Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 261 Jumping into the pit

Ye Lin actually wanted to propose another bonus.

Anyone with a normal IQ would know that they must have dug a sinkhole to wait for Gongsun Yue to jump, and Ye Lin had just successfully dug a sinkhole to kill Kang Wenxuan in the late stage of foundation building in front of tens of thousands of people.

In fact, Ye Linkai's conditions are already very tempting.

If it weren't for Kang Wenxuan's warning, Gongsun Yue would have almost no need to think about it. He would have jumped into the pit with his eyes closed, but now he was frightened. He just stood next to the sinkhole and looked inside, feeling that he would not be able to climb out if he jumped in. come out.

But if you don't agree...

He didn't even have to wait until after the game. He had already heard some monks in the viewing area laughing at him.

Anyway, as spectators, if Gongsun Yue wins, they will definitely enjoy it. If Gongsun Yue loses to Ye Lin, they will not lose half of the spiritual stone.

"Ye Lin is too arrogant. As we all know, Ye Lin's main profession is insect cultivation, and he only knows a little bit about physical cultivation and magic. Without spiritual insects, what can he do? It is difficult to fight against the early-stage foundation-building monks of the humane foundation-building. Gongsun Yue Shouldn’t he even dare to take this risk? Is he still a man?”

"A rational analysis shows that if Gongsun Yue does not agree to Ye Lin's conditions, the chance of winning is less than 1%. If he agrees, the chance of winning will be at least 80-90%. Not only can he gain two points for Taicang Sect, but also Earn 300,000 spirit stones in vain, take this risk and earn in blood, if I absolutely agree."

"Senior Brother Gongsun, please agree quickly. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to score. Ye Lin is probably too conceited. We must educate him!"

In Gongsun Yue's mind, two completely different ideas were constantly competing. In the end, he bit the bullet and said: "Since fellow Taoist Ye is so elegant, I will sacrifice my life to accompany you, and I will add 300,000 spiritual stones as a bonus. I hope Fellow Daoist Ye can keep his promise and not use any spiritual insects in the next battle, not even in indirect combat or to assist Fellow Daoist Ye in combat!"

When Ye Lin heard this, his smile became even more cordial.

"A gentleman's word is hard to follow. Moreover, it was a promise made in front of tens of thousands of righteous Taoist friends. Ye must abide by it. If the Taoist friends next see the leg hair of Ye's spirit insect, Ye will immediately admit defeat! "

As he spoke, Ye Lin counted thirty pieces of high-grade spiritual stones and handed them over to the refereeing monks.

Gongsun Yue was overjoyed when he heard this. He also counted thirty high-grade spiritual stones and gave them to the refereeing monks.

It has to be said that Ye Lin estimated his net worth very accurately. If he was asked to take 350,000 spiritual stones, he would not be able to get it at once.

In fact, Gongsun Yue didn't agree to Ye Lin's conditions because he couldn't save his face, but he was really moved by Ye Lin's conditions. Ye Lin didn't have the spiritual worms, but he was still in the early stages of foundation building. He analyzed it rationally and decided that he was about to Having reached the late stage of foundation building, he had no reason to lose to Ye Lin.

"This Ye Lin can't be a fool. Since he dares to put forward such conditions, he must have some reliance, but he must have just won Kang Wenxuan. His confidence is inflated and he is a little conceited. I have to save 300,000 spirit stones. For more than ten years, if you don’t make money, you won’t make money, so I accept taking some risks!”

After a series of rational analyses, Gongsun Yue jumped into the sinkhole dug by Ye Lin.

The referee monk, who had collected another six hundred thousand spirit stones, frowned slightly.

Why has this territorial war turned into a gambling battle? It seems that fighting for the sect is no longer the focus, but fighting for the spiritual stone is the real meaning.

He took a deep look at Ye Lin and Gongsun Yue.

"Since both of you have mutually confirmed the conditions for each other to win, you can now keep a distance of fifty feet, salute each other, and the game can begin!"

Ye Lin and Gongsun Yue immediately retreated quickly.

"Tai Xuan Sect, Ye Lin!"

"Taicangmen, Gongsun Yue!"

"Please enlighten me!"

Everyone's eyes widened again, staring at the competition stage with great excitement.

The time race had just begun. Gongsun Yue and Ye Lin were making seals at the same time, muttering something to each other.

A feather fan with constant electric arcs appeared in Gongsun Yue's hand. Judging from the breath, this feather fan turned out to be a high-grade spiritual weapon, which should be able to provide blessings for thunder spells.

Almost at the same time, the two figures moved quickly on the competition stage, but they both consciously kept a certain distance.

Ye Lin's purpose of moving was naturally to avoid the opponent's long-range spell attacks, while Gongsun Yue's purpose of moving was because he was afraid that Ye Lin would fight him with exaggerated physical melee combat, so he had to keep a safe distance.

According to the intelligence data, Gongsun Yue is a very powerful magic cultivator in the Taicang Sect. He has mastered one high-grade Xuan-level spell, two middle-grade Xuan-level spells, and multiple low-grade Xuan-level spells.

Ye Lin, on the other hand, had only cast some spells in an exchange competition with Tai Cang Sect's rookie disciples many years ago. He was far from proficient in spells, but his physical skills had left a deep impression on many people.

Therefore, Gongsun Yue immediately concluded that Ye Lin's physical body must be very successful, and he would use his powerful physical body to fight him in this competition.

But seeing that Ye Lin had no intention of getting closer, Gongsun Yue frowned slightly and thought to himself, could it be that Ye Lin was really proficient in magic?

At this moment, Ye Lin pointed at Gongsun Yue with his other hand!



Gongsun Yue felt a coldness under his buttocks, and he quickly sped up a few minutes. He saw black thorns one foot high growing out of the ground, and the bottom of each thorn was about the same size as a pillar.

This is a high-grade earth-type Xuan-level spell. The Hard Thorn Technique is an upgraded version of the Ground Thorn Technique. Its penetrating ability is naturally far greater than that of the Ground Thorn Technique. If you are caught off guard, you are likely to be skewered.

Gongsun Yue was horrified.

Didn't we agree that Ye Lin is an insect cultivator, and is slightly proficient in physical skills, but not proficient in spells? How to start with it is a high-grade Xuan-level spell, and judging from the size of the steel thorn, Ye Lin's magic power is extremely powerful. He doesn't look like an ordinary early-stage foundation-building monk at all.

Ye Lin's eyes kept shining with khaki light, and he kept pointing at Gongsun Yue. Every time he pointed, a huge steel thorn would shoot out from under Gongsun Yue's butt, but every time Gongsun Yue managed to avoid it in advance. .

"Lightning and thunder, as urgent as the law!"

After escaping for a few breaths, Gongsun Yue finally completed the process of casting a high-grade Xuan-level spell. He saw the thunderous light of the feather fan in his hand shine brightly. He pointed at the sky and immediately saw large swaths of dark clouds covering the entire place. The competition stage was completely enveloped.

The originally bright competition platform suddenly became dark, and it felt as if a huge mountain was about to press down at any moment. In the black clouds, electric arcs were constantly beating and flashing, which seemed to contain great power.

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