Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 266 Teamwork

As the referee monk gave the order, the three monks of Taiji Sect flew into the duel arena together and stood opposite the three monks of Taixuan Sect.

Among them were Qin Qing, who had easily won two duels, Kang Wenxuan, who was defeated by Ye Lin, and a female monk who had been defeated by Song Lingtian. Ye Lin had a slight impression of her name, which seemed to be Cao Lingxiu.

At this time, the three of them looked at Ye Lin and Song Lingtian with serious expressions. In their eyes, Ye Lin and Song Lingtian were their biggest threats. As long as they defeated the two of them, Han Lingyue alone would not be a problem.

Ye Lin still had a kind smile on his face, which made the three monks of Taiji Sect feel uneasy. They seemed to subconsciously think that Ye Lin was digging a pit for them to jump into.

Kang Wenxuan's mentality was much better than before. After all, after him, Gongsun Yue was also cheated of 300,000 spirit stones. With a brother in distress, his mentality was naturally much more balanced.

Before Ye Lin even spoke, Kang Wenxuan, who had foresight, spoke.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, the three of us have discussed this long ago. We will ignore any of Fellow Daoist Ye's conditions. Next, we just want a fair and just team battle with all our strength!"

Even if Ye Lin wanted to cheat him of spiritual stones, he had no more in his pocket, so he now thought he was invincible.

Ye Lin coughed twice and smiled cordially.

"Fellow Daoist Kang misunderstood. I make money by digging holes based on principles. In the same place and the same method, I usually do it once or twice, but not three or four times. In the next battle, I will naturally go all out. This is also a respect for fellow Daoists!"

Speaking of this, Ye Lin was serious and solemn.

Kang Wenxuan's face turned pale when he heard Ye Lin's words, and he almost spit out blood again. He had seen shameless people, but he had never seen a shameless person like Ye Lin who described cheating people as so noble.

In fact, Ye Lin also wanted to make a little more money. After all, he would never have too much spiritual stones. But as long as the IQ was normal, no matter how good the conditions were, they would not fall into the trap. Even if Kang Wenxuan had character weaknesses, Qin Qing was very smart, and Ye Lin had admired her.

And anyway, Qin Qing was also his friend, and they had a little friendship. Ye Lin did have a principle when it came to cheating people, that is, he would not cheat his friends.

Many monks in the audience also looked strange when they heard Ye Lin's words, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

The referee monk seemed to be a little uncomfortable because Ye Lin did not make conditions before the battle. Seeing that the two sides were ready, he announced loudly: "Please keep a distance of fifty feet between the two sides, salute each other, and the game can begin!"

Suddenly, the three people from Taiji Sect formed a battle formation, with Kang Wenxuan standing at the front, Qin Qing standing at the back, and the delicate and weak Dharma nun Cao Lingxiu standing in the center. The three people quickly retreated.

The Taixuanmen team also formed a battle formation, with Song Lingtian in the front, Han Lingyue in the center, and Ye Lin at the back, also retreating quickly.

Everyone's heart was lifted at this moment.

Although Ye Lin was strong and could overpower the others in individual battles, team battles and individual battles were completely two different concepts. In individual battles of the same level, cooperation was important. There were many spells or other tricks that might not be powerful when released individually, but when released together, their power could change qualitatively.

This was like Xiaobai's Xuanbing cage combined with Xiaolan's explosive fart. If Xiaolan farted alone, it would be easy for the opponent to dodge, but if he was imprisoned by Xiaobai's Xuanbing cage, the possibility of hitting would increase by many times.

The three members of the Taijimen team were all extremely strong, and almost everyone believed that they had the ability to compete with the Taixuanmen team.

"Taixuanmen team!"

"Taijimen team!"

"Please teach me!"

As soon as the two sides finished speaking, the game officially began!

Ye Lin stood on Xiaolan's back at the first moment, and Xiaobai and Xiaolan, who had grown in size, appeared on his left and right. Xiaobai opened his snake mouth, and a cold lightning spurted out of his mouth, turning into an arc of electricity, and shot towards Kang Wenxuan first, while Xiaoqiang's three blood-colored scimitars followed closely behind.

Ye Lin pinched his fingers with one hand and chanted something. Soon after, three mana bonds appeared in his dantian and connected with Xiaolan, Xiaobai, and Xiaoqiang.

The flying sword and blood-colored scimitar that had just flown out also increased their speed sharply, and their momentum was extremely fierce.

While Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang were attacking, Han Lingyue had already begun to prepare large-scale spells according to the tactics discussed before, and Song Lingtian also pinched his fingers with one hand and opened his mouth, and a sharp sword light also shot out, and the speed was even faster than Xiaobai's magic sword blessed by the "Thunder Sword Art".

As a sword immortal, Song Lingtian is naturally good at long-range flying sword attacks, but why does he choose close combat on weekdays? Because once the flying sword is out of hand, the sword immortal is not very proficient in magic, and he loses the means of defense to resist attacks.

Now it is a team battle, Song Lingtian does not need to consider his own protection. When discussing tactics before, he decided to leave the defense to Han Lingyue and Ye Lin's Xiaolan.

Xiaolan also mastered a lot of defensive spells.

In an instant, three blood-red scimitars and two flying swords came to the front of the Taijimen team. Kang Wenxuan and Qin Qing waved their spears together, and the impenetrable spear shadows collided with the flying swords and blood-red scimitars.

For a while, sparks flew in the battle area, and swords and guns clashed several times every breath. The five weapons were unable to break through the joint defense of Kang Wenxuan and Qin Qing. In the constant confrontation, the entire team acted as a whole. One person advanced and everyone advanced, one person retreated and everyone retreated, and the cooperation was quite tacit.

The Taijimen team began to approach the direction of the Taixuanmen team, and Ye Lin had seen Kang Wenxuan waving a gun in one hand and chanting with the other hand, as if he had begun to prepare high-level spells, and Cao Lingxiu, who had not seen any movement, was also obviously preparing large-scale spells.

The intention of the Taijimen team was very obvious. Qin Qing and Kang Wenxuan, two gun cultivators, were best at close combat, while many people in the Taixuanmen team had long-range attack capabilities. If they were constantly consumed by the Taixuanmen team with long-range attacks, it would not take long for Qin Qing and Kang Wenxuan's mana to be exhausted.

So they had to get close to the Taixuanmen team to have a chance of winning.

The leader of the Taixuanmen team was Song Lingtian, who was responsible for the rapid movement. He had been keeping a certain distance from the Taijimen team while Han Lingyue was able to keep up. It was difficult for the Taijimen team to find an opportunity to get close in a short period of time.

"Don't give them the opportunity to release two large attack spells. Use sword energy to attack together and try to break their defense and defeat the most difficult Kang Wenxuan at once. As long as Kang Wenxuan is out, the other two will not be able to resist our attack at all!" Ye Lin sent a voice message to Song Lingtian.


I'm sleepy, I owe a chapter, I'll make it up tomorrow, and add another chapter at the same time

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