Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 288 Ambush and Raid

Ye Lin was driving Xiaolan, holding the map given by his senior sister in his hand, and seemed to be thinking about something.

"There is a very famous ancient pagoda in the outer area. Senior sister once found a low-grade magic weapon in the ancient pagoda. Let's go over first to see if the restrictions on the ancient pagoda have disappeared!"

Although wild treasures of heaven and earth are precious, they are nothing compared to the treasures left by ancient monks. Therefore, what Ye Lin is most interested in during this trip to the secret realm is naturally the treasures in ancient buildings. !

Just as Ye Lin was heading towards the place where the ancient pagoda was located, six Demon Sect monks in different costumes were already standing in front of this ancient pagoda. The leader among them was wearing an extremely cool and thin long skirt with a tall figure. Graceful, stunningly beautiful, and extremely charming, she was the saint of the Xuanming Sect who had previously been given to Ye Lin and relied on the Wanli Divine Walking Talisman to escape.

If Ye Lin were here, he would definitely be surprised. This woman's cultivation has actually reached the middle stage of Foundation Establishment. There are several late-stage Foundation Establishment monks in this team of demon sect monks, but they are obedient and obedient in front of this woman. Dare to violate it in the slightest.

The Saint of Xuanming Sect looked up at the simple stone tower in front of her with a sneer on her lips.

"The ban on this stone tower has just been lifted. After a while, some righteous monks will enter the tower to retrieve the treasure. We will form a hidden evil formation and ambush at the entrance of the tower. Whenever there are righteous monks coming, we will suddenly attack without any effort. You can kill it with just a blow of ashes!"

"If we lie in wait here for a day, we will definitely get the heads of many righteous monks. When other monks enter the central area, we will remove the formation and search inside the tower. If we are lucky, we may also be able to get the heads of ancient monks. A legacy!"

As she spoke, she flicked her slender jade fingers, and formation flags made of white bones flew into the hands of the other six monks.


"As you command!"

The bone formation flags in the hands of the six people suddenly grew in size. As the formation flags were waved, evil aura rolled around all six of them. When the evil aura completely dissipated, the figures of the six people had completely disappeared.

The Saint of Xuanming Sect, who successfully concealed her aura and figure by relying on the spirit of ghosts and evil spirits, looked in the direction of the outermost area and said to herself: "I hope I can catch this son of Ye Lin by just waiting for him. His strength is so great." It is very likely that he has reached the middle stage of foundation building, and his spiritual insect strength cannot be underestimated. However, there are so many strong men in our group and we are so close, so it is impossible for him to have time to react!"

There is no doubt that among the thirty righteous monks, the saint of Xuanming Sect hates Ye Lin the most. He almost died at the hands of Ye Lin's spirit insects, and now he still feels scared when he thinks about it.

She has imagined a thousand times how to catch Ye Lin, how to make him kneel down and surrender, to be controlled by her, how to turn Ye Lin into a licking dog, and when she got tired of playing, she made Ye Lin into her corpse. Make a collection.

"Unfortunately, the four major demon sects have always believed that it is no longer possible to capture Ye Lin alive, dedicate him to the Holy Lord, and turn him into my most treasured refined corpse."

Ye Lin controlled Xiao Lan and tried not to provoke large groups of monsters along the way. He only let Xiao Qiang steal a small amount of heavenly materials and earthly treasures without causing trouble, and moved forward relatively quickly.

Wang Changsheng and Song Lingtian were slightly behind him. Ye Lin had already told them the location of the ancient pagoda. If they were interested, they could come and explore it later if he confirmed that the ancient pagoda was not sealed.

Treasures from the ancient pagoda depend on ability and chance. There is no possibility that anyone can monopolize all the treasures.

Ye Lin quickly flew past several thousand-year-old trees, and finally saw a simple and majestic stone tower about fifty feet high among the dense leaves.

Ye Lin immediately felt happy.

"The surface of the stone tower is not covered by restrictions. It seems that the restrictions are at a weak stage. You can enter the tower to hunt for treasures!"

Ye Lin thought, and the yellow talisman on his chest shone with electric light. He sent out a signal of joy through the telepathy talisman.

This is the contact information they had discussed before. The joy means finding that there are no restrictions on the ancient building, while the danger signal means that they are in danger and need rescue.

Although this telepathy talisman can only send out this simple signal, it is much easier to use than the Taixuan Ling, which can also sense breath.

Ye Lin drove Xiao Lan and soon arrived at a position twenty or thirty feet away from the stone tower door. Ye Lin's expression suddenly changed, and Xiao Lan under him also stopped in place.

Ye Lin first showed a very surprised look, and then smiled happily: "There is really no restriction on the entrance of this tower. I heard that an old senior in Taixuan Sect obtained a spiritual vein in the tower. Although the mine mother ran away, But the amount of spirit stones obtained is as much as eight million, but the old man said that there are many powerful machine puppets hidden in the tower, and we must be prepared to deal with the machine puppet beasts! "

"Understood!" The three spirit insects said in unison.

The little powerful man who turned into the size of a millstone opened his mouth and spit out four sharp rays of light, including three top-grade spiritual weapons, bloody scimitars, and a top-grade spiritual weapon, a flying sword.

Xiaobai, who transformed into the form of a white-scaled demonic python, opened his mouth wide and spit out two sharp weapons. One was sparkling with electric arcs, extremely sharp, releasing the aura of the best spiritual weapon, and the other was A magic blade at the level of a top-grade spiritual weapon.

Then Ye Lin patted Xiaolan's head.

"This should be enough to deal with those machine puppet beasts. Let's go into the tower to hunt for treasure. If we can find one or two magic weapons or spiritual veins, we can make a fortune!"

Ye Lin's eyes were full of anticipation, and Xiao Lan carried Ye Lin to the gate of the ancient tower. Xiao Qiang and Xiao Bai protected Ye Lin in the center, one on the left and one on the right.

When Ye Lin was less than five feet away from the gate of the tower, Ye Lin suddenly snorted coldly, and saw Xiao Qiang and Xiao Bai's six weapons suddenly slashed towards the gate of the tower, as fast as lightning.

Even the many demon cultivators ambushed at the gate of the tower had not reacted yet, and saw a flash of blood, and the body of a demon cultivator in the late stage of foundation building had been chopped into several pieces.

"Not good, this person discovered it!"

One of the people who arranged the hidden evil formation was killed, and the formation could no longer be maintained. The figures of the other six people suddenly appeared at the gate of the tower, and they were all surprised at this time.

Ye Lin discovered them in advance, and took the lead in a sudden attack, killing a demon cultivator in the late stage of foundation building!

After being surprised, the faces of the five people became extremely gloomy.

When Ye Lin appeared just now, the six of them were extremely surprised. It seemed that if they could capture Ye Lin in one fell swoop, they would get the greatest credit in this Dragon Hunting Secret Realm operation.

But unexpectedly, in just a blink of an eye, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse.

The silver teeth of the Saint of Xuanming Sect were clattering.

"Ye Lin! Long time no see. Although I don't know what secret method you used to detect us, it doesn't matter. With the strength of the five of us, we can still capture you alive in a frontal battle!"

Ye Lin just glanced at the five people coldly, and his eyes fell on the Saint of Xuanming Sect. This glance made her feel inexplicably frightened.

"I didn't expect that the demon demon could also enter the secret realm!"

"Miss Saint, guess why I didn't turn around and run!"


I will update three chapters a day in the future. I ask for five-star praise and gift support. Thank you everyone.

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