Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 277 Two unique bodybuilding skills

Today's weapon refining factories also have the ability to continue to make money, but most of the output is still low-grade magic weapons. However, as the skills of the weapon refining insects increase and the skills of the weapon refining increase, the refined treasures Item levels will also steadily increase.

Ye Lin is very much looking forward to the day when his weapon refining factory will continuously produce powerful magic weapons. Every time the weapon refining furnace is opened, thunder will fall from the sky.

That would make a fortune.

Ye Lin walked to the training ground dedicated to golden-backed man-eating ants again, and saw thousands of golden-backed man-eating ants frantically exercising their bodies, practicing the "Five Elements Vajra Exercise", or lifting rocks the size of houses. Running on the training field, the picture is extremely spectacular.

As an insect cultivator, using insect sea tactics to fight should be his specialty, but Ye Lin rarely uses them. Firstly, it is not necessary, and secondly, he does not have a spiritual insect race suitable for insect sea tactics.

The golden-backed man-eating ants are one of the spiritual insect species that are more suitable for tactical combat in the sea of ​​insects. Ye Lin has been preparing for this after he hatched the golden-backed man-eating ants.

Currently, Ye Lin is feeding two golden-backed man-eating ant queens. As long as he has enough spirit stones, two queens can give birth to up to hundreds of thousands of golden-backed man-eating ants every year.

Moreover, these golden-backed man-eating ants raised by Ye Lin are still mutated. Each of them has an extremely strong body and sharp teeth. Once they grow to a large scale, they can be released enough to swallow the sky and the earth. Even monks in the Danjie realm will not be able to face the evil. The swarm of golden-backed man-eating ants could only flee in disgrace.

This is also one of the super trump cards that Ye Lin has been preparing for.

Soon after, Ye Lin appeared next to the retreat room. Standing in front of him were Silkworm One and Two, Xiao Dan, Xiao Shu, and Xiao Hong, the flaming scorpion with a low sense of presence.

These five spiritual insects have all reached the fifteenth level of Qi training, Great Perfection.

"Meet the master!"

The five spirit insects saluted together.

Ye Lin grabbed it in the air, and six top-quality foundation-building pills shining with brilliant five-color brilliance appeared out of thin air in his hand.

"You guys should swallow the Foundation Establishment Pill to achieve the Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment as soon as possible and make full preparations for the trip to the secret realm in two years' time."

"As you command, Master!"

The five spiritual insects all showed fanatical eyes, and each opened their mouths, and five top-quality foundation-building pills flew into their mouths.

With a bang, the top-quality foundation-building pills were swallowed by them, and then each spirit insect found a retreat room to start practicing in seclusion, and began to break through the last bottleneck of refining Qi to foundation-building.

Ye Lin waved his hand, and magic barriers to isolate the breath appeared above each retreat room. This was to prevent the abnormal phenomena of heaven and earth produced when they broke through from affecting the lives of other spiritual insects.

Then, Ye Lin sent five Thousand Silk Spiders who were on the 13th level of Qi training to guard in front of the retreat room to observe the breakthroughs of the five spiritual insects and report to him at any time.

After arranging everything, Ye Lin's consciousness exited the Gujie space.

"There are only two top-quality foundation-building pills left, so Xiaodan must build the foundation as soon as possible and refine the foundation-building pills in batches, otherwise it will be troublesome for other high-level spiritual insects to complete the foundation-building later. thing."

Ye Lin got a total of ten top-quality foundation-building pills from Qin Jin'er. He took one, Xiaobai, Xiaoqiang, and Xiaolan took one each, and there were still six pills left.

Later, he won the first place in the demon-slaying operation and received a top-grade foundation-building pill. Ye Lin originally planned to assign it to Wang Changsheng or Song Lingtian.

As a result, Wang Changsheng said that he didn't need it and hinted that he already had it.

Song Lingtian also said that he did not need it. He said that Ye Lin had the greatest contribution in this demon-slaying operation. The demon-slaying points obtained by one person completely overwhelmed the two of them. It was natural for him to obtain this top-quality foundation-building pill. If he needed it, Jiang relied on his own ability to obtain it, so he began to risk his life to bravely enter the sword pavilion.

Later, Song Lingtian broke into the ninth floor of the sword pavilion and gained the attention of Yuanying Ancestor, who also had no shortage of top-notch foundation-building pills.

It is also a strange thing to say. The outside world is extremely precious, and every top-quality foundation-building pill that can cause chaos and bloodshed seems to have no status as a heavy treasure in front of the three of them.

In addition to the top-grade foundation-building pills, the rewards for being the leader of the Demon-Slaying Gold List also included 300,000 spirit stones and many pill rewards. Ye Lin didn't take any of them, and gave them all to Song Lingtian and Wang Changsheng. It was considered his reward for them. compensate.

During the day, Ye Lin still diligently practiced the "Five Elements Hunyuan Jue". In the evening, Ye Lin and his senior sister had a feast of river fresh food.

The ingredients for this river meal naturally come from the underground river Ye Lin discovered last time, including a crab spirit and a crocodile spirit.

As for the river clam spirit, its body was chopped off by Xiaobai's flying sword and could no longer be eaten.

As a foodie, the senior sister was naturally very happy.

At night, the senior sister wearing a hazy gauze walked into Ye Lin's practice room shyly, and the two began to practice the "Yin Yang Harmony Technique" as usual.

Although dreaming is very wonderful, it requires restraint for practitioners, unless the two people really become Taoist couples and can use the method of dual cultivation.

In this way, time passed quickly during the Qing Xiu period, and five days passed in the blink of an eye.

Many protectors from Tai Cang Sect and many protectors from Tai Chi Sect arrived at Tai Xuan Sect at the same time. Naturally, their purpose was to come for the "Five Elements Hunyuan Jue" that Ye Lin practiced. At the same time, they had each brought a The unique skill of local level body training.

The guardians of the two major sects were warmly received by Xuanyi Zhenren, and soon completed the exchange of skills in Taixuan Hall. The guardians of Taicang Sect and Taiji Sect completed their tasks and did not stay in Taixuan Sect for long. They said goodbye and left together.

Shortly after they left, Xuanyi Zhenren's hearty laughter came from Taixuan Hall, and his face was probably full of smiles.

"Go and tell Ye Lin to come see me."


Not long after, Ye Lin, who was also smiling, walked into the spacious and magnificent Taixuan Hall.

"Ye Lin pays respects to the master!"

Xuanyi Zhenren stroked his beard and smiled: "No need to be polite, Ye boy, you should have understood why you were summoned here, take these two jade slips and keep them."

Two spiritual lights flashed, and Ye Lin grabbed two more jade slips in his hand.

Xuanyi Zhenren said with a slightly serious expression: "It must be said that neither the Taicang Sect nor the Taiji Sect is someone who can afford to suffer a loss. The body-building skills they sent are not gradual and gentle body-building skills. Not only are the training conditions extremely demanding, but the training process is also extremely tormenting. However, the effects and power are extremely strong, and are not much weaker than many earth-level middle-grade skills."

"I think the main reason why these two body-building skills are classified as low-grade earth-level is that they are too dangerous to practice. It is too difficult for ordinary cultivators to practice to the Mahayana realm. If you are not sure, don't try it lightly, otherwise your life may be in danger!"

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