Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 278 Meeting with the Yuanying Patriarch

"As for the specifics of these two body-building skills, you can check it out yourself." Xuan Yi, the real person, stroked his beard and said.

After Ye Lin thanked him, he couldn't wait to penetrate the two jade slips with his spiritual consciousness. About half an hour later, he had read the contents of the two jade slips, and his face was also a little solemn.

The body-building secret technique sent by Tai Chi Sect is called "Hundred Refining Heavenly Skills". During the practice, you need to add various high-aged five-element spiritual herbs to the hot magma, and immerse your body in the magma. When imagining the pain and suffering, run the exercise to absorb the medicinal power.

There are three levels of "Hundred Refining Heaven-enhancing Skills". Each level requires magma of different temperatures and five-element spiritual herbs of different years to practice. When the practice reaches the third level of Dzogchen, the physical body will be invulnerable to all laws and possess the power to support The terrifying power of Jutian Palace.

Of course, lifting the Heavenly Palace is definitely an exaggeration, but it is enough to show that after the perfection of this technique, the increase in physical strength will be extremely terrifying.

The body-building secret technique sent by Tai Cang Sect is called "Mysterious Body of Ten Thousand Poisons". Just hearing the name, you know that it is definitely not easy to practice this technique.

When practicing the "Ten Thousand Poison Mysteries", you need to absorb the power of various poisons into the body, circulate in the blood vessels and meridians of the whole body, and temper the body with the poisonous power. If it is not controlled well during practice, The amount, or the operation of the technique is wrong, causing the spread of poison to be uncontrollable, and the result is to be poisoned to death on the spot.

The "Ten Thousand Poison Mysterious Body" is divided into three levels. After it is cultivated, the body will be invulnerable to all poisons, and the muscles and bones will be as tough as a hundred thousand years of black iron. Even if the Dantian is injured, the brain will be damaged and it will heal quickly. The recovery ability can be said to be extremely terrifying.

These two kinds of body-building skills, one is mainly to enhance one's own strength, and the other is mainly to enhance one's own ability to heal injuries. It can be said that each has its own characteristics. Considering the abnormal training requirements, Ye Lin likes them both very much.

Master Xuan Yi saw that Ye Lin seemed to take these two body-building skills seriously, and he knew in his heart that Ye Lin would not take risks casually, and nodded slightly.

"Young man Ye, today happens to be the day when an elder in the sect wakes up. You and I will go to the sect's forbidden ground to meet him. He will leave a mark of perception on you. As long as you stay in the Xunlong Mountain Cultivation World, , once you are in danger, the elderly can come to rescue you in up to thirty breaths! "

When Ye Lin heard this, he suddenly became a little nervous, with some expectation and some anxiety in his heart.

The Supreme Elders of Taixuan Sect are undoubtedly strong men in the Nascent Soul Realm. Each of them has lived for who knows how many years. They are the fundamental foundation of the sect!

Under normal circumstances, these powerful men are practicing or sleeping in the sect's forbidden area. They will take action only when the sect encounters a major crisis that cannot be solved by the power of forming pills.

It is said that the last battle between Nascent Soul warriors in the Xunlong Mountain Cultivation World was fifty years ago. In that battle, the mountains and rivers collapsed, magma spewed out, and every move had the power to destroy the heaven and the earth. With Ye Lin, With his current strength, he might be able to survive a few moves in the hands of a master of Dan formation, but in the eyes of a Nascent Soul master, he is just a slightly stronger ant.

Although most of the high-level monks in Taixuan Sect treat him quite well, Ye Lin has many secrets in his body, and when he meets a strong Nascent Soul master, he is naturally a little worried and guilty.

If some old immortal guy starts to pry, I'm afraid that neither the master nor the senior sister will be able to protect him.

Seeing Ye Lin being so uneasy, Master Xuan Yi seemed to have noticed something and said with a smile: "Young man Ye, you don't have to worry too much. Don't forget that Elder Sun's master is still in a certain cave in the forbidden area. That is to say, your master had already reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul before he passed the critical stage of life and death."

"As long as nothing happens to his old man for a day, you don't need to be too afraid of the other Supreme Elders in the sect. After all, the cultivation of the other Supreme Elders is still in the early stage of Nascent Soul. This is a shock in terms of strength."

"Furthermore, our Taixuanmen are all well-known and upright people. Although the Taishang elders may not necessarily be very gentle in character, they will definitely not peep into the secrets of a junior. In this life, they have basically lost the ability to enter the out-of-body period. Any hope and thought in this life is just to preserve the sect’s inheritance and maintain the general stability of the people in the Xunlong Mountain Range.”

"From this perspective, as long as you don't fall into the devil's path, they will only benefit you and not harm you."

Ye Lin felt much relieved when he heard this.

He had indeed forgotten that he not only had two backers, his master and sister, but also a great backer who he had never seen before, his master, who was in a state of life and death.

"I didn't expect that this master would have entered the middle stage of Nascent Soul a hundred years ago. His strength is estimated to be ranked high in the entire Xunlong Mountain Cultivation World. Master and senior sister are both good-natured and truly righteous. There will definitely be no big problem with Master’s character, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to teach a disciple with Master’s character.”

Now that he had discovered his invisible backer, Ye Lin became much more courageous. Master Xuan Yi drove his small flying boat, carrying Ye Lin quickly through one layer after another of severe restrictions, and arrived at Taixuan, where Ye Lin had never been. The forbidden area behind the peak.

It was similar to the forbidden area behind the Spirit Beast Peak. Except for the various prohibition seals that were in operation here all the time, there were lush and towering ancient trees. Ye Lin could vaguely see a small farmhouse built in it.

Soon after, Master Xuan Yi took Ye Lin to a waterfall. The waterfall was not big, but the mountain had a huge drop. The clear mountain spring flowed down and flowed into a cold pool.

Xuan Yi Zhenren did not land the flying boat, but flew towards the water flow of the waterfall. When he was about to touch the water flow, he bowed respectfully to the waterfall.

"Master Youquan, Xuan Yi and Ye Lin are here to see you."

Ye Lin also hurriedly bowed respectfully.

As soon as Xuan Yi Zhenren finished speaking, the water flow of the waterfall separated straightly, and an ancient stone door on the wall behind the waterfall opened with a bang. The stone door was dark and bottomless.

An old woman's slow voice came.

"Oh, Xuan Yi and Ye Lin are here? Come in."

The two flew into the cave, and the flying boat shrank. At the same time, the oil lamps on the rock wall burned automatically. Ye Lin and Xuan Yi Zhenren walked along the stone cave all the way in. After walking for about half an hour, Ye Lin estimated that he was almost at the center of Taixuan Peak, and the passage became wider.

What caught his eyes was a long silver-white hair with a light blue glow... It was so long that Ye Lin couldn't see the end for a moment. Ye Lin could clearly feel that each hair contained a great deal of magic power.

Xuanyi Zhenren smiled bitterly. He couldn't step on the hair, and it wasn't good to fly over it. He could only bend down, fold the hair respectfully and neatly in his hands, and lead Ye Lin to continue forward.

After walking about thirty feet, Xuanyi Zhenren's hair was a little unbearable. The two finally came to a hall with oil lamps burning all around. In a coffin in the hall, sat an old woman with wrinkles on her face, white hair, and a thin body.

It was her white hair that spread for dozens of feet. The whole hall was covered with her white hair!

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