Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 265 Individual battle ends, team battle begins

Although Xiaoqiang and Song Lingtian can both use Gengjin sword energy, Song Lingtian's sword energy is obviously more fierce and powerful. However, Xiaoqiang can release Gengjin sword energy and Gengjin knife energy at the same time. The power of this move is much stronger than releasing Gengjin sword energy alone.

After Song Lingtian replenished his mana and Gengjin energy, the second game began. This time, it was a female monk from Taiji who played.

This woman had watched Song Lingtian's game off the court and knew very well that she could not give Song Lingtian a chance to fight in close combat. As soon as she came on the court, she pasted three wind talismans on herself. Song Lingtian seemed to have been prepared and also pasted three wind talismans on himself.

In this way, neither of them had a disadvantage in terms of talismans.

Next, the female cultivator of Taiji Sect successively cast various small instantaneous spells to attack Song Lingtian, not giving him a chance to get close. Song Lingtian could only resist and rely on his body skills to dodge many close combat failures. After several wounds were left on his body, he fell into a bitter battle.

Almost everyone thought that the female cultivator of Taiji Sect had a huge advantage in the scene, and even Ye Lin was worried about Song Lingtian.

As the game went on, Song Lingtian had more and more scars on his body, but none of them hurt his vital parts, and it seemed that his ability to move was not affected much. Song Lingtian didn't know what secret method he practiced. The more wounds he had, the faster his body movement became. The female cultivator of Taiji Sect was constantly releasing small spells, and her mana slowly began to run out.

In the end, Song Lingtian successfully approached the female cultivator of Taiji Sect when she was replenishing her mana and was unable to cast spells in time to stop him. The sword beams broke through the woman's mana shield, and the woman had no choice but to admit defeat.

In this way, Song Lingtian actually won both games, winning four points for Taixuan Sect, and the total score of Taixuan Sect was eight points. The other two major sects still had no points. This start was something no one had dreamed of.

But the good times didn't last long.

Han Lingyue's game began.

Her opponents were Shangguan Wei, who was extremely good at fire spells, and Qin Qing, who was good at guns and body movements.

Han Lingyue's first battle was against Shangguan Wei, who was a little less famous.

Both of them were magic cultivators, and one was good at fire magic, and the other was good at ice magic. They were incompatible. After the battle, relying on the powerful cultivation of the middle stage of foundation building, Han Lingyue successfully suppressed Shangguan Wei with a dazzling array of small ice magics, but Shangguan Wei was not panicked at all, and she defended with ease.

Although Han Lingyue could suppress Shangguan Wei, she could not break her various defensive spells, so Han Lingyue decided to take the risk of preparing large spells to break through Shangguan Wei's defense and defeat her.

Unexpectedly, Shangguan Wei had already completed the Xuan-level top-grade spell to summon a red fire dragon for him to control. It turned out that Shangguan Wei could do two things at the same time, releasing defensive spells to resist attacks while preparing large spells early.

Facing the attack of the Red Fire Dragon, Han Lingyue could only grit her teeth and defend herself. At the same time, she also tried to use the spellcasting technique of multitasking, but her talent in this aspect seemed to be inferior to Shangguan Wei. Before the large-scale spells were ready, the Red Fire Dragon broke through the defense and she was defeated.

Since then, Taicang Sect has gained two points.

Han Lingyue's second match was against Qin Qing, which was also the fastest duel. Qin Qing didn't know when she had practiced the Mizo Step to the state of great perfection. Her body skills were superb. Han Lingyue's various spells were easily dodged by Qin Qing like a ghost. In less than five breaths of fighting, Qin Qing's spear had already begun to attack Han Lingyue's mana shield.

Han Lingyue had no choice but to give up the attack and focus on defense, but Qin Qing's spear skills were extremely sharp. Han Lingyue's defensive spells could not be resisted at all. Soon, she was held at the center of her eyebrows with a spear, and she had no choice but to admit defeat.

Taiji Sect gained two points in this way.

At this point, the individual battle of Taixuan Sect has completely ended. Han Lingyue was ashamed after leaving the field. She kept biting her red lips and didn't say a word. It was obvious that her confidence had been greatly hit.

She originally thought that she was the strongest among the three participating monks, but cruelly discovered that she was the weakest. Ye Lin and Song Lingtian both got full marks, while she got zero marks.

For this reason, Ye Lin and Song Lingtian also comforted her, but this woman just smiled bitterly and shook her head, looking ashamed to see people.

Next, the three monks of Taicang Sect drew lots once each, and the opponents were the three monks of Taiji Sect. Ye Lin had no pressure watching this kind of game, and he really watched while eating melon seeds.

At the beginning, Gongsun Yue drew Qin Qing. The whole game process was simply a replica of the game between Qin Qing and Han Lingyue. Gongsun Yue's various spells were almost non-threatening under Qin Qing's ghostly and mysterious steps. Soon, all kinds of defensive means were broken by Qin Qing, and he had no choice but to admit defeat.

In the second round, Shangguan Wei drew Kang Wenxuan, whom Ye Lin had defeated before. During the healing period, Kang Wenxuan seemed to have been educated by his master Hao Yuan and became much more calm. Once the battle started, he relied on his magic and powerful spear skills to suppress Shangguan Wei, who could only use defensive spells to barely resist the attack.

Although he still used the method of multitasking to summon the red fire dragon, even this red fire dragon was killed and defeated by Kang Wenxuan soon after. Shangguan Wei's magic power was quickly exhausted and she had no choice but to admit defeat.

In the third round, the male cultivator of Taicang Sect who was good at swordsmanship fought against the female cultivator of Taiji Sect who was good at magic. In the end, the female cultivator of Taiji Sect was better and defeated the male cultivator of Taicang Sect.

In this way, the individual competition has been completely over.

Taixuan Sect has a total score of 8 points and is temporarily at the top of the list.

Taiji Sect has a total score of 8 points, ranking second temporarily.

Taicang Sect has a total score of 2 points, ranking third temporarily.

The most unhappy are naturally the monks of Taicang Sect, but even so, Taicang Sect has not completely lost hope. As long as the Taicang Sect team can win once in the team battle, there is still a possibility of winning the second place. If they can win two consecutive team battles, they can still win the first place, but the difficulty is really not small.

An hour after the individual competition ended, with the referee monk's shout, the team battle of this territory battle officially began.

"According to the rules of the competition, please ask the third place Taixuan Sect team in the last territory battle to come on stage to draw lots to determine the order of the team battle!"

At this time, Han Lingyue seemed to be in a much better mood because she saw that no one won in the second round of individual battles of Taicang Sect. She felt that she didn't seem to be the worst existence. After all, she still had Ye Lin and Song Lingtian to hug. On the other hand, two monks of Taicang Sect got zero points.

The three of them had already re-planned their tactics off the stage. Han Lingyue would be responsible for assistance and defense, while Ye Lin and Song Lingtian would be responsible for offense. The core force of their team was, of course, Ye Lin.

As Ye Lin and the other two came on stage, the cheers of the monks were heard again. The loudest cheers were naturally from the Taixuan Sect's viewing area.

A beautiful maid brought a jade plate with two jade slips on it.

Ye Lin picked up one of the jade slips and turned it over. It was written on it: Taiji Sect.

In this way, the order of the team battle was determined.

In the first game, Taixuan Sect vs. Taiji Sect.

In the second game, Taixuan Sect vs. Taicang Sect.

In the third game, Taicang Sect vs. Taiji Sect.

"Please invite the Taiji Sect team to enter!"

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