Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 294: The plan to kill all the demon cultivators in one fell swoop

"My fate is entirely up to the master!" Liu Qingqing bit her silver teeth and answered respectfully.

Ye Lin nodded and continued.

"As for the future, you can still practice and improve your realm, but you must completely give up the evil secrets that hurt the world. As for some harmless magic skills, you can still practice. If one day you are no longer devoted to the devil, and can complete the task I give you excellently, I can take the golden-backed man-eating ant out of your body, and even remove the "Soul Symbiosis Curse" for you, and give you freedom!"

This sentence made Liu Qingqing's beautiful eyes light up, and her heart trembled violently.

"I will definitely work hard for the master until I die, and dedicate everything!"

In the end, in Ye Lin's view, this woman is not really an unforgivable person.

Imagine if he had the same experience as this woman, maybe he would be willing to become a demon now. She has not felt kindness and warmth in the environment she has lived in since she was a child. Why should she be asked to release kindness to others after she has magic power?

Of course, Ye Lin is a righteous cultivator, and he has his own standpoint. From the standpoint of the righteous, this woman is an outright evil person, but the righteous also has a tolerant heart and gives evil people a chance to do good.

Liu Qingqing said: "Since the master has now understood the many conspiracies of the Demon Alliance, he should also know that the Jindan Tianjiao of the Blood Shadow Sect is searching for your traces everywhere. Although the master has high magic power and unfathomable strength, he is afraid that he will not be able to resist the attack of the Jindan Tianjiao."

"I think the master should return to the outer area of ​​the secret realm as soon as possible, crush the teleportation talisman and leave the secret realm!"

"It's already past midnight now. Even if the righteous alliance knows this news, it is impossible to risk sending masters to reinforce..."

Ye Lin frowned slightly, and seemed to have begun to think about countermeasures.

At this time, Xiaobai suddenly opened his eyes.

"Master, the soul-searching technique for these three people has been completed. They seem to have been to the outside world before, which is what the demons call the Holy Church. However, their memories of the Holy Church are vague, as if they were affected by some powerful means. Soon after these people returned, they went to an underground cold pond and teleported to the Dragon-Seeking Secret Realm from an ancient teleportation array at the bottom of the cold pond."

"How should we deal with the current situation next?"

Ye Lin said: "If we leave the secret realm like this, although our safety is guaranteed, we will lose the opportunity to continue exploring the secret realm. Other righteous cultivators are also likely to be wiped out by the demon sect. For our righteous alliance, it is an unacceptable disaster!"

"Since we have already made many preparations to kill the Jindan stage enemies, this time, it is just right to give it a try. We have to see how strong the Jindan strongmen are!"

"Understood, Master!"

Liu Qingqing opened her red lips slightly when she heard the words, and her heart was extremely shocked.

She knew Ye Lin was very strong, but she didn't expect that Ye Lin had already started to target the Jindan stage cultivators. From Ye Lin's tone, it seemed that he had more than one way to deal with Jindan strongmen.

Now she realized how stupid she was. She actually set her sights on Ye Lin. This was no different from offering her head. Now, she didn't give her head, but she gave her body away.

"If Ye Lin can defeat or kill that Jindan Tianjiao, his future achievements will be limitless. Maybe following him will give him a better chance of becoming a supreme strongman than following Xuanming Sect or even the Holy Church!"

People always seek good fortune and avoid harm. Although Liu Qingqing is an out-and-out witch, she has no sense of belonging to Xuanming Sect or the Demonic Alliance. People in the Demonic Alliance fight for their own interests because the Righteous Alliance wants to eliminate them and they want to control the entire Xunlong Mountain Range Xiuxian world and master all cultivation resources. That's why they rely on various sects, unite, and fight to achieve a common goal.

And now, for Liu Qingqing, Ye Lin seems to be a better choice than relying on Xuanming Sect, so she is naturally very happy, anyway, she has no choice.

Liu Qingqing took the initiative to step forward and said: "Master, I have a token of the Demon Alliance. With this token, I can notify the surrounding demon cultivators to gather together. In this way, they can reduce the harm to other righteous cultivators and make it easier for the master to kill them one by one. However, the master alone... I am afraid it will be difficult to wipe them all out. Once the news leaks out, other demon cultivators will not be fooled and look for other countermeasures, which will be troublesome."

"And in this case, the master is under too much pressure. Not only does he have to face the attacks of many demon sect foundation-building masters in turn, but he also has to deal with the Jindan master who may arrive at any time."

Ye Lin was delighted when he heard this.

"If we can really do it, we can turn passivity into initiative. This is the fastest and most reliable way to solve the current crisis. As for how I will deal with it, you don't have to worry too much. Wait a minute, you will be responsible for leading people over. Leave the fighting and killing to us!"

"Besides, who said I'm the only one!"

Ye Lin said this and suddenly smiled.

I saw two streams of light approaching him quickly from the left and right, one of which was shining with golden light, and the other was as sharp as a sword.

Soon, the streams landed and revealed the figures of the two.

It was Wang Changsheng and Song Lingtian who were staring at Liu Qingqing in amazement that arrived.

However, when they saw that Liu Qingqing was respectful and harmless in front of Ye Lin, and had completely lost her threatening appearance, they did not take action immediately, and looked at Ye Lin with confusion.

Ye Lin said: "This matter is a long story. It's too late to explain slowly. It may put the lives of more righteous monks in danger. Follow me and send a message to other fellow disciples!"

Wang Changsheng and Song Lingtian were both smart people. At this moment, they also understood that something was wrong. They took out the Taixuan Token and fired a magic spell into it.

Then he followed Ye Lin and said.

"I am Ye Lin of Taixuan Sect. I have discovered an emergency situation. A large number of magic sect masters have entered the secret realm and want to kill all the righteous monks. After receiving this message, please tell your colleagues and return to the safer place as soon as possible. peripheral area, and send someone back to the Dragon-seeking Forbidden Area to report to the ancestor of the Nascent Soul Protector Array!"


The three Taixuan Orders turned into a stream of light in different directions and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Liu Qingqing also took out a blood-colored token from the Qiankun bag, punched the magic spell into the token, and then chanted eagerly.

"I am the saint of Xuanming Sect. I found traces of Ye Lin near the ancient pagoda in the outer area, and organized five of my fellow sects to fight with him once. This son has great magic power and defeated six of us alone. But now He is also seriously injured, and I am no longer able to capture him. Please come to my fellow Taoists for reinforcements, capture Ye Lin alive, and make a great contribution to the Holy Religion!"


In the eyes of Wang Changsheng and Song Lingtian, who were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped to the ground, the token in Liu Qingqing's hand also shot out, turning into a streak of blood, and soon disappeared.

Ye Lin patted the shoulders of Wang Changsheng and Song Lingtian, who were still in a state of confusion.

"There is no other way, just have a big fight with me next..."

Wang Changsheng asked hesitantly: "So... what the hell are we going to do?"

"It's just a little bit more to fuck a demonic monk!"

A flash of light flashed in Song Lingtian's eyes, and he spoke in a very neutral and cold and arrogant manner.

"My sword has been thirsty for a long time!"


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