Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 289 Xiaoqiang's wild beast form

How did Ye Lin detect the ambush of the six demons?

Because Ye Lin has been practicing "Hidden Dragon Art" and has always been very good at hiding his breath, he has repeatedly relied on the concealment ability of "Hidden Dragon Art" to calculate his opponents to gain a huge advantage in battle. Naturally, he also anticipated that he might encounter enemies who are good at hiding in the future.

If you can only rely on basic spiritual perception to sense the enemy's breath, it is extremely unsafe.

Therefore, the lack of the ability to sense breath has become Ye Lin's shortcoming, and it can even be said to be a fatal weakness.

With Ye Lin's cautiousness, he will naturally not allow the existence of a fatal weakness.

However, the high-level secret method of detecting breath is extremely rare and precious, but Xiaobai lived up to expectations and comprehended a peculiar auxiliary method called "Killing Intention Art" in the ancient ring space.

"Killing Intention Art" is actually a kind of internal power mental method. Once cultivated, the spiritual perception of the soul will be greatly improved, and the killing intention within a certain range can be felt. The enemy can hide his breath and hide his body, but he cannot hide his own killing intention. Xiaobai can now clearly feel all the killing intentions within a radius of 40 feet.

The "Killing Intentions" can not only sense the enemy's killing intentions, but also enhance one's own killing intentions, thereby temporarily enhancing one's own mana strength and the power of one's moves. However, actively enhancing killing intentions has certain side effects. If used too much, one may become a bloodthirsty person. Xiaobai has hardly used killing intentions to enhance them, and has always used the "Killing Intentions" as a method of perception.

Just now, when Ye Lin approached the gate of the ancient tower, the six people who relied on the Yin Sha Qi to become invisible, although their purpose was to capture Ye Lin alive, but because the people in the Demon Sect were bloodthirsty themselves, seeing Ye Lin still had extremely strong killing intentions, especially the killing intentions of the Demon Saint, which was equivalent to a small sun suddenly appearing at night.

Xiaobai naturally sensed it clearly at the first time!

After hearing Xiaobai's voice transmission, Ye Lin was also very surprised that there was an ambush at the gate of the ancient tower of the monks, but no matter who the other party was, since someone wanted to kill him, Ye Lin had no reason to be merciful.

Ye Lin, who had made plans, pretended to know nothing at first, and created an illusion that Xiaobai and the others were preparing for battle in order to deal with the mechanical puppets in the tower.

When the distance was close, Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang suddenly attacked. The demon cultivators were ready to attack Ye Lin, but they were suddenly attacked by Ye Lin. In addition, the distance was so close that they had no chance to use defensive means. An unlucky demon cultivator who was closest to Ye Lin was cut into several pieces on the spot, and the hidden evil formation was broken.

Ye Lin saw the true face of the enemy and found that the enemy was actually a demon cultivator. His heart was immediately filled with huge waves.

How could a demon cultivator enter the Dragon-Seeking Secret Realm unique to the Righteous Alliance?

How many people came?

What was their specific conspiracy?

Ye Lin's heart was suddenly filled with doubts. As long as he defeated the five people in front of him and used the soul-searching technique, he would get the answer!

Now, the demon side still has two late-stage foundation-building cultivators and three mid-stage foundation-building cultivators, while Ye Lin's side, including Ye Lin's three spirit insects, all showed the aura of the mid-stage foundation-building. From the situation, Ye Lin's side seemed to be in a worrying situation.

But Ye Lin was not in a hurry and was extremely calm, which instantly gave the five demon cultivators a very bad feeling.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Saint of Xuanming Sect: "Let's do it together, let's see what this person relies on!"

Although the five people also felt that Ye Lin might not be as easy to deal with as imagined, they still believed that they had an advantage and naturally could not turn around and run away.

Besides, Ye Lin is now a walking 3 million spirit stones and a great contribution. If Ye Lin is captured, it is very likely to get a heavy reward from the Saint Lord. No one is willing to give up this easy opportunity.

As soon as the Saint of Xuanming Sect finished speaking, the five demon cultivators flashed with spiritual light in their hands, and a blood-colored coffin appeared in each of their hands. Each blood coffin was wrapped in the evil spirit that soared into the sky, and engraved with obscure and profound ancient characters shining with blood-colored brilliance.

"Go!" The five people shouted in unison!

Ten blood coffins flew up and grew rapidly above their heads, and then at the same time, as if being pulled by some huge force, they actually smashed directly towards Ye Lin's direction.

A look of surprise flashed in Ye Lin's eyes.

I thought that these ten blood coffins would release ten powerful Foundation Establishment stage corpses, but I didn't expect that the coffins themselves were their weapons. Ye Lin could sense that each blood coffin weighed a lot of kilograms. At such a fast speed, even a powerful Foundation Establishment stage monster beast would be smashed to pieces if it was hit.

However, Ye Lin and his spirit insects did not seem to be panicked at all. Xiao Lan, who was carrying Ye Lin, did not try to avoid the blood coffins. This made the five demon cultivators hesitate slightly. After all, if they killed Ye Lin, they could not afford the guilt of the Holy Lord's wrath.

But in the blink of an eye, an extremely huge black shadow suddenly appeared!

Xiaoqiang's body suddenly grew from the size of a millstone to a full ten feet tall, and two huge pincers like boulders smashed towards the blood coffin.

With a "bang", the two blood coffins were smashed and exploded like paper under the bombardment of the pincers. The other three blood coffins were easily caught by Xiaoqiang's three legs that seemed to be relatively smaller. Then Xiaoqiang showed an extremely ferocious smile and slapped the people in the Demon Sect with his legs.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The terrifying power actually caused the demonic monks to lose control of the blood coffin for a moment, and headed towards them in the opposite direction.

The expressions of the five Demon Sect monks who originally thought they had a chance of victory suddenly changed.

"This is... the ultimate Xuan-level technique, the Desolate Beast Technique!"

"Impossible, even if it transforms into a wild beast, it is impossible to possess such terrifying physical strength. This cockroach must have practiced a variety of body-building techniques, and all of them have reached a rather advanced level!"

"Quickly release the corpse from the coffin!"

Three of the demon cultivators made a quick gesture and shouted "Open!"

The coffin lids of the three blood coffins that flew upside down suddenly flew up, and three black bear-like corpses covered with black hair, filled with strong evil aura, flew out of the coffin and landed directly in front of the coffin. Only then did they The huge force of Xiaoqiang's three calves was relieved.

"Transforming into a desolate beast consumes a lot of mana. This cockroach can't last long. Let the three zombies deal with this cockroach. We form a hundred ghost soul-eating formation to attack Ye Lin!"

Although the Saint of Xuanming Sect was shocked by Xiao Qiang's physical strength, the advantage of the situation was still on their side, so they did not panic too much and decisively issued new combat instructions.

Suddenly, the shape of the three-headed corpse increased dramatically, and it actually swelled to a height of five feet. Although it still looked like a child in front of the ten-foot-tall Xiaoqiang, the corpse was surrounded by evil energy. It looked extremely fierce, and its claws were extremely sharp.

The three zombies roared wildly and picked up the blood coffin they lived in with their backhands. With every step they took, a huge footprint appeared on the ground. They picked up the blood coffin and smashed it towards Xiaoqiang.

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