Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 295: Deployment to meet the enemy

The reason why Ye Lin sent a message to other righteous monks to withdraw to the outermost area instead of asking them to come over to support and fight the enemy together was complicated.

First of all, Ye Lin could not trust all the righteous monks. He only informed the demon monks of their conspiracy and did not tell them how to deal with it. In this way, even if there were demon spies among the righteous monks, they would not be able to know Ye Lin's plan. , thus causing Ye Lin's plan to fail, and may also cause him to change from an active situation to a passive situation.

This is not because Ye Lin is paranoid. He can now control the saints of the Xuanming Sect. It is not surprising that the masters of the Demon Sect control a very small number of righteous monks to obtain key information and use them.

Secondly, in the next battle, Ye Lin will definitely use many trump cards that he has never used before. It is not good for too many people to know about this.

Wang Changsheng and Song Lingtian were both people whom Ye Lin trusted. They had fought together many times, and it was no big deal if they saw them.

Liu Qingqing took out another compass. As soon as the magic formula was inserted into the compass, more than ten bloody light spots appeared on the compass. These light spots either gathered or dispersed.

"Master, there are a total of thirteen Demon Sect monks within a ten-mile radius. They will receive messages from me one after another. In order to get the reward of capturing the master alive, they will definitely rush to the vicinity of the ancient pagoda as soon as possible."

Ye Lin looked happy when he saw this.

"Okay, your next task is to monitor the movements of the demon cultivators on the compass at all times, and inform us immediately every time a new aura appears. In this way, the enemy is in the open and we are in the dark, and we will have the absolute initiative Quan, it is not impossible to kill all the demons in sequence."

If Ye Lin were allowed to fight head-on with fifty or sixty masters of magic foundation building and one master of early-stage pill formation, even if Ye Lin could win, it would be a miserable victory at the cost of sacrificing a large number of spiritual insects. Ye Lin could Every spirit insect is treated as a biological son.

Every spirit insect has drank his blood and consumed a lot of resources to grow to this point. The spirit insects also have relatives and friends. They make money for Ye Lin in the ancient ring space without fear of hardship or fatigue. Sacrificing a large number of spiritual insects was more uncomfortable for him than cutting off Ye Lin's flesh.

Now, although there are a large number of demon cultivators, and they are even crushed by high-level strong men, they are nothing but scattered sand. It can be expected that after learning about Liu Qingqing's message, the demon cultivators must be extremely excited and must be the first to He immediately rushed over to capture the "seriously injured" Ye Lin to obtain a generous reward.

Even those on the right path would not be willing to share the rewards equally with a large number of other monks when faced with such an attractive reward, let alone the greedy Demon Sect monks.

Next, Ye Lin planned to take advantage of the greed of the demon cultivators to divide them, lure them over, and defeat all the demon cultivators one by one at the minimum cost!

Wang Changsheng and Song Lingtian were so surprised that they opened their mouths so wide that they could almost fit into a big goose egg when they heard that the Saint of Xuanming Sect respectfully called Ye Lin "Master".

Wang Changsheng gave Ye Lin a thumbs up with envy and admiration: "Brother Ye, as expected of you, you have conquered a demon sect saint after only half an hour of absence! Strong! After you go back, you must give me Teach me more tips. Now all the fairies of the right path know me as a fat scumbag. It is really difficult to pick up girls in the right path sect. For the sake of happiness in the rest of my life, I can only subdue a few demon saints and live my life. "

When he said this, Wang Changsheng suddenly felt a cold light flash in Liu Qingqing's beautiful eyes.

She didn't dare to offend Ye Lin, but she was not afraid of Wang Changsheng at all. However, considering the current crisis, the fat man would have to fight with Ye Lin next, and everyone would face the same enemy. Liu Qingqing was not against Wang Changsheng took action...

Song Lingtian coughed twice.

"How long has it been since we started talking about these crooked things? Now it's up to Brother Ye to explain the causes and consequences. I'm still confused as to how this evil demon entered the Dragon-Seeking Secret Realm..."

"Qingqing, tell them the cause and effect."

"As you command, Master!"

When facing Ye Lin, Liu Qingqing returned to her obedient and docile appearance, and then told Wang Changsheng and Song Lingtian about the overall plan of the Demonic Alliance and Ye Lin's countermeasures.

Ye Lin waved his hand, and flashes of spiritual light flashed through.

A total of thirty spiritual insects holding formation flags appeared in front of him, and the leading insect was none other than the fat and white Snow Candle Xiaoshu.

"I've met the master!" All the spirit insects saluted in unison.

Ye Lin said: "Immediately take the ancient pagoda as the center, and arrange a psychedelic array at the outermost 100 feet. Within 50 feet of the ancient pagoda, arrange a five-element demon-suppressing array. The faster the better, next, You will fight with me."

"As you command!"

As soon as Ye Lin finished speaking, thirty different types of spiritual insects dispersed quickly with a "swish", and then they sacrificed their formation flags and spit out a series of magic formulas. Those formation flags quickly expanded to three feet high, and then It was inserted into the ground with a "puff puff" sound.

The little book in the center kept waving the formation flag in his hand and mumbling something.

"Dream Bubble Formation! Get up!"

In an instant, the area within a hundred feet of the ancient pagoda seemed to be enveloped by a huge bubble, and the entire ancient pagoda was wrapped in the huge bubble.

Then, the spirit insects flew back within fifty feet of the ancient pagoda. They patted the storage bag on their waist with their claws, and formation flags shining with five colors appeared in their hands again.

Puff puff!

The five-color formation flag flew up again and landed in various directions. Thirty formation spirit insects shot various spells towards the formation flag.

"Five Elements Demon Suppression Formation! Start!"

Instantly, each formation flag condensed into a powerful vision, some burning with raging fire, some surrounded by flashing arcs, some condensed into a sharp magic sword, and some condensed into a tortoise shell shield.

Xiaoshu cast another spell.


All the formation flags disappeared without a trace at this moment.

After doing all this, Xiaoshu said: "Master, the formation has been arranged according to your requirements. The improved version of the Fantasy Bubble Formation can confuse the spiritual perception of the early Jindan cultivators, and the improved version of the Five Elements Demon Suppression Formation can pose a huge threat to the early Jindan cultivators!"

Hearing this, Ye Lin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and finally smiled.

"Well done, you will be in charge of running the formation and fight the enemy with me!"

"Yes, Master!"

The formation spirit insects were extremely excited. They raised the insects for a thousand days and used them for a moment. The formation department had been studying the formation for many years in the ancient ring space, but it could not bring much direct benefits to Ye Lin. The most outstanding achievement was to improve the spirit gathering formation, which made Ye Lin's cultivation speed slightly faster.

Therefore, becoming a formation spirit insect is far less popular than becoming a pill spirit insect, a talisman spirit insect or a weapon refining spirit insect. They have long been eager to make contributions for Ye Lin and gain honors!

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