Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 262 Thunderbolt and Wind Spell

This is the Xuan-level high-grade spell that Gongsun Yue is most proficient in, the Thunderbolt Technique.

Although the Thunderbolt Technique and the Hard Thorn Technique are both high-grade Xuan-level spells, the Thunderbolt Technique is a large-scale spell, while the Thunderbolt Technique and Xiaobai's Thunderbolt Technique are both small-scale spells. Casting large-scale spells consumes more mana. The spell takes longer and its power is extremely terrifying. The small spell consumes less mana, takes a short time to recite the spell, and is relatively weak in power.

After successfully condensing a hundred-foot-wide thundercloud, Gongsun Yue's face was slightly pale, but his eyes were very excited, and he seemed to think that victory was in sight.

The moment the black clouds formed, he waved his feather fan and pointed at Ye Lin.

Only a "bang" was heard.

I saw several thick electric arcs erupting from the thunder clouds and shooting at the fast-moving Ye Lin. Ye Lin seemed to turn a blind eye, still smiling, and calmly cast the Xuan-level high-grade magic wind movement on himself.

Ye Lin, who was blessed by the wind movement technique, had a green light on his body and could ride on the wind. His speed increased dramatically. In a flash, he avoided the thunder bombardment, and three large black holes appeared on the ground.

Gongsun Yue gritted his teeth and pointed at Ye Lin's figure. The black cloud spit out thunder and lightning and shot down. Ye Lin tilted his body and avoided the thunder blast again.

Gongsun Yue couldn't help but feel so angry that his teeth were itching. He already held a high-grade spiritual stone in his hand and was rapidly absorbing the spiritual power from the spiritual stone to convert it into mana.

"What a wind movement technique. The wind is ethereal and invisible. It can indeed effectively avoid thunder bombardment. However, the mana consumption of using the wind movement technique is huge. It depends on whether your mana is long in the early stage of foundation building, or whether my mana is stronger in the middle stage of foundation building. long!"

Gongsun Yue began to increase the frequency of waving the feather fan, while Ye Lin also held a high-grade spiritual stone in his hand and dodged left and right, constantly wandering on the edge of the thunder, but he was able to escape thrillingly every time.

For a moment, the game between the two seemed to be in a stalemate. Gongsun Yue used thunder to bombard Ye Lin, but could not touch half of his hair. Ye Lin also continued to bless himself with wind skills, and could no longer use other offensive spells to counterattack. , and every time he wanted to get close to Gongsun Yue, Gongsun Yue would distance himself while summoning thunder to repel Ye Lin.

Amidst the constant thunder and explosions, the competition platform has been bombarded by thunder with hundreds of black holes. Many monks who were watching the competition closer to the competition platform had their ears buzzing and their hearts were raised.

It seems that this battle will be decided in this way.

Whoever runs out of mana first will be defeated.

At the VIP table, the heads of the three sects also looked at the very anxious scene in front of them.

Master Haoyuan has returned to his former state of mind and chuckles: "I wonder who of the two fellow Taoists think the magic power is longer?"

Master Cangming, who had previously ignored him, spoke first.

"Of course it's Gongsun Yue from our sect. Not only is Gongsun Yue's cultivation higher, he also has the assistance of a high-grade spiritual weapon, the Thunder Fan. Every time he summons thunder to attack, he can save a lot of mana and at the same time enhance the power of thunder. I have to admit that Ye Lin is somewhat confident in daring to make such a bet, but in the end he is a little too conceited.”

Master Cangming was naturally in a good mood at this time. She believed that Gongsun Yueyou had many advantages as he continued to fight, and he had a good chance of winning.

Master Haoyuan stroked his beard.

"I think so too, but we don't know Ye Lin very well. My friend Xuan Dao knows him better than we do. Maybe he has other cards in his hand."

Master Xuan Yi was also a little anxious at this time.

He doesn't know Ye Lin very well either.

However, seeing that Ye Lin still didn't have a panic look on his face, instead he was strolling leisurely, with no obvious signs of exhaustion of mana, he said calmly: "This kid is usually mysterious, and his master is also crazy. If you don't fight, In the end, it’s still hard to draw a conclusion.”

After another ten breaths, the situation on the competition stage seemed to have changed.

I saw that Gongsun Yue's face was getting paler, and the frequency of summoning thunder to bombard Ye Lin was slowing down at a speed visible to the naked eye. However, Ye Lin's face was still rosy as usual, seemingly unhurried, not impatient, and looking at him with a smile on his face. With Gongsun Yue.

Everyone was shocked.

Ye Lin really lasted longer than Gongsun Yue. How could this be possible? On normal days, no one would believe this unreasonable scene, but at this time, it happened under their noses.

Ye Lin smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist Gongsun, your magic power is about to be exhausted. Don't force it, so as not to damage the meridians and Dantian. A real man must be able to fight for a long time!"

When Gongsun Yue heard this, he felt anxious and angry. Ye Lin's magic power seemed to be endless, and it seemed that it was really inexhaustible, but there was not much magic power left in his Dantian.

It's okay that he wasn't in a hurry, but when he got anxious, he felt his Dantian shrinking. This was due to his violent mobilization of mana, but the Dantian was no longer able to supply it, and there was a sharp pain that made his eyesight go dark.

At this time, Gongsun Yue shouted in his heart that something was wrong.

But just at this moment, he felt a chill in his anus.


A steel thorn rose into the sky.

Gongsun Yue reacted quite quickly and staggered to avoid the blow, but the next moment, he saw Ye Lin's smiling face growing in front of his eyes.

Then Ye Lin grabbed his neck like a chicken and showed an evil smile.

Gongsun Yue poured the remaining mana into his body, and his strength suddenly increased greatly. However, no matter how hard he struggled, Ye Lin's hand remained as motionless as steel.

"Since you still don't want to admit defeat, then... let's see whether your body is harder or my steel spike is sharper!"


A black steel spike suddenly sprang out from the ground again.

Gongsun Yue was so scared that his soul was about to die that he shouted out in surprise.

"I admit defeat!"

At this time, the steel spike was less than two inches away from his butt.

Ye Lin smiled and moved Gongsun Yue off the steel spike and placed him on the ground, then bowed to him very kindly.

"Gongsun Daoist! Thank you for letting me win!"

The referee monk also looked at Ye Lin in surprise, and then announced loudly.

"Taixuan Sect, Ye Lin wins!"

"Taixuan Sect gets two points, a total of four points!"

Even though the referee monk had favored Gongsun Yue before, he didn't expect that the final winner would still be Ye Lin.

"This boy is really terrifying. I don't know what secret method he has practiced to quickly recover his mana. He defeated Gongsun Yue, who was in the middle stage of foundation building, with his strength of early stage foundation building without driving spirit insects to fight." He also cast two Xuan-level upper-grade spells. When did Xuan-level upper-grade spells become so easy to comprehend? Ye Lin has only been building his foundation for a few years. According to common sense, it would be difficult to spend most of his time comprehending a Xuan-level upper-grade spell. Could it be that Ye Lin's comprehension is far beyond that of ordinary people?"

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