weapon is the blood-colored cloak passed down from his body, which can greatly enhance the blood evil. The body-protecting ability and power of demonic energy.”

At this moment, the Bloody Young Master in the blood cloud let out a few triumphant laughs.

"Miss Liu, I didn't expect you to be able to contribute to my master's efforts in holding Ye Lin back. I am falling in love with you more and more!!"

"After we capture Ye Lin, as long as you can be my master's concubine, the benefits will be yours!"

Sure enough, even the divine consciousness of Young Master Xue Sha in the early stage of pill formation could not see through the dream formation. Young Master Xue Sha saw that Ye Lin's combat power was at a loss, Xiao Bai beside him was dying, and the Saint of Xuan Ming Sect seemed to be giving out all his strength. He dragged Ye Lin with all his strength and immediately flew down at high speed.

At the same time, the blood cloud quickly condensed into a huge blood-colored palm three feet wide, and the palm was fiercely grabbed in the direction of Ye Lin.


The Blood Fiend Master grabbed a handful of mist.

Within a hundred feet of the ancient pagoda, the scene in front of Young Master Xue Sha changed instantly, and a vast sea of ​​white fog occupied everything.

The Blood Fiend Young Master was stunned for a moment, knowing that he might have fallen into a trap, and his face turned extremely cold.


"How is it possible that I don't even feel any abnormality in my spiritual consciousness? There is no way that there is such a formation master who is proficient in formations among the mere foundation-building monks!"

"Break it for me!"

The Blood Fiend Young Master shouted loudly, and his body turned into a stream of bloody light and flew upwards quickly. At the same time, the big palm formed by the Blood Fiend's demonic energy smacked out with a fierce force. For a moment, the mana surged, the wind howled, and the surrounding thick fog They were all blown up and down.

But no matter how he flew towards the sky, he still could not escape from the foggy area. The Blood Fiend Master seemed to understand that this maze was unusual, and his face became more gloomy.

"It's a big joke that a mere maze formation wants to trap a strong Dan-forming man. Even if I, the blind cat, encounter a dead mouse, as long as one or two of the formation flags are shattered or the formation eyes are destroyed, this huge The formation will naturally be broken!"

The Blood Demon Master quickly fell towards the ground again. At the same time, the big hands formed by the Blood Demon Qi once again turned into blood clouds and shrouded his body. At the same time, he kneaded the secrets with one hand and muttered words in his mouth.

I saw huge fiery red meteorites falling rapidly from the sky, one after another, as if they wanted to blow up everything within a hundred feet radius.

Boom boom boom!

For a moment, the ground turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the earth was shaking violently amidst the violent bombardment of fiery red meteorites, but the fog still showed no signs of dissipating. The strangest thing was that no matter how hard the Blood Fiend Master fell downwards, he did not touch it. When it touches the ground, it seems that there is a bottomless abyss below.

This made Master Xuesha's face change again.

"It's unlikely. My Fire Meteoric Art is a top-grade magic of the Xuan level. Every meteorite hitting the ground can create a large pit of two or three meters in radius. Such dense meteorites have almost covered an area of ​​50 meters around me. How could it be possible that not a single formation flag was destroyed!"

"Is this an illusion array or a space-shifting array? Logically speaking, the space-shifting array cannot be comprehended by a mere foundation-building cultivator! It may be a very sophisticated illusion array!"

"If he was trapped in this illusion array for several days, I'm afraid Ye Lin would have run away or been caught by other cultivators!"

At this moment, two sharp silver-white cold lights suddenly broke through the air and slashed at him from the mist.


The blood evil demonic energy surrounding Master Xuesha seemed to have consciousness, and instantly transformed into a blood-red shield to block the two cold lights.

A cold light flashed in Master Xuesha's eyes.

"A magic sword of top-grade spiritual quality? It is rare to be able to condense a magic sword to this level. However, if you want to use the magic sword to break my protective magic energy, you are overestimating your own abilities!"

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